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. 单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)( ) 1. What time do you get up _Sunday morning?A. in B. on C. at D .for( ) 2. My parents and I like_music.A.listen B. listening C. listening to D. to listen( ) 3. Betty and Tony go to the same school, but they are in different _.A.class B. grade C. grades D. group( )4. Mr. Zhang teaches _Chinese. We like _class very much.A. my,her B. me, his C. our,his D.us,his ( )5. -Is Sally from America?-No. Sally is an _girl,but shes in _now.A .America; England B. English;America C.American;English D. England;America( )6. -_English classes do you have every week?-Five. A. How often B. How long C. How much D.How many( )7.-_?-He is a worker. A. Who is your father B. Where is your father C. What is your father D. How is your father( )8. - Is this your bike? - No, . Its bike. A. this isnt, Li Leis B. this is, Li Leis C. it isnt, Li Leis D. it is, Li Leis( )9. - _ is Peter? - Hes in the reading room .A. Who B. Where C. How D. What( )10. -Whats thirteen and four? Can you _ me? -Yes. Its seventeen. A. say B. tell C. speak D. talk ( )11. -_your pen friend_Chinese now?-Yes. He studies very hard.A. Do, study B. Does, studying C. Are , studies D .Is ,studying( )12. -Whos this man in the picture? -_. A. He is forty B. He has a long nose. C. He is from Japan. D. He is my teacher.( )13.Lisa is good at _.A. draws B.drawing C.to draw D.draw( )14. There _ many apples on the tree. A. are B. is C. am D. be ( )15. Look!People _ in the water.A. swim B. swims C. are swim D. are swimming.Cloze test. (本题共10分,每空1分)Damings uncle likes_1_ and he reads _2_ books and magazines. His favourite book is Harry Potter. He likes films _3_ he often goes to the cinema. He doesnt like football. Damings mother _4_ candy. She never goes to the cinema, and she doesnt like table tennis _5_ basketball. She likes clothes and she usually wears _6_ shirts. She never wears jeans or trainers. Damings aunt and uncle _7_ in the USA. _8_ favourite clothes are jeans and T-shirts. They usually _9_ trainers. They always _10_ to concerts.1. A. read B. reads C. to read D. reading2. A. a lot B. lot of C. lot D. lots of3. A. and B. but C. or D./4. A. like B. likes C. liking D. to like5. A. and B. but C. so D. or6. A. silks B. silks C. silk D. sliks7. A. lives B. live C. living D. to live8. A. They B. Them C. Theirs D. Their9. A. wear B. wears C. put on D. puts on10. A. listens B. go C. hear D. hear toIII. 阅读理解 AI am a tall boy. I can play basketball and soccer very well. Today is Sunday. I dont go to school. I watch a soccer match on TV. Its a good match. Beckham is my idol(偶像). He plays well in the match. In the afternoon, I play soccer with my good friends Jim, Ben, Peter, Gary and Kevin. Sarah is in the park, too. She is my good friend. She watches us play. We are hungry at 4:00, but we are happy.( )1. Today is _. A. Monday B Tuesday C. Saturday D. Sunday( )2. I _ at home in the morning. A. watch TV B. listen to a song C. read a book D. call my friends( )3. I play _in the afternoon. A. basketball B. soccer C. baseball D. volleyball( )4.The man “Beckham” probably(可能) is a _ .A. basketball player B. soccer player C. singer D. baseball player ( ) 5. How many people play soccer ?A. Four B. FiveC. SixD. Seven BNAME: Linda SEX: Female(女)CHINESE NAME: Liu Hui NATIONALITY(国籍):EnglishPHONE NUMBER: 637-8209E-MALL:lin209yahoo.comPOSTALL CODE( 邮编): NY 93502 ( ). 6. Liu Hui is _. A. English B. Chinese C. Japanese D.America ( ) 7. Her Chinese names _. A. Hui Liu B. Liu Hui C. Linda King D.Liu Hi( ) 8.Her telephone number is _. A. 209 B. lin209 C.637-8209 D.3782( ) 9. Linda is _. A. a girl B. a boy C. not Liu Hui D.a man( ) 10. Whats the Chinese for “e-mail” here (这里) A. 邮包 B. 邮局 C. 电子邮箱 D.信封DWe do the shopping(购物)on Sundays. I often go to the supermarket(超市)with
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