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Canadian,sick,n. 加拿大人 adj. 加拿大的,adj. (感觉)不适的,生病的,a native or inhabitant of Canada; of or relating to Canada or its people,physically or mentally ill; feeling that you want to vomit,soldier,n. 军人;士兵,a member of an army, especially one who is not an officer,treat,wound,v. 医治;治疗,n. 伤;伤口,to give medical care or attention to a person, an illness, an injury, etc,an injury to part of the body, especially one in which a hole is made in the skin using a weapon,n. 战争,war,conflict; fight; a time of very great fighting between countries or groups of people,adj. 受伤的,v. 了解;意识到,adj. 垂死的;即将死亡的,wounded,realise,dying,injured by a weapon, for example in a war,to understand or become aware of a particular fact or situation,connected with or happening at the time of somebodys death,n. 照顾;照料,n. 工具, 用具, 设备,care,tool,take care of,照顾;护理,the process of caring for somebody/ something and providing what they need for their health or protection,an instrument such as a hammer, screwdriver, saw, etc. that you hold in your hand and use for making things, repairing things, etc,to care for sb/ sth/ yourself; to be careful about sth.,独自一人,adj. 有用的;有益的,on ones own,useful,rest,v. 休息;睡眠,alone; without anyone else,that can help you to do or achieve what you want,to relax, sleep or do nothing after a period of activity or illness,n. 发明;创造,invention,a thing or an idea that has been invented,pron. 他自己,v. 做成;(尤指)设法完成,n. 手术,himself,manage,operation,used when the man or boy who performs an action is also affected by it,to succeed in doing something, especially something difficult,the process of cutting open a part of a persons body in order to remove or repair a damaged part,Canada,n. 加拿大,a country in northern North America,continue,v. (使)继续,to keep existing or happening without stopping,
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