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动词填空1. In the English Club, you can practise _(speak)English with other members.2. Children, (eat)lots of sweats isnt good for your teeth .3. Do you know how _(look) after your dog?.4. Tom, with his classmates, often _ (fly) kites in the open air.5. Would you like _(tell) me something about your new school? 6. Its time for us _(have) breakfast now.7. -Whats your mum like? -She is _(wear) a red dress today.8. How long does it take _( fly) to Beijing?9.The boy has fun_ (swim) in the swimming pool.10. Mr Green _ (teach) in a primary school and hes a good teacher.11. -Would your parents like_(go) for a walk after supper? -No ,they like shopping.12. David, (not be) late for school again, or the teacher will get angry(生气) .13. We often practise_(make) model planes on Sundays. 14. The good news makes the boy _(feel) happy. 15. - Can you go out to fly kites with us ? - Sorry, I cant. I _(chat) with my old friend on the Internet now. 16. We have four big _(read) rooms in our school and we all like to go there.17.Would you like_ (grow) vegetables in the garden?18.She enjoys _(listen)to music.19.My sister sometimes _(walk) in the park after supper.20. What about_(practise) dancing tomorrow afternoon?21. My friend often _(watch) ball games on TV with his father. 22. He does well in (play) table tennis.23. Do the children like _(chat) with each other at lunch time? 24.My mother often _(wash) clothes in the morning.25. Lets go _(shop)this Saturday afternoon. 26. Its eight oclock. The students _ (have) an English lesson.27.I hope your dream _(come) true when you grow up (长大).28.Reading helps Julia _(know) a lot about Australia.29. Sandy often _ (stay) at home at the weekend.30. Would you like _(play) volleyball with me? 31. Eddie doesnt know how_( have) fun .Can you tell him? 32There _ (be) three tall buildings in my school.33Sally wants to go _ (boat).34. (read) English is very interesting and useful.35. My best friend is good at (draw) some pictures. 36_ (read) the new words after me, please.37Can you _ (show) your photos to us?38Why not _(swim) in the lake?39My sister sometimes _(walk) in the park after supper. 40Its 7:00 nowLets _(do) our homework.41Lily with her classmates _ (enjoy) listening to music after class.42Jim _(not study) French in his free time. 43The Green family_ (live) in Beijing. 44Look! Lily_ (have)a nice flower in her hand.45Some students just dont know how_ (learn) English well.46. How long does it take your cousin _ (get) to school? Ten minutes.47. My father doesnt have much time _(chat) with us because he always busy. 48. Some students dont know how _ ( study ) English well. 49. My kid often spends hours _(chat) on the phone with his friends.50. I am so happy because one of my dreams _(come) true.参考答案:1.speaking 2.eating 3.to look 4.flies 5.to tell6.to have 7. wearing 8.to fly 9.swimming 10.teaches/ is teaching11.to go 12.dont be 13.making 14.feel 15.am chatting 16. dancing 17.to grow 18.listening 19.walks 20.practising 21.watches 22.playing 23.chatting 24.washes 25.shopping 26.are having 27.will come 28.know 29.stays 30.to play31.to have 32.are 33.boating 34.Reading 35. Drawing36.Read 37. show 38. swim 39. walks 40. do41.enjoys 42.doesnt study 43.live 44.has 45.to learn46.to get 47.to chat 48.to study 49.chatting 50.comes3
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