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Unit 7 Know Our WorldLesson 45 Lets Sort Garbage! 教材分析本课围绕环境来展开阅读,号召大家采取有效措施和从生活小事做起,提高学生珍惜和爱护地球的情感意识。 教学目标【知识与能力目标】1. Master the new words and expressions: sort, metal, weight, percent2. Call on the students to take actions to protect our environment.3. Learn about the pollution problems in our life.【过程与方法目标】掌握阅读的技巧,了解“greenhouseeffect”的背景知识和如何做绿色消费者来保护我们的地【情感态度价值观目标】本课围绕环境来展开阅读,号召大家采取有效措施和从生活小事做起,提高学生珍惜和爱护地球的情感意识。 教学重难点【教学重点】1. Offering help.2. Learn new vocabulary for describing materials and for comparing qualities.【教学难点】1. Offering help.2. Learn new vocabulary for describing materials and for comparing qualities. 课前准备 图片,PPT 教学过程Class Opening:1.Check the homework.2.Ask two or three students to read aloud their written proposals to their parents or neighbours. Encourage others to add their own suggestions.Student Book:Step 1. Lead in: What kinds of rubbish do you often throw every day? Can you name them? What can be recycled? Ask the students to have a discussion about the kind of rubbish and at the same time new words can be taught by talking about some given pictures.Step 2. Play the audiotape. Ask the students to listen to the tape while thinking about the question:What makes the most garbage?Step 3. Immersion Reading: 1. Have the students read the dialogue quickly and finish Ex.2 in the activity book. 2. Read the dialogue carefully again and have a further study about it. Encourage the students to solve their problems in the reading by co-operative learning.Step 5. Focus Explanation and Practice:In order to help the students understand the dialogue correctly and master the mastery contents, according to their study, Ill explain and practice some of the following language points: 1. Jenny has emptied two bags of garbage onto the floor.empty 可作形容词或动词,意思是“空的;倒空”。E.g. There is an empty bottle on the table.Can you empty the plates for me?2. Can I help you sort it?提供帮助常用句式: Can I help you? / What can I do for you? 答语: Yes, please. / No, thanks. sort 可作名词或动词, 意思是“类;分类”。E.g. What sort of people are they?We must sort out the bad apples from the good.3. Thats everything that isnt glass, metal, plastic or paper.That isnt glass , metal, plastic or paper是定语从句,用来修饰先行词everything,关系代词只能用that, 不能用which.4. Good heavens! So much garbage!good heavens意思是“天哪”,表示惊讶、不相信等。5. Thats the same weight as a small car!the same as意思是“和一样”。 same前必须加the。For example:They have the same population(人口) as we do.反义词组为: be different from / than/ to “与不同”。Step 6. Play the audiotape. Ask the students to listen and repeat, then act out the dialogue in groups of three.Class Activity: Come to “Unit Project”.1. Ask the students to read the structions of the project with some questions, such as: What did this project ask you to do first? Why? Help them make clear the specific requirements, goals and expectant result of the project.2. Collect the garbage which the students have picked up in the school yard and their neighbourhood.3. Divide the class into small groups. Provide each group with five empty bags and some of the garbage that has been collected. Ask students to sort the garbage into separate bags- paper, plastic, metal, glass and others. Require them to use their English vocabulary.4. Compare numbers of the garbage which theyve sorted.5. Have students work in the same groups or in new groups. Each group will discuss and make a poster about what things they can do to help reduce pollution in the world.If the project cannot be finished in one lesson, it can be continued in the next lesson. 教学反思略。
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