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阶段综合检测(四).阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)AThe other day I found my old certificates(证书)We had exams called O levels when we were sixteen.(They are called something different now.) Its so long ago that Id forgotten what wed studied.I had nine O levels when I left school and one was in cookery.I was surprised because Im a terrible cook!CeliaMy main memory is what we had to wear! I had a purple skirt with yellow lines on it, and then we had those silly hats with a purple line round them.Girls would do anything to lose their hats.Then when I was about twelve, my parents moved to the United States and I went to my new school in my favourite clothes.It was great!AliceI had a normal(正常的)day at school, but I also had music lessons because my parents wanted me to learn the violin.So I had special classes at school before everyone else arrived.So most pupils started at eight thirty, but I had to go to school at seven oclock for my music lessons.Then at the end of the day, Id do sport, so often I didnt finish until five in the afternoon.That was a long day for a tenyearold.DeanI travel a lot nowadays, and I suppose my interest in other countries began with geography and a teacher I liked called Mr.Byford.Wed learn about faraway places and strange areas.I think it made me want to visit them later in life.Susan【语篇解读】本文是应用文,四个人分享了各自对学生时代的回忆。1How was Deans life when he was ten?ABusy.BHappy.CLonely.DPeaceful.A推理判断题。由第三段中的“most pupils started at eight thirty.a long day for a tenyearold”可知,Dean十岁时除了正常的学校课程之外,还要在早上提前一个半小时到学校学习音乐,下午放学之后进行体育运动;因此Dean十岁时生活比较忙碌。2Why does Susan mention Mr.Byford?ATo introduce Mr.Byford as a good teacher.BTo discuss how geography should be taught.CTo show that Mr.Byford has changed her life.DTo explain how she became interested in travelling.D推理判断题。由最后一段中的“I suppose my interest.called Mr.Byford”可知,Susan对旅行的兴趣源自地理课和她喜爱的老师Byford;因此她提及Byford老师是为了说明自己是如何爱上旅行的。3What are these people mainly talking about?APersonal interests.BSchool memories.CChildhood habits.DFavourite teachers.B推理判断题。文中四个人各自分享了学生时代的回忆:上学时参加考试获得的证书、难看的校服、忙碌的学生生活、激发自己旅行兴趣的地理课和老师。且第一段中的left school,第二段中的my new school,第三段中的go to school以及最后一段中的geography and a teacher都可以作为推断线索。BMy daughter graduated from college this year.I couldnt be more proud of her.Through countless hours of study, books read, papers written, and tests taken, her hard work has paid off.She is no longer a little girl.She has become a wise, giving, caring, and loving adult.She has learned so much and is ready to start the rest of her life.I think the things I take most pride in her learning, though, arent the ones she learned in the classroom.They are the ones she learned through living her life.My daughter already knows things that took me much longer to learn.She knows that money cant buy happiness.She knows that laughter exercises the lungs and love opens up the heart.She knows that doing what you love and loving what you do turns work into play. She knows that children are lifes most precious (珍贵的) gift and that every child should be treated with kindness and love.My daughter knows that life often isnt fair, that society often isnt wise, and that everyone of us will face our share of problems.She also knows, however, that with love in our hearts we can bring learning, laughter, and joy to even the toughest days.She knows that life is a journey taken on a rocky road and that sometimes we stumbleShe knows that we can pick ourselves up each time and even help someone else up as well.Most of all she knows that she is still learning, just as we all are.May she always know too just how much I love her.【语篇解读】女儿大学毕业,母亲为她而自豪,因为女儿不仅学成归来,而且还学会了许多生活中的道理,同时充满爱心。4How did the author feel when her daughter graduated from college?AGrateful.BSatisfied.CCalm.DConcerned.B推理判断题。从第一段出现的“I couldnt be more proud of her”以及文章所列举的女儿的优点可知,作者对女儿非常满意。故选B项。5The author wanted her daughter to know that_Aher mother is welleducatedBher mother loves her very muchCshe is cleverer than her motherDshe has to keep learning all her lifeB推理判断题。从第三段中的“May she always know too just how much I love her.”及全文的描述可推知,作者希望女儿知道她是多么爱她。故选B项。6What does the underlined word “stumble” in the last paragraph probably mean?AFall.BClimb.CControl.DShock.A词义猜测题。从该词前面的“a rocky road”及后一句话中的“we can pick ourselves up each time and even help someone else up as well”可知应选A项。CI come from a family that loves sports.My father coaches Little League baseball.My mother swims nearly every weekend.My brother is on his highschool basketball team, and I am the best hitter on my middleschool volleyball team.All of us have benefited(受益) from sports.One of the most common ways for kids to take part in sports is to join a team.Joining a sports team should be a school requirement.Playing sports is good for both the body and mind.Everyone knows that exercise he
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