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大学和高中的不同英语作文【篇一:英文作文高中和大学生活的异同】 the difference between my high school life and my college life 对外汉语4班 张斯妍 the difference between my high school life and my college life i have been a college student for three months. its hard to express my feelings about my collegial life. all i want to say are some words like wonderful colorful and comfortable. before i came to my college i often dreamed about the life in there. first i hope i will have some lovely roommates so that i can have a peaceful life in my dorm. then i hope my school will be as beautiful as what i expected. last i hope i will have a good environment to study. on the day term begins, all these have come true. ? school my school is beautiful and huge. it takes more than an hour to visit the whole school. its almost ten times as big as my high school. there are many rivers, small forests, two playgrounds and a mini zoo in my school and you can see trees and flowers everywhere. how beautiful it is! ? life before i came to my college, i have never lived without my family. so they were very worried about whether i could live myself. but the truth was that i have done a good job. i can live myself very well. whats more, i could manage my money very well, too. when i was a high school student, i always thought i was a child and icould do everything i like. so i bought everything i like even it was useless. i wasted a lot of money which were given by my parents. but now, the money belongs to me. if i save it, i can use it later on when i need it. ? friends i have five roommates. every one of them is kind and friendly. after so many days living together, we have known each other a little. i like them very much. in my high school, my classmates always talked about the tv show or the tv star in korea. i didnt like these, so most time we had nothing to talk. but with my roommates, we can talk what happened recently days or even we can talk about how to wash shoes. ? study i love my fantastic schools library. i can almost find every book i want there. i can study or have a nap on the sofa there. another difference is that now what i learn is what i like. i learn it to my own desires. so i feel happy to study everything in my classes. besides these, there are still something same between my high school and my college. first of all, wherever i am, i still a student and the most important thing for me is to study. second, i do everything for my dream and the dream is the same as before. where there is a will, there is a way. i believe if i do everything asperfect as i can. sooner or later i will let my dream come true. so the college is just a place where can let me fly high. whatever it likes, i love here.【篇二:英语作文范文 关于大学】 有必要上大学吗?is it necessary to go to university? 作者:adreep 来源:互联网 时间:2013-11-12 with the increasing number of university graduate fail to find a job, some parents start to hold the opinion that going to university is nothing but waste money and time. they argue that if family has the money to support child to attend to university, they would rather to spend the money to support their child to start their own business, which might get more reward than go to university. in my point of view, i cannot agree with that. 随着大学生就业难的人数逐渐增加,有些父母开始认为上大学除了浪费钱和时间根本就是一无是处。他们称如果家里有钱给孩子上大学,他们宁愿拿这个钱给孩子创业,这比上大学的回报还高。在我看来,我无法同意这个观点。 in the first place, university is not a place only to learning knowledge from books, but also it could open a door to a brand new world to students. for instance, there are lots of students association in university, students could choose one or two to learn and practice their skills according to their hobbies, such as a university entrepreneurs club is a nice chose for a student who are going to start their own business after graduated, it will help them to make less mistakes on the road to success. 第一,大学不仅仅是学习书本知识的地方,它还能给学生打开全新的世界的大门。例如,在大学有很多社团,学生可以根据自己的喜好选择一个或者两个社团去学习和练习他们的能力,例如创业社团对于想毕业自己创业的学生来说就是个很好的选择,这能帮助他们以后走在成功的路上少犯错误。 in the second place, who could guarantee that a high school graduates would make a success in business field. apparently they are lack of professional business knowledge and experience. whats the most important is that they are lack of contacts. those factors will make them fail every easily, even though they have a strong money backup from their parents. 第二,谁能保证一个高中毕业生能够在商业领域成功呢?很显然他们缺少专业的商业知识和经验。更重要的是他们缺乏人脉。这些因素会让他们很容易失败,尽管他们有父母强大的金钱后盾。 to speak frankly, students should go to university if they get the chance. it will be totally different from go to the social college. 坦白的说,学生如果有机会还是应该上大学的,这和直接上社会大学是完全不同的。 论在大学里聘请外籍教师hire foreign teachers in college作者:adreep 来源:互联网 时间:2013-12-11 according to a recent research, most chinese college students can not speak exact english pronunciation. nearly every chinese student learns english in universities. chinese teachers teach language is easy to be accepted and followed, but thats
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