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2008巴市前旗北中仁爱版八年级下册Unit 8 Topic 2 测试题(附答案)作者:(LJ)一词汇。(A) 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。 1 People should dress_(correct) on different occasions. 2 Youd better_(make) a survey about the traffic rules. 3 Its necessary that everyone_(obey)the traffic rules. 4 We _(interview) ten people for the job yesterday morning. 5 Its necessary for us to wear_(sport)shoes when we are having sports.(B) 根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。 1 It will make her_ _(看起来苗条)。 2 I think we should wear_ _(商业套装)at the office. 3 Look, here comes a_ _(餐馆).We can ask him. 4 This TV programme_ _(不适合)for children to watch. 5 We usually wear uniforms_ _(在工作日)。二单项选择。( )1 Look! The young man_is in brown looks like Mr. Clark. - I think so. A what B whose C which D who ( )2 Our teachers dont allow us _slippers in the school.A wearing B wear C to wear D wears( )3 She was so careless that she_herself.A hurts B was hurt C hurted D hurt( )4 Its too hot. Youd better_your coat.A put on B take off C wear D be in ( )5 He is old enough to retire(休息), but he still_the plans carefully. A carries on B carries out C takes on D works out( )6- I really want to know _Sun Yao is.- It is said that he is much better these days.A what B how C where D who ( )7 When we are wearing uniforms, people_can find us easily.A dangerous B in danger C ill D out of danger( )8 Nurses uniforms are clean and they are _patients.A good at B good for C well in D bad for( )9- Could you tell me_? - At 3:00 p.m. A when does the meeting begin B when the meeting begins. C where the meeting does begin D what the meeting begins()10 The woman often_a red coat. A puts on B in C dress D wears( )11 You cant_people from saying what they think. A protect B allow C advise D stop( )12 Police are advising fans without tickets_the gym. A leaving B leave C left D to leave( )13 Do you remember_? Id like to buy one for my mother, too. A where did you buy the scarf B where you buy the scarf C where do you buy the scarf D where you bought the scarf( )14_true_suitable uniforms can show good discipline. A it; to B Its; to C It; that D Its that ( )15-Could you tell me_you go to school everyday?- By bus.A where B when C how D if 三口语运用。 (Man-M, Woman-W, Girl- G)M:1_W: Im looking for a coat for my daughter.M: Here, madam. 2_W: The one on the right looks very nice, doesnt it? 3_G: No, Mum, I dont like red very much. 4_W: Green? What about that green one over there? How do you like that?G: Its nice, isnt it?W: Yes, 5_M: 50 dollars.来源:xyzkw.ComW:OK. Well take it来源:学优中考网xyzkw.A. What do you want, madam?B. Do you like it, dear?来源:学优中考网xyzkwC. I like red better than green.D. What can I do for you, madam?E. I prefer green.F. Here are coats for girls.G. How much is it?四 完形填空。 Shopping for clothes is not the same for a man as it is for a woman. A man goes shopping because he needs 1 . He knows what he wants, and he goes there to 2 it and buys it. It is unimportant whether it is cheap or not. All men just walk into a shop and ask the person in the shop 3 what they want. The job can be completed(完成)in 4 than five minutes, with hardly any small talk 5 them and the persons in the shop. Now how will a woman go about buying clothes? Her shopping is not based on(基于)need. She has never fully decided what she wants, and she is 6 “having a look round.” She will try on a number of things. For her the most 7 thing is to find something that everyone thinks suits her. Most women have a very good sense of value when they 8 clothes. Facing a room full of dresses, a woman can easily spend an hour going from hanger to hanger before choosing the dress she wants to try on. It is a long and hard 9 , but obviously(显然)one to be enjoyed. Most dress shops have chairs 10 the waiting husbands.( )1 A anything B nothing C something D everything ( )2 A look after B find C look up D look at ( )3 A about B for C after D of ( )4 A older B less C fewer D more ( )5 A between B among C around D about ( )6 A even B really C just D still( )7 A important B easy C happy D difficult ( )8 A make B sell C buy D wash ( )9 A job B work C thing D hour ( )10 A for B with C to D by 五 阅读理解。A Schools in the USA are a little different from schools in China. Usually, there is no school uniform. In many Chinese schools, students have school uniforms Classes start at 8:30 each morning a
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