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闽教版小学英语三六年级主要句型问颜色1, -What color is it?-它是什么颜色的?-Its yellow and white. -黄白相间。问姓名、年龄。1, -Whats your name? -你叫什么名字?-My name is Sally. -我叫。2, -How old are you? -你几岁了-Im 12. -我十二岁。问电话1,-What your phone number? -问意见1,-What about a doll?-洋娃娃怎么样?-Good idea?-好主意?2,-May I use your book? -我能用你的书本吗-Sure, here you are. -当然,给你。问数量1, -How many legs can you see? -你可以看见几条腿? -I can see 12 legs. -我可以看见十二条腿。2, -How many hens are there on the farm?-农场有几只母鸡?-There are ten. 十只。问价钱 -How much is this dress?-这条连衣裙多少钱?-Its ninety-nine yuan. -九十九元问时间或日期-What time is it now?(=Whats the time?) -现在几点钟?-Its nine oclock. (Its nine ten.) -九点整(九点十分)。2, -What day is it today? -今天星期几?-Its Monday. -星期一。3, -When do you get up? -你什么时候起床?-I get up at seven oclock. -我七点整起床。4, -When do you go to school?-你什么时候上学? -I go to school at 8:30. -我8:30上学。问尺寸1,-What size do you wear? -你穿什么号码?- Size L/M/S. -L/M/S号。一般疑问句。1, -Is this your bedroom?-这是你的卧室吗-Yes, it is. / No, it isnt. -是的。不是。3, -Is there a river in the park? -公园里有一条小河吗?-Yes, there is. / No, there isnt. -有。/ 没有。4, -Are there any bridges in your village? -你们村子里有桥吗?-Yes, there are. / No, there arent. -有。/ 没有。5, -Can you sing? -我今天可以穿新衬衫吗?-Yes, I can. / No, I cant. -可以。/ 不可以。6, -Can you swim? -你会游泳吗?-Yes, I can. / No, I cant. -会。/ 不会。7, -Did you read books yesterday? -你昨天读书了吗? -Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. -读了。/ 没读。8, -Will you go to school tomorrow?-你昨天要去学校吗? -Yes, I will. / No, I wont.问方位1, -Excuse me. Where is the library, please? -对不起,请问图书馆在哪儿?-Its near the post office. -在邮局附近。2, -Where are you from? -你来自哪里?-Im from China.(America, Australia -我来自中国。(美国,澳大利亚)询问想吃的东西1,-What do you have for breakfast / lunch / dinner ?-你早餐/中餐/晚餐吃什么?-I have bread and milk / rice and soup. -我吃面包和牛奶/米饭和汤。问天气状况。1, -How is the weather in Beijing? -北京的天气如何?-Its a rainy (sunny, cloudy, snowy) day. -今天是雨天。问兴趣、喜好1, -Whats your favorite food / drink? -你最喜欢的食物 / 饮料是什么?-Fish / orange juice. -鱼。 / 橙汁。2, -Whats your favorite season? -你最喜欢的季节是什么?-Winter.(spring, summer, fall) -冬天。3, -Whats your favorite subject? -你最喜欢的科目是什么?-English. (Chinese, math, music, art, computer, science)- 英语。4, -Do you like peaches? -你喜欢吃桃子吗?-Yes, I do. / No, I dont. -喜欢。/ 不喜欢。问正在做的事情。1, -What are you doing? -你在做什么?-Im doing my homework. -我在做作业。2, -Whats he doing? -他正在做什么?-Hes swimming. -他正在游泳。询问将要做的事情。1, -What will you do? -你打算做什么?-I will visit Big Ben.(Great Wall) -我参观大本钟。(长城)2, -Where will you go tomorrow? -明天你准备到哪儿去?-I will go to the bookstore. -我准备到书店去。问曾经做过或发生过的事情。1, -Where did you go last weekend / yesterday / on your holiday?-你上周末/昨天/假期到哪儿去了?-I went to Wuhan. -我去了武汉。2, -How did you go there? -你怎么去的?-I went by train. -我坐火车去的。3, -What did you do there? -你在那儿做了些什么?-I bought a book. -我买了一本书。 “How”问句1, -How do you go to school? -你怎么上学?- I go to school on foot. -我步行上学。2, -How can I get to Zhongshan Park? -我怎么到中山公园去?-You can take the No. 15 bus. -你可以乘坐15路公汽。(-Go straight for five minutes. Then turn left. Its on the left.) -直走五分钟,然后左转。公园就在左边。其他句型3, -Whose is it?-它是谁的?-ItsWang Taos. -是王涛的。1.Glad to meet you.Glad to meet you, too. 2, How are you ?Im fine.Thank you. And you?- Im fine, too.Happy New Year,Miss Gao!Happy New Year!2, What class are you in?Im Were in Class Three, Grade Four?5, Whos on duty today?Li Hong and Sally.Were on duty.2, How much is it the sweater the hat the T-shirt the fan.Its ninety-three yuan.3, What do you wear in spring summer fall winter?I wear a jacket in spring a sweater in fall a T-shirt and shorts in summer a coat in winter.3,How do you spend Christmas, Sally?WeI put a Christmas tree in the sitting room We I put lights and balls on the tree.2,Whats your hobby?I like playing chesscollecting stampstaking picturesswimminglistening to musicplaying basketball.1,What
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