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广东省珠海市金海岸中学九年级英语 Unit15综合测试题 人教新目标版听力部分(共20分) 听对话,选择与对话内容相符的图片。对话读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分) A B C D E F1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 听对话和问题,根据所听内容选择正确答案。对话和问题读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)( ) 6. A. Water pollution.B. Air pollution.C. Food pollution.( ) 7. A. 4.B. 16.C. 12.( ) 8. A. Go to the lecture.B. Go to the cinema.C. Go shopping.( ) 9. A. At home.B. In a restaurant.C. In a zoo.( ) 10. A. Make a telephone call.B. Listen carefully.C. Go to school. 听对话和短文,根据所听内容选择正确答案。对话和短文读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)听第一段材料,回答第11-13小题。( ) 11. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Mother and son.B. Teacher and student.C. Brother and sister.( ) 12. What is Tom going to be when he grows up? He wants to be _.A. a doctor for animalsB. a policemanC. a teacher( ) 13. What does Toms brother think of being a policeman?A. Exciting.B. Helpful.C. Relaxing.听第二段材料,回答第14-16小题。( ) 14. What does the man like doing in New York?A. Going shopping.B. Visiting museums.C. Hanging out in stores.( ) 15. What do the two speakers think of the traffic in the city? They think it is _.A. greatB. goodC. bad( ) 16. Where are they going?A. To a museum.B. To a restaurant.C. To a store.听第三段材料,回答第17-20小题。( ) 17. What kind of people do guide dogs help?A. Doctors.B. Soldiers.C. The blind.( ) 18. What kind of dogs are the best ones for the job?A. Tall and fat.B. Clever and fit.C. Old enough.( ) 19. When did Germany start a program to teach dogs to be guide dogs?A. After Dorothy went to Germany.B. After Dorothy wrote about it for a magazine.C. After the doctor taught a dog to guide a person.( ) 20. How long does it take to train a little dog to be a guide dog?A. Over 2 years.B. 14 months.C. 4 weeks.基础知识运用(共25分) 单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。( ) 21. Though they were in danger, he urged his people _ calm. A. remainingB. remainC. to remainD. remained( ) 22. Do you agree with that plan? No, I am _ building a new zoo in our city.A. for B. onC. againstD. in( ) 23. It _ that some drink is not healthy because it can cause cancer. A. inventedB. discoveredC. is inventedD. is discovered( ) 24. Tigers are endangered animals. There arent many of them _.A. leave B. to leaveC. leftD. leaving( ) 25. How do they deal with the dangerous building? The building _ now.A. is being pulled downB. pulled downC. is being set upD. set up( ) 26. More and more fish die because the river _.A. pollutedB. is pollutedC. have been pollutedD. is polluting( ) 27. What are you doing this year? Were trying _ the manatees. They are endangered animals.A. to keepB. to saveC. keepingD. saving ( ) 28. Does Mr Green live here? He _ here, but hes just moved away.A. used to liveB. will beC. has beenD. is( ) 29. There _ a lot of monkeys in the mountain. But there arent many now. A. used to haveB. be used to beingC. used to beD. be used to having( ) 30. _ are African elephants? They are about 7 meters tall and weigh about 8 tons (吨).A. How manyB. How muchC. How longD. How big( ) 31. What do you think of the book? It is suitable _ children to read because it is full of pictures and educational.A. toB. atC. forD. with( ) 32. Everyone should help save the planet. Of course. I stop _ in cars this year.A. to rideB. ridingC. to takeD. taking( ) 33. The school _ free textbooks _ children whose families are very poor. A. provide; forB. gives; forC. provides; forD. give; to( ) 34. Im sorry to keep you waiting. Oh, its OK. I _ here for only a few minutes.A. had beenB. wasC. have beenD. will be( ) 35. We can help to educate the public _ the environment. A. about caring forB. of caring forC. about taking careD. of looking after 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A desert is a large area of land. There is 36 rain and not many plants. The size and the place of the worlds desert are always changing. In the last hundred years, deserts have 37 more and more. Thats mainly 38 men. In the nineteenth century some people brought a little animal called rabbit to Australia from England. Today there are 39 them. They eat every plant which they can see. The great desert in the center of Australia is becoming 40 . There are places in North Africa where great cities once stood. There used 41 gardens and trees and grass. But now these places are deserts. Scientists studied the land to 42 what happened. Many of them thought the land disappeared when the trees 43
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