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Mathematical Science of Computation:数学化的计算科学Extreme Scale Computing: 超大规模计算Cloud Computing: 云计算Internet of Things: 物联网Data Warehouse: 数据仓库Agent-Oriented Software Engineering:面向智能体的软件工程Search Engines: 搜索引擎CMOS :Complementary Metal-Oxide-semiconductor Transistor互补金属氧化物半导体DARPA:Defanse Advanced Resarch Projects Agency美国国国防部高级研究计划局DOE :the Department of Energy美国能源部 MW:Megawatts百万瓦特,兆瓦DRAM:Dynamic Random Access Memory 动态随机存储器HDD: Hard Disk Drive硬盘驱动器ASCR :Advanced Scientific Computing Research先进科学计算研究URL: Uniform Resource Locator统一资源定位符 又叫网址IBM: International Business Machines Corporation 国际商业机器公司SERP:Search Engine Results Page 搜索引擎结果界面LAN: local area network局域网ISP: Internet Service Provider互联网服务提供商FiOS:free into owners store 自由进入业主商店IT: information technology信息技术SaaS :Software As A Service软件即服务AOL: American Online 美国在线VoIP:Voice over Internet Phone网络语音电话业务PaaS :Platform as a Service 平台即服务API: Application Programming Interface,应用程序编程接口ADP:Automatic Data ProcessRF:radio frequency 无线电频率GPS:Global Position system全球定位系统IaaS :Infrastructure as a Service 基础设施即服务MS:memory system 存储系统VRML: Virtual Reality Modeling Language)即虚拟现实建模语言RFID: Radio Frequency IDentification射频识别技术IoT:Internet Of Things物联网R&D: research and development研究与开发ETL:Extracting-Translating and Loading数据提取、转换和加载SQL: Structured Query Language结构化查询语言CIF: Cost, Insurance & Freight 包括运费、保险费在内之到岸价SPA :Software Publishers Association 软件出版商协会MIT: Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工FSF :Free Software Foundation自由软件基金会GNU: GNUs Not Unix”一种与UNIX兼容的软件系统GSM: global system for mobile communications全球移动通信GPRS: General Packet Radio Service 通用分组无线服务技术OFDM:Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing 即正交频分复用技术CDMA :Code Division Multiple Access 分吗多重连接,又称码分多址TDMA:Time Division Multiple Access 时分多址3GPP: The 3rd Generation Partnership Project第三代合作伙伴项目WiMax:Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access 全球微波互联接入1(1)According the text, the entities that Computer Science deals with may not includeA) Problems.B) Procedures.C) Programming languages. D) Computers.(2)According the text, what is one of the first topics in computer science? A) What these elementary procedures may be?B) How more complex procedures are constructed from elementary procedures?C) How to understand a problem completely?D) What elementary procedures may be, and how more complex procedures are constructed from them?(3)Which of the statements follows describes the relationship between procedures and programming languages. A) The same procedure may be represented by different programs in different programming languages. B) The problem of translating procedures from one programming language to another is easy.C) The problem of defining a programming language semantically can be solved by stating what procedures the programs represent. D) Computer science must study how procedures are represented by computer programs. (4)Which of the following statements is wrong for describing the relationship of procedure to data space and programming languages? A) Procedures operate on members of certain data spaces and produce members of other data spaces.B) Programs are symbolic expressions representing procedures.C) The same procedure may be represented by different programs in different programming languages.D) Programming languages are constructed from different procedure.(5) According the text, which of the following statements is wrong about computer?A) Computers are finite automata. B) A computer is defined by the effect of executing a program with given input on the state of its memory and on its outputs.C) Much of the work on the theory of finite automata is fruitful when it is applied to computation.D) Most of the current work on automata theory is beside the point of computer science.(6) According the text of section 4, which of the following statement is wrong?A) We would like a mathematical theory in which every true statement about procedures would have an easy short proof.B) There is no complete mathematical theory of computation.C) We hope for a theory which is adequate for practical purposes, like proving that compilers work.D) An integer-free formalism for describing computations has been developed and can be used to prove a procedure terminates.(7) What important results have been obtained relevant to a mathematical science f computation?A) The notion of a computable function was clarified by Turing.B) Much of the work on the theory of finite automata has been done.C) Existence of classes of unsolvable problems. D) A machine to be as intelligent as a human.(8) What kind of work does the author suggest not to solve by mathematics science of computation ?A) Confirming each feature of a programming language is worth its cost.B) Proving a program meets its specifications, Instead of debugging it. C) Checking each step of
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