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Unit 5 Feeling HappyTopic 2 I feel better now.【夯实基础】一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. What _ ( seem ) to be the problem ? 2. She seems so sad and _ ( happy ) 3. He is _ ( surprise ) at the result. 4. Maria is anxious about _ ( wait ) in line for a long time. 5. Jane is angry at _ ( other ) mistakes.二、根据句意及中文提示完成句子。1. My father _ _ _ ( 对感到满意) my good results at school. 2. She is worried . I think I should _ _ _ ( 谈话) with her . 3. We should help others _ _ (需要 ) .4. The students _ _ _ (对厌倦 ) Mr Lis class.5. Our math teacher is very patient and explains things to us _ _ _ _ ( 一次又一次)三、单项选择。( )1 Is there _ wrong ? A anything B something C nothing ( )2 She doesnt know what _. A do B to do C doing ( )3 Does that _ you ? A surprised B surprising C surprise ( )4 Is your grandma worried _ her health ? A in B on C about ( )5 Li Ming is very tired _ too much homework. A with B of C at ( )6 I didnt do my homework . My father is _ with it. A angry B pleased C satisfied ( )7 My teacher is _and _, he explains things to us over and over again. A strict, patient B strict, funny C patient, bored ( )8 What _ the boys _ ? A are, likes B is, like C are, like【拓展能力】一、根据汉语提示完成写出单词。1 Everyone feels sad and sometimes , _ ( 尤其) when living in a new place. 2 Give them your _ (建议 ) .3 Many people in their teens have such _ ( 经历) .4 It takes mea long time to _ ( 变得) happy. 5 It is _ ( 重要) to talk to someone. 二、根据对话内容, 从所提供的选项中选择最佳项完成对话。A: Hello , Uncle Wang! B: Hello, Tom, _1_ You look so worried. A: 2_ I really need your help. B: What do you mean? A: Well, 3_ But my parents want me to play basketball because Im in Grade Nine now. B: Maybe your parents are right. 4_ . A: I see. I do well in all my lesson and I want to do the things I am interested in. B: OK. 5_. A: Thank you , Uncle Wang. Its very nice of you. A: Work must come first. B Ill talk with your parents about the problem. 来源:学优中考网xyzkwC My parents like me to play basketball. F I have a problem. G You may ask your parents to buy you a basketball. 1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _ 三、阅读理解。Mr Smith and Mr Green work in the same office. One day Mr Smith said to Mr Green. “ Were going to have a small party at our house next Wednesday evening. Will you and your wife come? ”Mr Green said , “ Thank you very much. Thats very kind of you. Were free that evening, I think . Ill telephone my wife and ask my wife . Maybe she wants to go somewhere that evening.” So Mr Green went to the other room and telephoned his wife. When he came back , he looked very surprised . “ Whats the matter?” asked Mr Smith,” Did you ask your wife?” “No,” answered Mr Green,” She wasnt there. My small son answered the telephone . I said to him, Is your mother there, David? And he answered, No, she isnt in the garden.” Where is she then? I asked, She is in the garden, What is she doing I asked again, She is looking for me, my son answered.” 根据短文内容选择正确答案。( )1 Mr Smith asked Mr Green _.A. to go to the party in their office. B. to have a small party in their office C. to come to the small party in his house. ( )2 Mr Green _.A. didnt want to go to the party. B. would like to go to the party with his wife. C. would like to go to the party with his son. ( )3 Mr Green telephoned his wife because _.A. he wanted to know where his son was. B. he wanted to know if she was going to her friends house. C. he wanted her to her ready for the party. ( )4 Mr Green told Mr Smith _.A. there was something wrong with the telephone. B. no one answered the telephone. C. David answered the telephone. ( )5 Mrs Green _ in the garden. A was working. B was looking for her husband. C was looking for her son.【单元检测】一、听力测试。、听句子,选择恰当的答语,念两遍。( ) 1. A. Its June 20th. B. Its Tuesday. C. Its 6: 45. ( ) 2. A. Certainly, Here you are. B. How are you? C. Yes, thats right. ( ) 3. A. Its a pleasure. B. Thank you. C. Not at all. . ( ) 4. A. Nice to meet you. B. Ive got a bad cold. C. Go down this street and turn right. ( ) 5. A. Thank you very much. B. OK. See you tomorrow. C. A11 right. See you then. II、听对话和对话后的问题,然后选择正确答案,念两遍。( ) 1. A. Milk. B. Vegetables. C. Meat. ( ) 2. A. America. B. London. C. Canada. ( ) 3. A. To see Miss Liu. B. To see a friend. C. To buy some books. ( ) 4. A. 22.
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