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预测话题一:端午节1端午节起源于中国,最初是人们驱邪祛病的节日,后来传说爱国诗人屈原在这一天死去,也同时成了汉族人民纪念屈原的传统节日。2在农历五月初五这一天,人们吃粽子纪念屈原,因为粽子象征着给屈原的祭品。3端午节的所有习俗中,赛龙舟最受欢迎,尤其是在有众多河流和湖泊的南方省份。The Dragon Boat Festival originated in China; initially, people warded off evil and disease on the festival. Later, as the legendary patriotic poet Qu Yuan died on this day, it gradually became a traditional festival during which Han people commemorate Qu Yuan. On the fifth day of the fifth month according to the lunar calendar, people eat Zongzi in memory of Qu Yuan, because it symbolizes the rice offerings to him. Among all the customs, dragon boat race is the most popular one, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes.预测话题二:元宵节1早在汉朝,中国人就开始隆重地庆祝元宵节。2作为中国最重要的传统节日之一,元宵节是农历的正月十五,被认为是家人团圆的好日子。3元宵是农历新年里的第一个月圆之夜,代表着春天的来临。4它也被认为是春节的最后一天,换句话说,只有过完元宵节,春节也才算结束。5在元宵节这天吃的传统点心叫做“元宵”或者通常所说的“汤圆”。6通过这个名字我们就可以明白它含有家庭团聚和快乐的意义。7随着时间的变化,元宵节活动越来越多,如观灯会、猜灯谜、舞龙灯、舞狮等等。8直到今天,每年全国各地都会庆祝元宵佳节。As early as the Han Dynasty, Chinese people began to celebrate the Lantern Festival in a big way. As one the most important traditional festivals, the Lantern Festival falls on on January 15 of Chinese lunar calendar, and is regarded as a good day for family gather-together. It is the first full moon night in the Chinese lunar year, symbolizing the coming of the spring. Lantern Festival may be regarded as the last day of Spring Festival, in other words, the Spring Festival does not end until the Lantern Festival has passed. The traditional dim sum eaten on Lantern Festival is called “yuanxiao” or commonly called “tangyuan”. A meaning of family reunion and happiness may be felt even only from such name. As time goes by, the Lantern Festival has enjoyed more and more celebrating activities, such as watching lanterns, guessing lantern riddles, playing dragon lantern, Lion Dancing, etc. Till today, the lantern festival is still held each year around the country.预测话题三 清明节1清明节,又名扫墓节或寒食节,是人们祭祀祖先最重要的节日。2在中国,清明预示着晚春的来临,即最好的耕作时间。3在清明节那一天,后辈们会清扫祖先坟墓,摆上食物和鲜花。4自古以来,我国有很多关于清明节的艺术作品和诗歌,这体现了中国人对清明习俗的重视和传承。参考译文The Qingming Festival, also called “Tomb Sweeping Day” or “Cold Food Day”, is the most important day for people to offer sacrifice to ancestors. In China, Qingming indicates the coming of late spring, namely the best plowing time. On the day of tomb sweeping, the descendants would clean the ancestors tomb, and then present the food and fresh flowers. Since the ancient times, there have been a lot of works of art and poems about Qingming, manifesting the emphasis and passing-on of the Chinese people on Qingming.预测话题四:七夕节1农历七月初七是一个特别的节日,用以庆祝伟大而浪漫的爱情故事。2虽然各地对该节日的叫法和传统不尽相同,但都可以追溯到一个古老的故事,一对情侣被一条大河隔开,每年只能在这一天晚上见面。3在中国城市中,比起七夕节,年轻人更喜欢过西方的情人节。4虽然一些传统习俗已被改变或已消失,如情人节的礼物,由过去的刺绣变成了鲜花和巧克力,但是牛郎织女的传说仍然世代相传。参考译文In the lunar calendar, the seventh day of the seventh month is a special festival to celebrate a great, romantic love story. Although the names and traditions vary from place to place, all the celebrations can be traced back to an old story of two lovers who are separated by a great river and are forbidden to meet except for this one night. In the Chinese cities, the Western Valentines Day is more favored than the Double Seventh Festival by young people. Although some traditional customs have been changed or been lost, like the presents of Valentines Day, instead of needlework, flowers and chocolates are more popular. The legend of Niu Lang and Zhi Nu is still passed down from generation to generation.翻译预测话题51刺绣,中国艺术中一颗璀璨的明珠,其历史可以追溯到新石器时代(Neolithic age)。2在古代,刺绣是那些被禁足妇女们的一项优雅的工作。3因为丝绸质地好,大部分精美的丝绣品都是用其制作而成。4从皇帝的龙袍(Dragon Robes)到今天的时尚潮流,刺绣为我们的文化和生活增添了许多乐趣。5在中国西南部,现代丝绣依然非常流行。6一些少数民族也有自己的刺绣风格,通常以描绘神话或宗教内容为主题。Embroidery, a brilliant pearl in Chinese art, can be dated back to Neolithic age. In ancient times, embroidery was an elegant task for ladies who were forbidden to go out of their homes. Because of the good quality of silk, most Chinese fine embroideries are made with silk. From the magnificent Dragon Robes of emperors to todays fashions, embroidery adds a great deal of pleasure to our culture and our life. The modern Chinese silk embroidery still prevails in southern China. Some Chinese minority groups also have their own style of embroidery, which usually depicts a mythical or religious topic.翻译预测话题61风筝制作是中国传统的民间手工艺。2汉代以后,人们开始用纸制作风筝,替代了木头和竹子。3纸的使用减少了成本,于是风筝很快走入了普通人的生活。4在中国,放风筝在每一代人中都很流行。5风筝的出现唤起了人类渴望飞翔的梦想。6每逢节假日,很多人聚集在广场上,手里拿着线,控制蓝天中放飞一只只美丽的风筝。7潍坊国际风筝节在每年四月举行,世界各地的风筝爱好者都会在此进行比赛。Kite making is a traditional Chinese folk handicraft. After the Han Dynasty, paper was originally introduced into the kite making and replaced the wood and bamboo. Paper decreased the cost of kite, and as a result, kite quickly spread among the common people. Flying a kite is a very popular activity in all generations in China. The invention of the kite may help to arouse the dream of mankind to fly. In the holidays, there are large numbers of people gathering in the squares
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