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对外经济贸易大学远程教育学院 2012-2013学年第二学期 大学英语(一)复习大纲一、单选题 1. Tony is looking at _. ()A. sheB. heC. herD. here2. Wheres the book? ()A. Theres it.B. Hes under the chair.C. Its here.D. Theres on a chair.3. Kate _. ()A. gave to Peter the penB. gave the pen to PeterC. give to Peter the penD. give the pen to Peter4. The sun _ in the east. ()A. is always risingB. always is risingC. rises alwaysD. always rises5. Yesterday I was too busy to go shopping. I had my sister _. ()A. to goB. goC. goneD. going6. Leave your umbrella in the stand in the _ . ()A. stairsB. hallC. stallD. desk7. When it comes to _, Joan is the one you should ask for advice. ()A. collect stampsB. stamp-collectingC. stamp-collectD. both A and B8. She ended the letter _an invitation _the performance the following Sunday. ()A. with/toB. by/toC. of/inD. to/of9. I am going to watch the tennis _on TV this afternoon. ()A. contestB. gameC. matchD. sport10. I am disappointed _ the results of the experiment. ()A. forB. fromC. byD. about11. Toms _ street. ()A. in theB. at theC. into theD. under12. Bill hasnt seen _. ()A. much boatsB. any boatC. lots boatsD. some boats13. Whats his sister doing? ()A. Reading.B. She reading.C. Hes reading.D. Its reading.14. Im not looking _. ()A. at sunB. at a skyC. at the sunD. at some sky15. I met _ in the theatre last Friday. ()A. a my friendB. a friend of mineC. a mine friendD. a friend of my16. What we are doing now _ to choose the best answer from the four choices. ()A. isB. areC. wasD. were17. You will miss the bus _you hurry up. ()A. unlessB. asC. ifD. until18. He is studying computer sciencein _ university in Beijing. ()A. XB. theC. aD. an19. I cant _ it, because it is too expensive. ()A. spendB. payC. affordD. cost20. “What does that car look like?” “That is similar in shape_ mine.” ()A. withB. likeC. asD. to21. Theyll hurt_ if we dont stop them fighting. ()A. one to anotherB. one the otherC. each the otherD. each other22. There isnt _at the bus-stop. ()A. anybodyB. peopleC. any personsD. somebody23. Children _eat a lot of sugar often get bad teeth. ()A. whoB. whichC. theyD. none24. Only when you have acquired a good knowledge of grammar, _write correctly. ()A. can youB. cant youC. you canD. you will25. I was used _in a noisy room. ()A. to workingB. to workC. workD. working26. Good economy is the greatest _of goods for the greatest _ of people. ()A. number/amountB. amount/numberC. number/numberD. amount/amount27. Keep secret _you have just done in the exam. ()A. whatB. thatC. whichD. when28. Almost all economists agree _by trading with one another. ()A. nations that are gainedB. nations they gainC. gaining nationsD. that nations gain29. Egypt is famous _ its pyramids. ()A. ofB. inC. forD. about30. No matter how hard he studied, _ . ()A. he could not do any betterB. so he could not do any betterC. but he could not do any betterD. and he could not do any better31. Which war _
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