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1. He had a _B_ to his wife who gave him the money to start his business.A. jobB. debtC. chance D. career2. Ann is wearing a beautiful dress, and Mary a _A_ one.A. similarB. realC. fluentD. rude3. When he wants to smoke, he forgets the fact that smoking _C_ his health.A. educatesB. cheatsC. affectsD. respects4. The government _C_ money and stamps.A. drawsB. givesC. issuesD. earns5. You are _B_ to choose two books from those on the shelf.A. spokenB. allowedC. likedD. interested6. The boy said he was quite _B_ that he had made a careless mistake.A. knownB. awareC. knowingD. understanding7. His new book _B_ to the top as the bestseller.A. rocketedB. raisedC. stayedD. arrived8. She doesnt have the _B_ to move that table alone.A. scheduleB. strengthC. teammateD. attitude9. The Chinese government has set up Dragon Boat Festival as a(n) _C_ holiday.A. longB. springC. officialD. universal10. The president was invited to address the audience at the opening _A_ of the Olympic Games.A. ceremonyB. speechC. meetingD. celebration11. This is a _D_ cat.A. ladyB. womanC. girlD. female12. The sudden lightning (闪电) _C_ me so much that I dropped the cup.A. stoppedB. pushedC. scaredD. made13. She doesnt have the _B_ to move that table alone.A. scheduleB. strengthC. teammateD. attitude14. Tony often _A_ with his wife about the money.A. arguesB. interviewsC. embarrassesD. improves15. We were all _C_ to hear the news that Tom, the silly boy, had won an award.A. fluentB. rudeC. amazedD. successful16. The government _C_ money and stamps.A. drawsB. givesC. issuesD. earns17. College education provides more _C_ for bright future.A. lessonsB. coursesC. opportunitiesD. subjects18. The _A_ of this country comes from its oil.A. wealthB. viewC. sympathyD. tale19. To be honest of yourself is to _D_ yourself.A. look atB. doC. refuseD. respect20. In some Western countries, a _C_ belief is that black cats will bring misfortune to people.A. superstarB. superpowerC. superstitiousD. superstitionSection B Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.1. This hat-style is now liked by (fashion) _fashional_ women in Paris.2. Mr. Black (interview) _interview_ famous people every week in his radio program.3. Your daughter is (luck) _lucky_enough to have a large company.4. Having been badly damaged by the earthquake,the city has to be (rebuild) _rebuild_.5. Employees are not allowed (make) _to make_ personal phone calls in the office.6. Being on ones own means making ones own (decide) _decision_.7. The new (nation) _national_ museum will be open to the public next week.8. I want (point out) _point out_ that a decision about the matter must be made at once.9. He is (suppose) _supposing_ to come at nine oclock.10. It took me several weeks to get used to (drive) _drived_ on the left side of the road in London.11. I have a nice, (comfort) _comfortable_ room on the third floor.12. The men from the two countries met (secret) _secret_ because they didnt want the public to know about their meeting.13. The fast (develop) _development_of the local economy pollution in this region.14. My father is a sports fan and he enjoys (swim) _swimming_very much.15. Although the small town has been changing slowly, it looks quite (difference) _difference_from what it.16. Tom has made the (decide) _decision_ to apply for a job in the company.17. You should send me the report on the program (immediate) _immediately_.18. The best way to keep ones money safe is to put ones (saving) _saving_ in a bank.19. She managed to settle the argument in a (friend) _friendly_way.20. The box was very heavy, but Tom still (manage) _managed _ to carry it home.Task 4 Directions: The following is a list of radio and television programs. After reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与等同) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 36 through 40.A Business Environment B Entertaining a Client C Ordering Goods D Brand Power E Public Relations F Health and Safety G Rights at Work H Human Resources I Going Global J Marketing Disasters K Company Performance L Work and Leisure M Terms of Payment
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