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英语教学课件,外研 八年级 上册,Unit 3,Language in use,How to learn English,Module 1,1. To consolidate the ways to ask for and give some advice 2. To review 4 tenses: the simple present tense, the simple past tense, the simple future tense, the present continuous tense 3. To get good ways to learn English,Objectives:,学.科.网,zxxk,语法讲解建议采用归纳法,如尽可能多的呈现一些相关例句,或可让学生从已学课文中找相应例句,引导学生试着从所观察到的语言现象中总结出语法规律。,Observe,We should always speak English in class. Lets try to speak English as much as possible.,Observe the following examples carefully. Try to get the expressions of giving advice.,3. Why not write down our mistakes in our notebooks? 4. Its a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud. 5. How about listening to the radio? 6. Why dont you try to talk to our classmates in English? 7. I suggest you write four or five words a day on pieces of paper.,学.科.网,zxxk,Guessing game,1. to test your sense of observation 2. to test your ability of short-term memory 3. to test your ability of inductive method,1. We _ always speak English in class. 2. _ try to speak English as much as possible. 3. Why _ write down our mistakes in our notebooks? 4. Its _ _ _ to spell and pronounce new words aloud. 5. _ _ listening to the radio? 6. Why _ _ try to talk to our classmates in English? 7. I _ you write four or five words a day on pieces of paper.,should,Lets,not,a good idea,How about,dont you,suggest,go,Ready?,Translate these sentences.,You should always speak English in class. 2. Why dont you write down the correct words? 3. Its a good idea to check your vocabulary notebook. 4. How about listening to the radio in English? 5. But try not to translate every word. 6. Everyone should have a pen friend.,你应该在课堂上总是讲英语。,你为什么不写下正确的单词呢?,检查你的词汇笔记本是一个好主意。,听英文广播怎么样?,但是尽量不要逐字翻译。,每个人都应该交一个笔友。,1. Why not _ (go) for a ride in the forest? 2. She tried _ (repeat) what she heard on the radio, but she found it difficult. 3. How about _ (invite) Tony to our party? 4. How was your trip to Dalian? I enjoyed _ (I) very much. 5. We should _ (be) friendly to our classmates.,Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words given.,go,to repeat,inviting,myself,be,6. Its not a good idea _ (ride) a bike in a busy street. 7. Dont forget _(give) me a call when you reach Beijing. 8. Do you know the Chinese _ (mean) of the English word? 9. _ (smile) often helps us to make new friends. 10. Could you give me some advice about _ (remember) new words?,remembering,to ride,to give,meaning,Smiling,提供建议的表达方式:,1. You should/shouldnt do . 2. What about/How about doing? 3. Why dont you/Why not do? 4. Try (not) to do. 5. Its a good idea to do. 6. Dont forget/Remember to do,Make sentences with the expressions.,Observe,Observe the following examples carefully. Review the four tenses youve learned.,1. Here are three basic questions. 2. Lingling made a mistake in grammar. 3. Were going to talk about good ways to learn English. 4. What are you doing? 5. What will be in the newspaper?,1. Here _ (is) three basic questions. 2. Lingling _ (make) a mistake in grammar. 3. We _ _ to talk about good ways to learn English. 4. What _ you _? 5. What _ _ (be) in the newspaper?,will be,are,made,are going,are,doing,go,Ready?,我们已经学过了一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时和现在进行时这四种时态。在这一模块中,我们一起来回顾一下这些时态。,一般现在时,一般过去时, 一般将来时,现在进行时,A 一般现在时: (1) I always read Learning English. 我经常阅读学英语报。 (表示经常性的行为) (2) Mary likes watching English films. 玛丽喜欢看英文电影。 (表示目前的爱好) (3) I want to remember all the new words. 我想记住所有的新单词。 (表示意愿),(4) Lily is shy. She cant speak in front of the class. 莉莉很腼腆,不敢在全班同学面前讲话。 (表状态) (5) The sun is bigger than the moon. 太阳比月亮大。 (表真理),B 一般过去时: (1) My teacher told me what I should do. 我的老师告诉我应该做什么。 (表示过去的行为) (2) I was in Beijing before I came here. 我来这儿之前在北京。 (表示过去的状态),C 一般将来时: (1) Im going to work hard this year. 今年我会努力学习的。 (表示计划、打算干某事) (2) We will build another library next year. 明年我们将要再建一个图书馆。 (表将来的动作或存在的状态),D 现在进行时: (1) What are you doing at the moment? 你现在干嘛呢? (表现在正在进行的动作) (2) Are you enjoying your stay in China? 你现在在中国过得开心吗? (表现阶段正在进行的动作),用所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. My grandfather _ (take) a walk every day. He keeps in good health. 2. Is Jack in the classroom now? No, he _ (play) football on the playground. 3. Tom _ (not go) to Beijing in December 2012, but he _ (go) to Shanghai.,Practise,takes,is playing,didnt go,went,4. Your sweater looks smart. Where _ you _ (buy) it? 5. They _ (have) a picnic with their English teacher next Sunday.,did buy,will have/ are going to have,以下部分为课本练习,供老师在对答案时选择使用。,Listen and check () the expressions of advice you hear.,Why dont we? How about? We should We can Lets try to Can you? Remember to,1,P6,Listen again and answer the questions. What is difficult for Charlie? 2. How w
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