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美丽的伊春300字作文【篇一:伊春市中考满分作文-劳动的智慧也美丽】 劳动的智慧也美丽 武汉一考生 顶着似火的骄阳,我与母亲一起到田里去挖土豆,借用母亲的话,是让我体验体验生活的艰辛。 树叶沙沙作响,热风阵阵袭来。看着眼前的几亩地,一大片土豆绿得都可以渗出油来,肥硕的叶子在烈日下绿成了一道美丽的风景。 母亲在地里挖着土豆,我在一边帮着忙。只见那一个个如拳头般大小的土豆,被母亲麻利地从土里翻出。我惊奇地问:“妈妈,你怎么知道这下面有大土豆?还有,你不怕把它挖坏吗?”母亲呵呵一笑:“姑娘,你看那叶子绿得深的、根茎粗的,地下便是成熟的土豆。我先挖了两株,确定土豆的间距,再按照这个间距,就能尽量不把它挖坏。”我顿时明白,原来劳动也有很多学问,很多技巧啊,而且这些奇妙的技巧,给劳动增加了些许美丽与诗意!不是吗? 一会儿,母亲就把挖好的土豆装到了担子里,笑笑对我说:“你能把它挑回去吗?当然,你也可以不挑!”我笨拙地把扁担放在肩上,咬紧牙关,直直地站起身,肩膀被压得生痛,摇摇摆摆地向前迈去。 忽然,一股力量托住了我的担子。我一回头,脸一阵泛红,母亲对我说:“挑担子也有技巧,看你这个熊样!是该让你吃点苦了,你看我!”只见母亲把扁担两端的绳子向上卷了卷,然后对我说:“绳子卷短可以降低重心,自然省力些。挑的时候要把身子挺直,这样重力才不会都压在你肩上,会均匀到两边去。走路的时要随着扁担的节奏。再来试试!”我照母亲说的走了几步,咦,担子竟然没那么重了,步子也不那么晃了,的确是那么回事!我时明白,什么事都不是靠蛮力解决的,劳动也需要智慧! 轻松地挑着担子,顶着火热的太阳,回头再看看母亲劳作的身影,细心品味着这劳动中的智慧,我此时才明白我初中的物理白学了,至少力学是这样。此时,我明白了:真理往往根植在泥土中。【篇二:伊春托福作文的开头怎么写】 智课网toefl备考资料 伊春托福作文的开头怎么写 托福作文考查大家的书面表达能力。不同于客观题,托福作文是一种主观表达,托福作文的开头显得非常重要。那托福作文的开头怎么写呢?智课教育小编搜集了伊春托福作文的开头怎么写,同学们可以参考学习。 托福作文的开头怎么写? 托福作文的开头可以使用一下形式: 1. 用副词开头,常见的情形有: (1) 副词修饰全句 luckily, he didnt know my phone number; otherwise, he would bother me. incredibly, helena got straight a in her school report this semester. interestingly, cats and dogs can hardly get along well in a house. 修饰全句常用的副词有: obviously undoubtedly apparently fortunately clearly unfortunately incredibly luckily unluckily surprisingly frighteningly 这些副词大多数表示说话人对全句的看法,在意思上相等与 “it is . 形容词that .” 。 e.g: obviously,he is nervous about the test. =it is obvious that he is nervous about the test. unfortunately,he tripped over and fell in the mud. =it is unfortunate that he tripped over and fell in the mud. (2) 强调副词 hurriedly,the man drew me a scratch map to show me the direction. dangerously,the drunkard sped down the street. slowly and gently,snowflakes were drifting down from the sky. (3) 副词表示某一地域或某一领域 geographically,canada is the biggest country in the world. financially,she is independent, but emotionally she is dependent. 2. 用插入语开头,表示说话人的态度,或使句子的意思更加准确: strangely enough,jennifer does not enjoy sunshine and beach. generally speaking,winter in vancouver is gloomy. 类似的插入语有: no wonder no doubt in other words in my opinion in conclusion in fact as a matter of fact 3. 用形容词、并列形容词或形容词短语开头,修饰句子的主语,表示主语的特征或状态: frantic,the young mother rushed out the door with the baby in her arms. tasty and crisp,potato chip are a favorite snack for both children and adults. happy at his good marks at school,the little boy skipped on his way home. desperate and hopeless,the poor man committed suicide. 4. 用分词、分词短语开头: (a) 修饰句子主语,表示主语所处的状态或主语同时进行的另一个较谓语动词次要的动作: scared,the girl moved timidly and cautiously into the dark room.( 状态) chased by my dear pet cat, the mouse dashed into a small hole.( 状态 ) spoiled by his parents,the naughty boy always insists on things he wants.( 状态) puffing and hugging,he finished his run.( 另一动作) looking at herself in the mirror,she fingered her silk scarf on her shoulder.( 另一动作) (b) 修饰谓语动词,表示原因、时间等 lying down on the couch,he felt much relaxed.( 时间) feeling bored,she turned on the tv and switched from channel to channel.( 原因) wanting to find out the business hour,she called the store.( 原因) having completed the form,he mailed it out immediately.( 时间) 托福作文开头段写作方式 1、托福写作方式观点对立 观点对立的方式就是指文章开头首先引出人们对要讨论的问题的不同看法,然后提出作者自己的观点,或者偏向的哪个看法。对立法的句型多用于有争议性的主题。比如:当问起世界现在最大的问题是什么,许多人说是严重的能源危机。他们担心人类不久会用完石油、发生食品短缺。但有些人则持乐观的看法,他们把能源危机看成是经济发展的自然结果,而且只有随着经济和技术的进一步发展才能得以解决。使用观点对立的开头方式,是对写作题目一个很好的阐释,虽然题目的内容都会有人支持,但是,考生却能够明确提出自己支持的观点,说明考生一定有充分的理由去论证自己的观点。 2、托福写作方式背景引入 3、托福写作方式提出问题 托福写作开头运用提问的方式,可以让你的开头段与众不同的托福写作方法。提问法是以问题为导向,引起读者兴趣,引导你的读者跟随你的思路走进你的思维世界。利用提问的方式,还能够引发读者的思考,从而让读者能够对这个问题产生共鸣。此外,提问的表达方式有时还能够起到强调的作用,利用反问的方式,能够帮助考生强调自己的观点。例如:there has been undesirable trend in recent years towards the worship of money. a recent survey showed that x percent of respondents ranked getting rich as their top priority,compared to x percent only a few years ago. why do people fail to realize that wealth does not necessarily bring happiness?从这个开头段中可以看出,首先也是题目要讨论的话题,但是最后一句用一个“反问”的方式,提出要讨论的话题,还起到了强调的作用,能够引起读者共鸣,引发思考。 in case that you get lost, call me at this number. 托福作文经典开头20例 1、according to the first graph, it can be seen that _, it can also be concluded from it that _. 2、there is an interesting and instructive picture which goes like this: _. 3、nowadays there is a growing concern over _. many people like _, while others are inclined to _. 4、nowadays, it is common to _. many people like _ because _. besides, _. 5、 _, just like many other things, are preferred by _. while being attacked by the idea that _, some people consider _. they point that _. 6、everything has two sides and _ is not an excep
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