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兵团二中高二第二学期期末考试英语试题卷I. 阅读理解(每题2分,共30分)A Crying is the sign of the rawest of human emotions. We cry when we cant hold inside what we feel any more. We cry when were at our best, and when were at our worst. By we, I mean all of us. Men included.But we never see other men cry. In no western culture has it ever been acceptable for men to shed (流泪) more than a single tear, and even then its reserved for grand victories, defeats and deaths. Dutch research suggests that women cry between three and five times more than men. Generally men and women cry over the same things deaths, breakups and homesickness, primarily, but researchers believe that men cry more often than women when it comes to positive events.I want to admit Im a bit of a cryer. However, having never really experienced deaths in my life, a few weeks ago I experienced what it means to really, truly, pour my heart out in tears.See, my dog and 24/7 companion was killed by a car right outside my house. Being a witness to this painful event left me in shock for a good hour, but then the floodgates opened. Over the next 48 hours, I might have cried 20 times. Once or twice I crouched (蹲) on the floor with my head in my hands and tears were the only outlet.It is suggested in the book Adult Crying:A Biopsychosocial Approach that theres certain pleasure in crying. It helps ease stress when there is no other way to express ourselves.In those days after my dogs death, I remember thinking, “Ive got to stop this crying”. It felt unmanly. It felt like a sign of weakness. Ive since realised that tears are for everybody; theyre not genderspecific. They show we have sympathy, allow us to get rid of stress and just feel.1What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?A. Crying is an emotion showing sadness. BCrying is an emotion beyond control.C Crying is a raw human emotion. DCrying is an emotion showing happiness.2Whats the difference between men and women in crying according to Dutch research?AMen are more likely to have tears of joy.BThey cry at different times of life.CWomen cry more often over deaths.DThey cry over different matters.3What did the author think of his crying over his dogs death?AA sign of strength. BA way of reducing emotional stress.CBehavior of being womanish. DA sign of weakness.4Whats the best title for the text? AMen, never cry like women BCrying solves psychological problemsC Men, its OK to cry sometimes DCrying explains differences between men and womenBLucy, whose skeleton(骨骼) was discovered in Ethiopia in 1974,died shortly after she fell out of a tree, according to a new study published Monday in the British journal Nature.For their research, Kappelman and Dr. Richard Ketcham used a CT scanner to create more than 35,000 “slices” of Lucys skeleton. Scientists named her Lucy from the Beatles song “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”, which was played at the camp the night of her discovery.The following analysis of the slices showed sharp, clean breaks seen at the end of Lucys right humerus (肱骨) are similar to bone breaks seen in victims of falls.The researchers concluded that these and other breaks in her skeleton show that Lucy, who is believed to have stood about 3 feet 6 inches and weighed about 60 pounds, fell feet first and used her arms to support herself but the injury was too severe to have been survivable.The researchers estimate that Lucy was going about 35 miles an hour when she hit the ground after falling from a height of roughly 40 feet, according to the statement.That sounds plausible. But other scientists are doubtful. “There are countless explanations for bone breaks,”Dr. Donald C. Johanson , director of the Institute of Human Origins and one of the scientists who discovered Lucy, said, “The suggestion that she fell out of a tree is largely a just-so story and therefore unprovable.”Johanson said it was more likely that Lucys breaks occurred long after she died, saying that elephant bones appear to have the same kind of breaks. Its unlikely they fell out of a tree.But the new research focused on a small number of breaks that are consistent with high-energy bone-to-bone influences and which differ from the sorts of breaks commonly seen in other collected bones. Kappelman responded in an email, “These appear to have occurred at or near the time of death.”5.What can we know about Lucy from Kappelman and Dr. Richard Ketchams research?A. She made an effort to save herself. B. She had more than 35,000 slices.C. She couldnt use her arms properly. D. She got her name from a band.6.What does the underlined word “plausible” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?A. Surprising. B. Creative. C. Reasonable. D. Unbelievable.7.Which of the following would Johanson probably agree?A. Elephants are unlikely to d
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