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花木兰 中英文对白花木兰Mulan匈奴入侵,快点烽火!Were under attack!Light the signal!现在全中国的人都知道你来了Now all of China knows youre here.好极了Perfect.启票皇上Your Majesty匈奴已越过北方边界the Huns have crossed our northern border.不可能,无人能越过长城lmpossible. No one can get through the Great Wall.他们由单于领军Shan-Yu is leading them.我们将保卫你的皇宫Well set up defenses around your palace immediately.不,派你的军队保护朕的子民No. Send your troops to protect my people.赐福Chi Fu.是 皇上Yes, Your Highness?通令全国各地征召壮丁Deliver conscription notices throughout all the provinces.紧急召集所有军人回营服役Call up reserves and as many new recruits as possible.皇上,恕臣直言Forgive me, Your Majesty,我相信我的军队就能阻挡单于but I believe my troops can stop him.朕不能冒这个险,将军l wont take any chances, General.小兵也会立大功A single grain of rice can tip the scale.有时候,一个人就是胜败关键One man may be the difference between victory and defeat.妇德就是文静,谦虚Quiet and demure.文雅 Graceful.礼貌Polite.雅致Delicate.举止优雅小心Refined. Poised.Punctual.守时糟了Ai-yah!小白Little Brother!小白Little Brother!小Lit.你在这儿啊?Ah! There you are.谁是世上最聪明的小狗狗Whos the smartest doggy in the world?来吧,小家伙Come on, smart boy.今天你能帮我做家务吗?Can you help me with my chores today?列祖列宗Honorable ancestors,让木兰今天给媒婆一个好印象please help Mulan impress the matchmaker today.求求您,请帮帮她吧Please.Please help her.爹爹,我给您带来Father, l brought your. Whoa!木兰Mulan.我多准备了一个l brought a spare.医生说清早三杯茶The doctor said three cups of tea in the morning.还有晚上上三杯哦and three at night.木兰,你早该进城了Mulan, you should already be in town.我们都指望你We are counting on you替花家光宗耀祖啊to uphold the family honor.别担心,爹Dont worry, Father.我不会让您失望l wont let you down.祝我好运Wish me luck.快去吧Hurry!我要求祖宗多多保佑木兰lm going to. pray some more.夫人,你女儿来了没?Fa Li, is your daughter here yet?媒婆可不是个有耐性的人哦The matchmaker is not a patient woman.她怎么老是迟到啊Of all days to be late.我早该求祖宗保佑的l should have prayed to the ancestors for luck.他们能保佑什么?How lucky can they be?他们死了啊Theyre dead.除此之外我有Besides, lve got.我们需要的幸运符all the luck well need.你该有点用处了This is your chance to prove yourself.奶奶,小心啊Grandma, no!哇塞Yep,这只蟋蟀真是幸运this crickets a lucky one!我来了lm here.怎么了?What?娘,我必须.But, Mama, l had to.不要找借口None of your excuses.你先要打扮一下Now, lets get you cleaned up. This is what you give me to work with Well, honey, Ive seen worse We are gonna turn this sows ear Into a silk purselts freezing.好冷哦lt would have been warmif you were here on time. Well have you washed and dried Primped and polishedTil you glow with pride Trust my recipe for instant bride Youll bring honor to us allMulan, whats this?Uh, notes.ln case l forget something.Hold this.Well need more luck than l thought. Wait and see when were through Boys will gladly go to war for you- With good fortune- And a great hairdotogether Youll bring honorTo us all A girl can bring her family Great honor in one way- By striking a good match- Huh?- And this could be the day- laughs Men want girls with good taste- Calm.- Obedient. Who work fast-paced With good breeding- And a tiny waist- gasps Youll bring honor to us all We all must serve our emperor Who guards us from the Huns A man by bearing arms A girl by bearing sons When were through you cant fail Like a lotus blossom soft and pale How could any fellow say no sale Youll bring honor to us all Youll bring honor to us allThere. Youre ready.Not yet.An apple for serenity.A pendant for balance. Beads ofjade For beauty You must proudly Show it Now add a cricket Just for luck And even you cant blow it Ancestors, hear my plea Help me not to make a fool of me And to not uproot my family tree Keep my father standing tall Scarier than the undertaker We are meeting our matchmakertownspeople Destiny guard our girls And our future as it fast unfurls Please look kindlyOn these cultured pearls Each a perfect porcelain doll Please bring honor to us Please bring honor to us Please bring honor to us Please bring honor to us Please bring honor to us all 花木兰Fa Mulan.在Present.不要随便开口Speaking without permission.哦Oops.她火气这么大干嘛?Who spit in her bean curd?太瘦了Mmm. Too skinny.不容易生出儿子Hmph! Not good for bearing sons.妇有四德指的是什么?说呀妇德指导的是谦虚而妇言是少说话妇容是和悦,还有妇力是妇功妇功意思是服从跟我来Hmm. This way.现在呢Now,倒茶pour the tea.取悦你未未的公婆To please your future in-laws,一定要谨慎望而却步、优雅you must demonstrate a sense of dignity.还要心存恭敬and refinement.你也必须注意仪态You must also be poised.对不起Um, pardon me.还要安静And silent!
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