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三年级下册英语第13周双休作业姓名: 班别: 一、想一想,选一选。 ( )1.Do you like _? A.watermelon B.watermelons C.watermelones ( ) 2. Where is the monkey? Look, its _the zoo. A.on B.under C.in ( ) 3.Thanks, mom . Bye .Bye._. A.Nice B.Have a good time ( )4._you in the toy box? A.are B.Are C. Is ( )5. Here you are . _. A.Thanks B.Sure C.No. ( )6.How many_ can you see? I can see 11. A. orange B.oranges C.an orange ( )7. I have _orange. A.a B.an C./ ( )8. is my book? It is on the desk. A.Where B.When C.Who二、选出不同类的一个。( )1. A.long B.tall C.short D.box( ) 2. A.hot dog B.hamburger C.orange D.bread ( ) 3. A.red B.pear C.black D.green ( ) 4.A.in B.grape C.on D.under( ) 5.A.bus B.bike C.jeep D.short( ) 6.A.car B.bus C.desk D.jeep( ) 7. A.watermelon B.apple C.milk D.orange( ) 8.A.pig B.giraffe C.watermelon D.cat三、手牵手,找朋友。( )1. Happy Childrens Day! A. Thank you.( )2. Is the fox under the tree? B. No, it isnt.( )3. Lets go to the park. C. No problem.( )4. Can I use your ruler? D. Its under my bag.( )5. Where is your pen? E. Shes in the room.( )6. Where is my mother? F. Great!四、连词成句。1. put, your, your, hand, chair, on ( . ) 2. maybe, on, it, is, desk, your ( . ) 3. good, time, have, a ( ! ) 4. cap, where, is, my ( ? ) 5. me, excuse, where, desk, Toms, is ( ? ) 五、根据情景,补全对话。 A:Hello! a.No, I dont. B:1._ b.Hi! A:Do you like pears? c.OK! B:2._ d.Oh,I like them. A:What about oranges? B:3._ A:Lets have some oranges. B:4_
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