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第二船籍登记制度的法律问题研究摘 要据德国航运经济物流研究中心(ISL)统计数据显示,在过去5年内,进行开放登记船舶总吨位的增速达到平均每年8.3%。截至2009年初,占总吨位70.3%的商船悬挂方便旗;航运大国的大部分“未来船舶吨位”(即在建船舶吨位)至少有65%会悬挂方便旗。据每日经济新闻报道,目前在我国4000多万载重吨远洋船队中,有56%的船舶在境外登记注册,悬挂外国旗(即方便旗)经营。大量的中资船舶悬挂方便旗影响了我国的航运业及其相关行业的健康发展以及我国航运业的竞争力,这也严重影响我国海运强国的目标。如何应对船籍外移已经成为各航运大国面临的重大课题,各国纷纷采取各种举措来解决船籍外移的问题,我国也不例外。我国先后在上海洋山、天津东疆、大连大窑湾成立三大保税港区实施特案免税登记政策,鼓励悬挂外国旗的中资船舶回国。从目前看来,效果并不理想。而就外国而言,在其采取的各种应对船籍外移的举措中,最突出、最典型、最有效的是第二船籍登记制度。本文将采用比较和实证的研究方法,在全面分析第二船籍登记制度产生原因和现状的基础上,深入比较主要国家第二船籍登记制度的主要内容,深刻探寻其实施效果,最后在全面阐释我国构建第二船籍登记制度的必要性的基础上,就如何构建我国第二船籍登记制度提出建议。本文分为四章:第一章第二船籍登记制度产生的背景以及现状。论文在简单的介绍船舶登记制度的基础上全面分析第二船籍登记制度产生的原因并就其实施现状进行整体介绍;第二章国外第二船籍登记制度的主要内容及其实施效果分析。论文通过对挪威、英国、法国和日本这四个海运国家的第二船籍登记制度的主要内容进行全面的分析比较,就其取得效果的原因进行全面总结;第三章我国建立第二船籍登记制度的必要性。论文从我国建设成航运强国的需要、维护我国经济利益的需要、以及维护国家安全和船员权益的需要等方面对我国建立第二船籍登记制度的必要性进行深刻的探讨;第四章构建我国第二船籍登记制度的制度选择。论文首先对我国现今有关应对中资船舶外移的政策效果进行评价,其次,对在上海洋山保税港区以及天津东疆保税港区设立第二船籍登记制度的优势进行系统论述,最后,从第二船籍登记制度的主要内容、配套政策以及实施步骤三个方面为构建我国第二船籍登记制度提出建议。关键词:第二船籍登记,船舶登记,特案免税,保税港区ABSTRACTAccording to the statistics of German Shipping Economic Logistics Research Center (ISL), in the past five years, the rate for open registry of tonnage of ships is up to 8.3% average annual. By the early 2009, the merchant ships,70.3%of total tonnage, are flied flags of convenience; most of the “future of the tonnage” for maritime powers (that is, the tonnage of ships under construction) at least have 65% to fly the flags of convenience. According to the Daily Economic News reported that, at present in China more than 4,000million dwt ocean-going fleet, 56%of the vessels registered in aboard and operated to fly foreign-flags (i.e. flag of convenience). The problem for a large number of ships to fly flags of convenience has seriously affected Chinas shipping industry and related industries as well as the healthy development for the competitiveness of Chinas shipping industry. It has been a bottleneck to the goal of maritime power countries. How to deal with the problem for ships moving overseas have become the largest maritime countries in confronting the major issues, Countries have taken various initiatives to response the problem, China has no exception ,our country has set up three bonded port areas, i.e. Shanghai Yangshan, Tianjin Eastjiang, Dalian Dayaowan, where implement the special case of tax exemption policies and encourage the return of China-capital vessels with flagging foreign flag. At present ,the policy isnt effective. Compare with the foreign countries, the most prominent, the most typical and the most effective measure is the secondary registry.This thesis adopts comparative and empirical research methods. Based on analyzing the reason for the second flag registry system to produce and the status, it deeply compared the content of main countries registration system and exploring the effects. Finally, it demonstrates the necessary for our country to set up this system and proposals to improve the registration system for our second flag system in the end. This thesis is divided into four chapters. Chapter one states the background of the background and current situation for flag registration system. It states the system of ship registration system in whole and the background for the system and current situation. Chapter Two states the main provisions for foreign countries for flag registration system and their results. By a comprehensive analysis and comparison on the second of four marine national registration systems of the flag of Norway, Britain, France and Japan, it conducts to explore the reasons for having the effectiveness results in whole. The third chapter describes the necessary to establish the second flag registration system in China. It discusses from the following aspects: to be a powerful maritime power country, considering from our economic interests, and safeguard the interests of national security and needs of the crew of a deep. Chapter four sates the construction of the second flag registration system. First, it states the response of our current policy of relocation of capital ships and evaluation of results. Secondly, it discusses the advantages for establishing the Shanghai Yangshan Bonded Harbor Area and Tianjin East Free Trade Zone. Finally, from three aspects of the main contents of flag registration system, supporting policies and implementation procedures construction set up our countrys registration system.Chen Ru (International Law) Directed by Vice Prof. She ShaofengKEYWORDS: secondary registry, ship registry, special case of tax exemption, bonded port area IV第二船籍登记制度的法律问题研究目 录引 言1第一章 第二船籍登记制度产生的原因及其现状2第一节 船舶登记制度的概述2一、船舶登记的法律性质2二、船舶登记的意义3三、船舶登记的一般法律原则4四、船舶登记的分类5第二节 第二船籍登记制度产生的原因9一、封闭登记制度自身的缺陷是第二船籍登记制度产生的客观原因9二、国际上对开放登记制度的限制是第二船籍登记制度产生的外部原因9三、第二船籍登记制度的内在优势是第二船籍登记制度产生的根本原因10第三节 第二船籍登记制度的现状11第二章 国外第二船籍登记制度主要内容及其实施效果分析13第一节 国外第二船籍登记制度的主要内容13一、登记船舶14二、船员配备条
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