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U7 小学六年级下新教材 第八次【复习】成功的 _ 出售过去式 _ 当作 _ 没错 _ 把变成 _ 感到厌烦_ 输掉比赛_Unit 7 It is the polite thing to do【课文】Jiamin: Hey, Ben! What will you do if you see an old lady standing on the bus?Ben: Thats easy. If she does not have a seat, I will give her my seat. Why?Jiamin: Well, today on the bus, I stood up to give my seat to an old lady. But before I could say anything to her, a young man quickly sat down.Ben: How impolite! We should always give our seat to people in need. Its the polite thing to do.Xiaoling: Thats right. I dont like impolite people. Yesterday, as I waited in line at the supermarket, a girl tried to push in. She didnt even say “excuse me”.Janet: People should always wait for their turn. If the line is long dont push in. Be patient!【词汇必会】方法_ 态度_ 礼貌_座位_ 没礼貌的_ 队_ 推_ 满的_ 大笑_当时候_现学现卖1. 请选择1) We should always be polite to others and have good _.A. manner B. impolite C. laugh D. when2) I fell down because he _ me.A. laugh B. push C. full D. pushed3) _ the old lady got on the bus, I stood up and gave her my seat.A. full B. laugh C. push D. as4) I like your idea, but not your_.A. manner B. impolite C. laugh D. when5) You should always wait in _ when you are paying money in the supermarket.A. push B. impolite C. laugh D. line6) The teacher said:” Come in and have a _.A. seat B. line C. as D. manner7) “Eat more!” “Thank you, but Im _.”A. laugh B. full C. manner D. line8) It is _ to make fun of others.A. full B. laugh C. impolite D. as9) He often tells us funny stories and make us _.A. full B. laugh C. manner D. push 2. 请翻译1) Yesterday, as I waited in line at the supermarket, a girl tried to push in.2) We should always give our seat to people in need.3) What will you do if you see an old lady standing on the bus?4) But before I could say anything to her, a young man quickly sat down.3. 请填空 1) 当你排队的时候推别人,这是很没有礼貌的。It is _to _ people when you are waiting in _.2) 如果车厢满了,我们应该把作为让给老年人。If the bus is _, we should give our _ to old people.3) 当我们说到”什么龟”,总是大笑不止。_ we say “what tortoise”, We cannot stop _.4) 这是一个很好的方法来表示我们态度和礼貌It is a good _ to show our _ and _.4. 填词游戏76543211. if we are polite, we have2. the place we sit on3. one by one 4. not polite5. opposite of “pull”6. no any spare space7. smile very bigly【词组必会】插队_ 嘲笑_ 让座_排队_ 需要_ 起立_坐下_排队等待_ 在超市_等待轮到某人_ 现学现卖1.填空1) 当我们嘲笑别人的时候,我们要想一想有一天很可能相同的事情也发生在自己身上。When we _ others, we should think this will probably someday happen to us, too.2)小明不想站起来,那就坐下吧。Xiao Ming doesnt want to _, so he can _.3) 我们应该把座位让给需要的人。We should _ to someone _.4) 妈妈现在超市等着轮到自己。Mum _ at the supermarket. 5) 我们应该排队,不应该插队_2. 我画你猜【滚瓜烂熟】一 翻译句子1. 如果她没有座位,我会把自己的给她。_2. 在我可以说任何话之前,一个年轻人马上坐下了。_3. 多不礼貌!我们应该永远给需要的人让座。_4. 昨天,当我在超市排队等待的时候,有个女孩想要插队。_二课文填空Jiamin: Hey, Ben! What _ you do _you see an old lady standing on the bus?Ben: Thats easy. _ she does not have a seat, I_give her my seat. _Jiamin: Well, today on the bus, I_ _to_ _ _ an old lady. But before I _ say _ to her, a young man quickly _ _.Ben: _ _! We _ _ give our seat to people _ _. Its the polite thing to do.Xiaoling: Thats right. I dont like impolite people. Yesterday, as I _ _ _ at the supermarket, a girl tried to push in. She didnt even say “excuse me”.Janet: People should always _ _ their _. If the line is long dont _ _. Be patient!【知识点精讲】1. What will you do if you see an old lady standing on the bus?If she does not have a seat, I will give her my seat. if表示如果
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