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Unit 1 I havent done much exercise since I got my computer课题:Module4 Unit 1 I havent done much exercise since I got my computer.(第一课时)一、【自主学习】I.写出下列词汇 1. My grandmother often _ (咳嗽)a lot at night and she almost cant sleep.2. Jennys temperature is higher than usual. She may have a _(.发烧)3. “I have a pain in the head.” means “I have got a _.”(头痛)4. Iv got _ (胃痛) and my head hurts as well.5. My brother ate a lot of candies and he _(牙痛) now.6. Linda was _(生病的) yesterday, so she didnt go to work.7. I havent seen him s_(自以来) last month.8. Its very cold outside. Put on more clothes, or you will _.(感冒)9. The little boy doesnt feel comfortable. The doctor is _.(量体温)10.Dont eat too much _(快餐食品). It is not healthy.II短语互译(朗读P26 对话三遍,找出下列短语,并背诵)1. 胃痛 _ 2. since Friday _ 3. 长达三天 _ 4. 感冒 _ 5. 量体温 _ 6. do/get some exercise _ 7. 花费太多的时间_8. 对有害 _ 9. 停止吃快餐 _10. give you some medicine _11.哪种_ 12.一天吃三次药_学习重点词汇短语重点句型,能够听懂使用现在完成时的病情描述或对话。学习难点能够使用现在完成时进行有关病情的描述或对话,.能询问他人的病情及描述自己的病情。学习过程(学案)二、【合作探究】1.Match the words with the pictures. (Activity 1.)2.Listen and check (Activity 2)3.Listen carefully again and choose the best answer. (Activity 2)1) Whats the matter with Daming? ( )A. He has got a stomach ache. B. He has got a headache. C. He has got a stomach ache and a headache.2)Has Daming seen a doctor? ( )A. Yes, he has. B. No, he hasnt. C. No, he has.3)When did Betty see a doctor? ( ) A. This morning. B. Yesterday morning. C. Yesterday afternoon.4.Listen and choose (Activity 3).1)How many speakers are there in the conversation? ( )A. One B. Two C. Three2)What are they talking about? ( ) A. Weather B. Food C. Illness5.Listen again and choose: (Activity 3)1)Whats wrong with Daming? ( )A. He has got a toothache. B. He has got a headache. C. He has got a stomach ache and his head hurts.2) How long has Daming been like this? ( ) A Since Friday B Since Monday C Since Saturday3) Does Daming have breakfast ? ( ) A Yes ,he does . B No, not usually C Yes ,not usually4) How often does the doctor ask Daming to take the medicine ? ( ) A Three times a week B Four times a day C Three times a week .6.Read and complete the table about Daming三、【能力提升】根据Activity3的表格内容复述并写一篇关于大明的小短文。开头:Daming has got a stomach ache and a headache. He has been四、【随堂检测】1. 我能为你做什么?_ _ _ help you?2. 你像这样已经多久了?How long _ you _ _ this?3. 这些药一天吃三次。_ the _ _ _ a day.4.我胃痛,且头也痛。I have got _ _ _ and my head hurts.5.自从周五以来我就一直想这样。I have been like this _ _.6.我生病已长达三天了。Ive _ _ for _ _.7.你感冒了吗? Have you _ _ _?8让我为你量量体温。Let me _ _ _.9.玩电脑对你的健康有害。Playing computers _ _ _ your health.(同义句)(1) Playing computers _ _ _ your health (2) Playing computers _ _ _ your health10. Tim has already studied Chinese for four years.(同义句)Tim has already studied Chinese _ _ _ _.课后反思:2
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