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2B M1 单元练习 Class_ Name _ No._ Listening (听力部分) 52%I: 听写字母 (大小写) 6%II: 勾出听到的图片内容和单词 12% 1. 2 4( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5. 6. ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )7. hear hair 8. hand hard ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )9. touch rough 10. cat kite ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )11. white write 12. rainbow window ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )III: 听音,为下列单词编号. 10% 1. sweet meat green grass gift ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2. soup slide sheep swing ship ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )IV: 圈出听到句子的编号. 12%1. A: Kitty can hear a cat. B: Kitty cant hear a cat.2. A: Listen to the van. B: Listen to the train.3. A: Put the pencil case on the desk. B: Put the pencil box on the desk.4. A: Taste and guess. B: Touch and guess.5. A: Happy new year! B: Happy birthday!6. A: I can see a butterfly. B: I can see two butterflies.V: 根据问句选答句.圈编号. 12%1. A: Im Miss Fang. B: Youre Miss Fang.2. A: Im nine. B: Im fine.3. A: They are yellow. B: They are yellow pears.4. A: Yes, its brown. B: Yes , its purple.5. A: Its rough. B: Its smooth.6. A: I can hear a bus. B: I can hear a train. Writing (笔试部分) 48%I: 写出下列字母的左右邻居。6%1. _ c_ 2. Hh _ _ 3. _ Mm _4. _ O _ 5. _ Vv _ 6. _ _ ZzII: 正确抄写下列单词 3%queen butterfly MingIII : 看图,默写单词。3% _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _IV: 字母辩音,具有相同发音的打“”,不同的打“”.4%1. table touch ( ) 2. dog old ( )3. pencil bag ( ) 4. panda soup ( )V : 圈出不同类的单词。 12%1. A. book B .box C. pencil case D. pen2. A. white B. write C. red D. pink3. A. climb B. grass C. touch D. guess4. A. car B. train C. card D. ship 5. A. smooth B. spoon C. hard D. soft6. A. you B. I C. he D. her VI : 选择,将正确的编号填如空格中。12%( ) 1. Look at the apples. What colour _ ? A. they are B. are they C. is it( ) 2. Happy Birthday, Danny! _ A. Thank you. B. Happy Birthday! C. O. K.( ) 3. _ the pineapple. Is it soft ? A. Touch B. Open C. Look( ) 4. _ ! What can you hear? A. Listen B. Taste C. Hear( ) 5. Touch this bag. Is it smooth? No. Its _. . A. smooth B. soft C. rough( ) 6. What can you see? I can see an _ . A. books B. insect C. sheepVII :根据短文判断,对的用”T”, 错的用”F”表示. 8% Hello. Im Alice. Im eight years old. Im tall and thin. My face is round. My hair is short. Its brown. Im beautiful . I can swim. My Mum and Dad are kind. They can drive(驾驶)a car. We (我们)like to eat peaches. Theyre soft and rough. Theyre pink. But theyre sweet. I love my family. We are happy.( ) 1. Alice is seven years old.( ) 2. Her hair is long and brown.( ) 3. Her Mum can ride a bicycle.( ) 4. They like to eat sweet peaches.Listening 听力资料I: 听写字母 (大小写)1.Bb 2.Gg 3. Uu 4. Qq 5. Ww 6.YyII: 勾出听到的图片内容和单词1. elephant 2.bowl 3.smooth 4.ship 5.pink 6.watch7.hair 8.hand 9. rough 10.kite 11.white 12.rainbowIII: 听音,为下列单词编号.1. green meat grass gift sweet2. slide ship soup sheep swingIV: 圈出听到句子的编号.1. Kitty cant hear a cat.2. Listen to the train.3. Put the pencil case on the desk.4. Touch and guess.5. Happy new year!6. I can see two butterflies.V: 根据问句选答句.圈编号.1. Who am I ?2. How old are you ?3. What are they?4. Is the box purple?5. Touch the pineapple.6. Choo, choo, what can you hear? 7.
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