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1. Would_(任何人)like some gum?2. I can go _(任何地方)I want.3. Congratulations- thats_(极好的)news!4. Ive only got a dollar and a_(很少的,少数的)cents left. Im poor.5. _(大部分)of the balls are white,but one of them is red.6. Is_(某些事情)troubling her?7. Theres _(没有东西)in this box.8. _(每个人)in the world should care about the planet.9. I know how to use the toilet all by _(我自己)10. You can do it_(你自己)and save money.11. I want to keep a _(母鸡)so I can eat fresh eggs.12. Judging from the clouds, it_(似乎,好像)that it will rain.13. How can you be _(无聊的)by something as interesting as ancient history.14. If you maintain a _(日记)you are likely to remember everything.15. Biking is an exercise _(活动)16. There are so many choices. How can I _(决定)on just one.17. No,this shoe doesnt fit. Let me _(尝试)another one.18. The boy_(想要)eating the ice cream.19. We will ride_(自行车)up to the mountain.20. In this modern city center, every_(建筑物,大楼)looks the same.21. _(商人)set out to do business in the morning.22. The Great Pyramids are one of the_(奇迹)of the ancient world.23. There are many_(差别,不同之处)between men and women. 24. He was happy to finally make it to the_(顶部).25. Even though he was already one hour late, she still decided to_(等待)for him.26. The dog uses an _(伞)to block the sun.27. Be careful, dont slip on the_(湿的)floor.28. I got sick_(因为)the cold and the rain.29. Look at all the little people_(在.之下)30. I think Ive done _(足够的)work today- Im going home.31. Im_(饥饿的)do you have anything else to eat after I finish this?32. Lets run to the top of those green_(小山)33. He really_(不喜欢,厌恶)vegetables. Give him something sweet.34. He is_(焊接)together the two pieces of metal.35. The beautiful princess lived in a big pink_(宫殿)36. We hired a maid to do the _(家务活)because we are all too lazy to do it ourselves.37. Youre only eating a few nuts? I would_(几乎不)call that dinner!38. I cant believe that I was_(曾经)that fat!39. Ive already told you_(一次)not to disturb me-watch out, because I wont tell you twice.40. Suddenly, lighting struck-not just once, but_(两次)41. I guess you must be looking at this on the_(互联网)right now.42. My new tablet comes loaded with many different_(程序)43. After a long day of work, I enjoy a tall glass _(满的)of delicious, cold beer.44. He_(摇摆)in the forest from tree to tree.45. Shes thinking that_(可能,大概,也许)shes ready for a baby.46. We have go for the_(最少)expensive wedding we can manage.47. I dont need any of this_(破烂)48. Not only have I lost weight from diet and exercise, but I have also improved my_(健康)49. An A is the best possible_(结果)50. Overall, sales increased by about 30 _(百分比)51. I put my family photos_(在线,在网上)to share with my friends.52. He decided to buy a green_(电视机)because it looked cool.53. She kept smoking and drinking wine_(尽管)she was pregnant.54. Here is a hard question for you: are your_(头脑,精神)and your brain the same thing?55. I dont like to spend my time with_(那样的)women.56. She mixes many different kinds of fruits, _(例如)bananas and apples, into her smoothies.57. This place is even more beautiful to me because were here_(一起)58. Look how many people_(死亡)in war.59. I never became a_(作家)for the money. I just love to write.60. The_(牙医)cleans my teeth.61. I like to read _(杂志)about fashion and celebrities.62. I fixed the problems on your computer,_(然而)I found some other problems.63. In this bar graph, each bar is higher_(比)the last.64. I_(几乎,差不多)beat him in the race.65. She asked how much money I had, and I had to say, _(没有)66. It seems that every day I have_and_(更少的,越来越少的)money.67. I weigh much_(少于)I used to!68. Make sure your pencils have a sharp_(点,尖端)69. She is very friendly and_(外向的)70. Im_(更好的)than the others!71. Who is going to win this_(竞赛)72. The moon looks_(极好的)tonight-look at how huge it is!73. I hope our team_(赢)the World Cup!74. _(虽然)the turtle is slower than the rabbit, he still won the race.75. The little girl is so_(天资高的)-I love her paintings.76. He must_(真实地)love you if he gave you flowers.77. They will take good_(照
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