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西南大学外国语学院林文治教授论文写作课课堂笔记Transitional WordsHow Do ILINK SENTENCES and PARAGRAPHS?What are transitions and how are they used?. 1Connectives may be used to: 2ADDITIVE TRANSITIONS: 2Addition: 2Introduction: 3Reference: 3Identification: 3Clarification: 3ADVERSATIVE TRANSITIONS: 4Conflict: 4Emphasis: 4Concession: 4Dismissal: 4Replacement: 5CAUSAL TRANSITIONS: 5Cause/Reason: 5Condition: 5Effect/Result: 5Purpose: 6Consequence: 6SEQUENTIAL TRANSITIONS: 6Numerical: 6Continuation: 6Conclusion: 7Digression: 7Resumption: 7Summation: 7 What are transitions and how are they used? transitions are phrases or words that are used to connect one idea to the next transitions are used by the author to help the reader progress from one significant idea to the next transitions also show the relationship within a paragraph (or even within a sentence) between the main idea and the support the author gives for those ideas different transitions do different things.Connectives may be used to: make comparisons or contrasts add to an idea express a result summarize explain or illustrate arrange ideas in order, time or space ADDITIVE TRANSITIONS:These show addition, introduction, similarity to other ideas, etc.Addition:additionally, also, moreover, not to mention (this), in addition (to this), furthermore, further, and, too, either (neither), besides (this), not only (this) but also (that) as well, as well (as this), what is more, or, alternatively, nor, on the other hand, in fact, as a matter of fact, to tell you the truth, to say nothing of, actually, indeed, let alone, much lessIntroduction:such as, for example, for instance, as, like, especially, particularly, in particular, notably, including, for one thing, by way of example, as an illustration, to illustrateReference:speaking about (this), as for (this), considering (this), concerning (this), regarding (this), on the subject of (this), with regards to (this), the fact thatSimilarity:similarly, likewise, in the same way, in a like manner, by the same token, equallyIdentification:that is (to say), namely, specifically, thusClarification:that is (to say), I mean, in other words, (to) put (it) in another wayADVERSATIVE TRANSITIONS:These transitions are used to signal conflict, contradiction concession, dismissal, etc.Conflict:but, however, in contrast, by way of contrast, (and) yet, when in fact, while, whereas, conversely, on the other hand, though (final position), stillEmphasis:even more, above all, indeed, more importantly, besidesConcession:but even so, however, (and) still, (and) yet, nevertheless, nonetheless, although, though, even though, on the other hand, despite (this), in spite of (this), regardless (ofthis), notwithstanding (this), be that as it may, granted (this), admittedly, albeitDismissal:either way, whichever happens, in either case, in either event, whatever happens, all the same, in any case, in any event, at any rateReplacement:(or) at least, (or) rather, insteadCAUSAL TRANSITIONS:These transitions signal cause/effect and reason/result, etc.Cause/Reason:being that, seeing that, since, as, inasmuch as, forasmuch as, because (of the fact), due to (the fact that), in view of (the fact), owing to (the fact), for the (simple) reason that, for, in thatCondition:if, in case, provided that, providing that, on (the) condition (that), in the event that, given that, granted (that), granting (that), as/so long as, even if, only if, unlessEffect/Result:so that, so, so much (so) that, for this reason, as a result (of this), because (of this), therefore, consequently, as a consequence, thus, hence, in consequence, accordinglyPurpose:so, so as to, so that, in order to, in order that, with this in mind, with this intention, in the hope that, for the purpose of, to the end that, for fear that, lestConsequence:then, if so, in that case, that being the case, under those circumstances, if not, otherwiseSEQUENTIAL TRANSITIONS:These transitions are used to signal a chronological or logical sequence.Numerical:in the (first, second, etc) place, initially, secondly, at first, to start with, to begin with, for a start, first of allContinuation:previously, after (this), afterwards, eventually, subsequently, before (this), next, thenConclusion:finally, eventually, at last, in the end, at last, last but not least, as a final point, lastly, to conclude (with)Digression:by the way, incidentallyResumption:anyhow, anyway, at any rate, to get back to the point, to return to the subject, to resumeSummation:in conclusion, to sum up, to summarize, in summary, in sum, as I have said, as was previously stated, as has been mentioned, as has been noted, then, given these points, ther
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