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谢孟媛英文初级文法 第 1集 笔记Unit1 名词名词的功用:当主语,补语,宾语1. 名词的种类 (单数/复数)例: I like dogs. 我喜欢狗。普通名词:book / pencil/ dog/ spaceship宇宙飞船集合名词:class / family/ audience 听众例1. My family is large. 我家是一个大家庭。 2. My family are all early risers. 我家人都起的很早. 专用名词:Bob/ Smith/ April/ London. 专用名词前不能加冠词,不加s下面的专用名词需要加上定冠词例: The United States 美国 The United Nations .联合国物质名词: glass/ wood/ paper/ butter/ fruit 数字 容器(度量衡) of 物质名词例: a loaf of bread 一片面包 loaves of bread 很多面包 a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡a sheet of paper. 一张纸 two sheets of paper两张纸 a spoonful of sugar 一勺糖抽象名词:beauty美丽 / honesty诚实/ love爱/ patience 耐心/ happiness 幸福/ music 音乐2. 名词的数 - 单数:个数为1 复数:个数为2及以上规则变化的复数名词名词字尾+s ,大部分名词例: dog-dogs book -books girl - girls 名词字尾为s/sh/ch/x/o 复数名词 es 如: classes, buses, dishes, benches, boxes, dishes注意名词字尾为子音o, 复数名词es 如 tomatoes 但是也有例外的 如 photo- photos Piano-pianos 名词字尾为子音y, 复数名词要去y ies 如 baby-babies story-stories city-cities lady-ladies 名词字尾为f 或fe 去 f/fe ves如: leaf叶 - leaves knife - knives wife - wives 也有例外: handkerchiefs 手帕 chiefs 首领,领袖 roofs 屋顶不规则变化的复数名词名词字尾 加 en / ren 如 Ox -oxen , child- children改变母音,如: man-men / woman - women / goose-geese 鹅 / tooth-teeth / mouse-mice 单复数同形, 如: fish , deer, sheep chineses japanese one fish / two fish a kind of fish 一种鱼 two kinds of fishes 两种鱼3. 名词的所有格形成 :单数名词 = 名词s 例: the boys schoolbag / Joans dress复数名词 = 名词s 例: a girls school / these students teacher字尾非s 的复数名词 = 名词s 例如 childrens playground操场特别注意的所有格用法 : 共同所有格及个别所有格共同所有格 - 名词 名词 名词s个别所有格 - 名词s 名词s 名词s 例1. Harry and Bills father is a scientist. Harry 和Bill 的爸爸是个科学家。例2. Harrys and Bills fathers are scientists. Harry 的爸爸和Bill 的爸爸是科学家.(无)生物所有格: A 的 B = B of A 如: 桌子的脚 the legs of the table 车门 the door of the car 女孩子的名字 the girls name = the name of the girl所有格之后的名词如在句中非常容易理解时可以省略。例1. Shes going to the dentists (office). 她要去看牙医。(office可以省略, dentists office牙医诊所)例2 I met him at the barbers(shop)我在理发店遇见他。(shop可以省略, barbers shop 理发店)例3. We like to eat lunch at McDonalds (restaurant) 我们在麦当劳吃午餐。4. 冠词不定冠词(没有限定,表数量为一): a / an定冠the, 它通常放在名词前/形容词+名词前用来修饰名词。a/ an 的用法 子音开头的单数用 a 母音开头的单数用 an (元音有5个,分别是a e i o u)如 a book a girl a young a man an apple/ an umbrella/ an old womana/ an 的发音 I read a novel, 我读一本小说I read a novel, not two. (这里a发音, 表示强调)the 的用法-子音前的读 ,母音前读i 例: Please shut the door. 请把那扇门关上 (特指一定要加the )The+形容词,常表示一群人 The rich arent always happy. 富人并不总是快乐的。 The rich有钱人 the old 老人 the young 年轻人Until 2 be动词 一般动词的现在时1. be 动词的现在时am are is / 表状态,存在例:1. We are happy. 2. She is in America. 主语 be 动词第一人称 I+am 例: I am a boy. 第二人称 you they 复数名词are 例: You are my son. 你们是我的儿子。第三人称的单数+ is 例: He is my student. Be 动词的否定句 - am/ are / is notHe is not a good baseball player. = He isnt a good baseball player. Be动词的疑问句 - 肯定句: 主语 am/ are /is .疑问句: am / are / is 主语?例: That is his camera. 肯定句Is that his camera? 疑问句The girl is a junior high school student. 这个女孩是中学生。 Senior high school. 高中生 (肯定句)Is the girl a junior high school student? 疑问句Be 动词开头的疑问句可用yes 或 no 回答Is that man your math teacher? 那个男人是你的说学老师吗? Yes,he is. / No, he isnt. Are you eating your lunch? 你吃中午饭了吗? Yes, I am. / No, Im not.主语 一般动词-现在时中主语为第三人称单数时:一般动词s 或es例: I like dogs. / We like dogs. You like dogs. / You like dogs. He likes dogs. 第三人称单数s 一般动词加s或es的方法1. 大部分动词加s - 如: works, plays A. 一般动词字尾为o .s .sh. ch. 时, + es-如: goes/ washes/ watches B. 一般动词字尾音为y 时, 去y+ ies -如: cry-cries/ study-studies have 和has -have (有/吃的意思)单数动词为has 例1. They have a lot of money. 他们有很多钱。例2. He has a lot of money. 他有很多钱.。 第三人称单数用has一般动词的否定句 - 不可在一般动词后加 not 必须用助动词 do / does Do 用于主语为 I / you / 复数Does 用于主语为第三人称单数否定句主语 do/ does not 原形动词例1. The twin brothers go to school by bus.这对双胞胎是乘公交车上学的。否定: The twin brothers do not go to school by bus. (do not 可缩写成 dont, 后接动词原形)2. Sam has dinner at the restaurant. Sam 在那家餐厅吃晚餐。否定:Sam doesnt have dinner at the restaurant.比较 - 否定句be动词, 肯定句:He is my boyfriend. 否定句:He isnt my boyfriend.一般动词,肯定句:He likes dogs. 否定句:He doesnt like dogs.一般动词的疑问句 - 不能将一般动词放在主语前,必须用助动词do/ does 疑问句: Do / Does 主语 原形动词例1. You visit your grandmother on Sunday.疑问句:Do you visit your grandmother on Sunday? 你每逢星期天去看你的外婆吗例2. He comes from England. 疑问句: Does he come from England? 他是来自英国吗?助动词do/ does 开头的疑问句回答用yes/no之后用do/ does 回答例: Does the little boy go to school? 这个小男孩已经上学了吗?Yes, he does. / No, he doesnt. 比较 - 疑问句be动词, 肯定句: She is beautiful. 疑问句: Is she beautiful?一般动词,肯定句: She loves tennis. 疑问句: Does she love tenn
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