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教师集体备课教案Unit 3 Shopping at a Store一、教学目标1、知识与技能:学会用选择疑问句,形容词的比较级和最高级,学习有关购物的表达方式。 2、过程与方法:采用先学后教的教学方法,创设真实的生活情境,营造宽松的学习氛围,设计多种形式的练习活动,鼓励学生大胆运用自学、合作、以生代师。充分调动他们积极性。3、情感态度与价值观:引导学生在各种情景中运用购物情境中的相关表达,更好地体现语言的交际功能和交际策略,如:How much is it? That shirt looks good on you等。二、重点难点:重点词汇:shirt purple gray try on too small bigger biggest look good重点句式:Which do you like better ,the purple one or the gray one?I like the purple one better How much is it? That shirt looks good on you。三、教学准备:磁带,录音机,单词卡片。四、课时安排:第5课时五、教学流程:第一课时 Step1、 Warm up Greeting打招呼。结合上节课的学习内容与实际情况,展开情境真实且与本课内容紧密相关的对话语,示例:T:You look beautiful today. I think your shirt is very nice. S:Thanks. I like this shirt very much.Step2 、 Presentation学生自学:结合本课的学习内容,通过颜色和不同衣服的名称引导学生更好地进入新知识的学习。Lets Jion the Chant 在学唱Chat的过程中,教师应将主要的单词和句子板书在黑板上,或者准备一些单词及句型卡片,点明自学目标。小组合作 : Lets Have Fun 1听A、Look and listen 中的Dialong了解本课学习内容后合作学习。用学到新单词看图理解对话并译成汉语教师讲解: Language notes Which do you like better - or -?为选择疑问句,要求对方在两者中选择其一作出回答。(I like better)Into :进入到之内 Can I 我可以吗?(用于征求对方的意见) the purple one = the purple (shirt)of course,sure:当然可以,当然(语气较强)Step3、Practice以生代师:1、学唱Chant,2、Read Write and say 激励评价:对读的;汇报好的同学及小组给予积极的评价Step4、Production 当堂训练: 1、朗读单词,背诵重点句式2、Listen and write六、板书设计:Unit 3 Shopping at a StoreWhich do you like better-or -? I like better. 教师备注及反思年级:六年学科:英语主备曹艳秋教师集体备课教案一、课时安排:第二课时二、教学流程:Step1 、Warm up 1、Greeting打招呼。 2、Review 检查确认预听磁带的情况。Step2、 Presentation学生自学:Lets Practice 1 中的单词:shirt purple gray try on用学到新单词看图理解对话并译成汉语小组合作: 看Look and listen部分的四幅图与学生进行交流讨论。合作学习、教师指导:教师讲解重点句式和疑难问题:1、 注意选择疑问句的语调变化。2、 比较级3、 示例:Which do you like better A or B? I like A better. Which do you like better, apples or pears ? Step3、Practice以生代师:1、Follow the leader(组长领读)2、利用多种方式反复练习Chant激发学生的学习兴趣。3、组长带领同组成员观察、讲解并归纳选择疑问句用法激励评价:对读的;汇报好的同学及小组给予积极的评价Step4、Production 课堂练习1、Listen to the tape and speak 2、PracticeA、listen and learn some more B、listen and choose the correct C、Read and number the picture3、购物的相关表达。Do you have? 你有 吗?May I look around? 我可以四处看看嘛?Its too tight here.这儿太紧张了。Its too loose here.这儿太松了。Its just (It fits)正好。(正合适)Its so expensive.太贵了。Step5、Sum up 1、总结本节课的学习内容2、作业3、道别语三、板书设计:Unit 3 Shopping at a StoreWhich do you like better, apples or pears ? Which do you like better, math or art ? Which do you like better, monkey or cat ? I like A better. 年级:六年学科:英语主备曹艳秋教师集体备课教案一、课时安排:第三课时二、教学流程:Step1 、Warm up ,结合本课学习内容开展形式多样的热身活动。1、Sing a song :Who is wearing yellow today?2、Review 检查确认预听磁带的情况。Step2 Presentation学生自学: Lets have fun 21、检查学生的预习情况。1)听录音,自学单词2)用学到新单词看图理解对话并译成汉语小组合作: 2、看Look and listen 部分的四幅图,和学生进行交流讨论。1)What did Xiaoxiao buy? 2) How much is Xiaoxiaos shirt?教师指导:教师讲解重点句式和疑难问题:对比学习形容词的原级、比较级和最高级,形容词的比较级是在单词的后面加-er,形容词的最高级是在单词的后面加-est。形容词比较级及最高级做定语时,放在所修饰的名词的前面,做表语时,放在系动词之后。Ill take it.我买了。look good on 看起来同很相配。Step3、Practice 以生代师:1、Follow the leader(组长领读)2、Listen to the tape and speak 3、Read the text and finish 激励评价:对读的;汇报好的同学及小组给予积极的评价Step4、Production 课堂练习 : 4、Practice 1、Listen to the tape and speak 2、Read the text and finish 3、Read Write and say Step5、Sum up 1、总结本节课的学习英文句子。2、作业(完成练习册中本课对应的部分)3、道别语三、板书设计: Unit 3 Shopping at a StoreWhich river is the longest in China ?Which country is the biggest in the world? Which animal is bigger ,pandas or bears?年级:六年学科:英语主备曹艳秋教师集体备课教案一、课时安排:第四课时二、教学流程:Step1 、Warm up 1、Greeting打招呼。2、Review 3、Warm upStep2 Presentation 学生自学:看图听录音自学对话,翻译汉语小组合作:联系学生实际,开展句型练习活动,激发学生学习的兴趣。1) 学生以小组形式,在规定时间内同同样的单词组合成不同的句子。2) 组合句子数量最多的一组获胜。 教师指导:教师讲解重点句式和疑难问题: 1、选择疑问句2、比较级、最高级Step3、Practice以生代师:1、Follow the leader(组长领读)2、Listen to the tape and speak 3、Read the text and finish 4、Read Write and say (汇报)激励评价:对读的;汇报好的同学及小组给予积极的评价Step4、Production 课堂练习 :1、Practice A、listen and learn some more B、listen and choose the thing for the kidC、Read and choose the sentence for the empty bubble。2、在充分练习和整理学习内容的前提下,通过Work in groups.进行整理。以小组汇报的形式展开调查结果。Question Friend 1Friend 2Friend 3Which rive is the longes in China ?Which country is th biggest in the world? Which animals is bigge ,pandas or bears?三、板书设计:Unit 3 Shopping at a Storetoo small look goodbig-bigger-biggestsmall-smaller-smallest教师集体备课教案一、课时安排:第五课时二、教学流程:Step1、 Warm up 1、Greeting2、Review 3、Warm upStep2 、Presentation学生自学: 1,Lets join the chant2、学生
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