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,Shanghai area environmental research report 上海地区环境研究报告,biome,subtropical monsoon climate 亚热带季风气候,Shanghai belongs to the subtropical zone enjoying a humid monsoon climate. Climate characteristics: a cold and dry winter and hot and rainy summer. The autumn is relatively shorter in the four seasons.,1)temperature Shanghai is subtropical monsoon climate, four distinct seasons, the full sunshine, with plenty of rainfall, the average temperature around 16 degrees Celsius. 年平均气温地区差异小,市区年平均气温为16.2,位于北部的崇明最低,为15.4,其它区在15.616.0之间。最热月(7月)平均气温为27.227.9,市区最高,崇明最低;最冷月(1月)平均气温为3.44.3,市区最高,崇明最低。,2)rainfall 上海平均年降水量在10981190毫米之间,市区降水量最多,位于北部的崇明降水量最少,地区分布大体呈现以市区为中心、由南向北减少的趋势。降水量的60%左右集中在59月,6月的降水量最多,在172188毫米之间,12月降水量最少,为3241毫米。,3)wind 上海地区的年平均风速以崇明最大为3.7米/秒,市区最小为2.8米/秒,其它各区在3.03.6米/秒之间。 上海地处东南沿海,受季风影响明显,全市除浦东新区以东北偏北风最多外,其它均以东南偏东到东南风最多。风的季节变化明显,38月盛行东南偏东风,910盛行东北风,11月次年2月盛行西北偏北风。,4) sunlight 日照时数是指太阳实际照射到地面的时数,其长短受云雾、阴雨等天气条件和遮蔽状况而定。 上海全年日照时数为18252080小时,地理分布特点呈现出西南向东北递增的趋势,青浦为全年日照最少的地区,最多的为川沙。,Climate and vegetation 气候与植被,亚热带季风气候的植物是亚热带常绿阔叶林。 壳斗科、樟科、山茶科、木兰科和金缕梅科等是常绿阔叶林中的主要树种。典型的常绿阔叶林中的树木通常具有樟科植物的特征,叶片革质全缘、表面光。 面常迎向阳光照射的方向,因此,常绿阔叶林又有照叶林之称。典型的有樟树,茶树,柑橘树、甘蔗等等,受纬度因素影响,位于亚热带与温带交接处的上海植被确切来说是落叶阔叶混交林地带。,ecological problem 生态问题,ecological problem 生态问题,climate change(global warming) water quality-induced water shortage scarce land resources because of population pressure economy developed too fast that has been threatening the ecosystem,climate change(global warming) 上海东临太平洋,全世界最大的海洋,随着全球气候变暖,倘若我们不及时采取措施保护环境防止事态恶化,上海很有可能被海水淹没。,water quality-induced water shortage 上海人口基数大,人口密度高。虽然有丰富的海水资源,但还是面临严重的水质性缺水。水污染与水浪费加剧了淡水资源缺乏问题。,scarce land resources because of population pressure 随着改革开放发展,经济迅速增长,人口越来越密集,自然环境压力增大,土地资源供不应求,加重生态环境的压力。,economy developed too fast that has been threatening the ecosystem 现代城市化进程加快,一座座高楼拔地而起,一座座山林夷为平地,森林生态系统与湿地生态系统 的破坏降低了城市自身的气候调节能力。,Eco Design Fair Spring 2012,On Saturday, April 14, 2012, the Eco Design Fair brought to Shanghai South Bund a full day of exhibits and activities for visitors to learn about green and healthy living, and seeking earth-friendly alternatives in fashion, food, energy, transportation, wellness, home, gardening, finance and more. The theme of the Eco Design Fair this season is Explore, Create and Grow. The root of all inspiration comes from exploration that in turn enthuses creation and enables us to grow. The Eco Design Fair exists primarily to inspire and grow our eco consciousness for better living and a greener tomorrow.,
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