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Module 3,Mum bought a new T-shirt for me.,4,Module 4 Unit 1,New Words,argue,争吵,shorts,短裤,pair,一副,Presentation,mine(我的),yours(你的),hers(她的),his(他的),Its mine! Its yours! Its hers! Its his!,It isnt mine! It isnt yours! It isnt hers! It isnt his!,Whats the matter? 怎么啦?,Whose T-shirt is this? (这是谁的T恤衫?),Amys?,Sams?,Ling lings?,Mum bought a new T-shirt for me.,Really?,This is my new toy.,Its beautiful.,Is this your new football ?,Yes, its mine.,Is this Jacks bag?,Yes, its his.,找主人,以小组为单位,让学生拿着自己的铅笔,钢笔,书包,书等走到讲台前面,记好自己和同学的东西,有一名同学来问,其他同学来回答。例如:A: This is your book. B: Yes, Its mine.或者A: This is your book. B: No, It isnt mine. Its Sams.,Show,你们棒极了! 让我们一起来 谈谈我们的收获!,Summary: 1、今天我们学习了mine, yours, hers, his, argue, matter这些重要的词语。,2、掌握了一些重要的句子: Its mine/yours/hers/his. It isnt mine/yours/hers/his. Dont argue! Whats the matter?,Homework 1、回家里后将家人的物品归类一下,并用英语写成句子,完成在家庭作业本上。例如:This bag is nice! Its mothers. This book is good! Its mine. 2、role play:小组之间扮演好角色,可以演绎课文中的故事,也可以根据课文自编自演。,Good bye!,
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