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沈阳理工大学学士学位论文 I 摘 要 本文主要介绍中国移动通信公司动感地带品牌经营概况,研究中国移动围绕动感地 带这一品牌所进行的市场运作以及产生的经营效果,通过对市场细分,消费者调查,以 及广告,价格等一系列因素的整合营销方案来研究“动感地带”成功的原因,以及 “动感地带”整合营销运用方法以及必要性和效果分析等,从这些方面来了解整合营 销的特点和“动感地带”品牌的强势。 随着通信技术的飞速进步和电信市场的不断开放,随着感性消费和个性消费时代 的到来,传统的营销方式已经不合时宜,让位于适应市场发展潮流的整合营销。中国 电信运营业也很快适应了这些新形势下的巨大变化,中国移动作为国内致力于移动通 信发展的通信运营,很快启动了“动感地带”,之后通过整合营销传播(IMC),将其品 牌的文化内涵 原创,个性,探索与其客户(年轻一族)追求和向往的独立、时尚与 个性很好地结合起来,使M-ZONE不仅成为一个年轻通信品牌,还要成为一个时尚品 牌,成为一个“只属于年轻人的通信与流行文化空间”,更使中国移动的霸主地位再 次巩固。 本文主要分为以下5个部分:第一部分是对整合营销传播理论的概述,包括整合营 销理论的定义,整合营销传播理论在我国运用的背景,以及整合营销传播的层次和发 展情况等,从理论入手,主要介绍了整合营销的产生及其研究情况,为下一部分分析 作铺垫;第二部分是对“动感地带”的品牌,内容和特点极其发展情况做了介绍,又 通过整合营销传播策略在“动感地带”推广的体现做出了简单的介绍和分析;第三部 分是对“动感地带”运用整合营销传播策略必要性作了具体的解释和分析,并将“动 感地带”和竞争对手的一系列情况作了对比和分析,具体说明了整合营销的时代性, 是适合当今时代发展和“动感地带”的特点的;第四部分对“动感地带”运用整合营 销成功的一系列效果分析,主要包括品牌效果分析,消费者市场定位分析以及沟通效 果分析和消费者满意度分析等。通过这些部分的分析来说明“动感地带”整合营销传播 的成功之处;第五部分是对“动感地带”在发展中的不足做出总结,并且分别在部分 和总体方面提供了一系列建议。 关键词:整合营销传播;业务品牌;消费者;动感地带 沈阳理工大学学士学位论文 II Abstract This article mainly introduces China mobile Companys product M-Zones general sales situation, studies China Mobiles market operation and the sales effect of it towards the product M-Zone. It Studies the reason of its success by the detailed divide of the market, consumers investigate, advertisements, price and so on. And M-Zone integrative marketing methods and necessity and analyses of the effect, etc From these aspects, it helps to understand the characters of integrative marketing methods and the brand M-zones pre- eminent. Along with the rapid advance of the communication technology and the constant open of the telecommunication market, we are entering an era of Perceptual and individuality consumption. the traditional marketing method is unpopular, and the integration marketing methods take the place for it meets the market developing trend. China telecommunication business also adapt tremendous changes in these new situations, China mobile, as the pioneer of mobile telecommunication, started the new product M-zone soon, then through the spread of integration marketing methods (IMC), combined well of the spirit of the brand, Original- design, characteristic, exploration and the clients (the youth) purchase and hope of Independent, fashion and individualism, makes M-zone not only a young telecommunication brand, but also a fashionable brand, a communication and cultural space which specially belongs to the youth. this firms the Leading position of China Mobile again. This article is mainly divided into the following 5 parts:Chapter 1 is the general introduction of Integrative marketing spread, including the definition of Integrative marketing spread, the practice background of Integrative marketing spread in our country, and the steps and developing situation of Integrative marketing spread, etc.Starts from the theories, it mainly introduced the emergence and developing and studding situation of Integrative marketing spread, to make an base for the next parts analysis;Chapter 2 is a introduction of the M-Zones brand, information and character and the developing situation. It studies and the spread of M-zone reflected by Integrative marketing spread methods ,and make a simple introduction and analyses;Chapter 3 is a concrete explanation and analysis of the necessity on using of Integrative marketing spread methods. It makes a contrast and analyses in series of the situations between M-Zone and its competitive rivals, concretely explained the popularity of Integrative marketing spread methods, suitable for the trend of nowadays development and the character of M-Zone;Chapter 4 a series of effect analysis on its success by integrative marketing spread methods, mainly include brand effect analysis, consumers market fixation analysis and communication effect analyze and the consumers satisfaction analyzes etcThrough the analysis of these parts, it shows the success of the usage of Integrative marketing spread methods;Chapter 5 is a summary of the shortage on M-Zone development, and it provides a series of suggestion separately for part and on general. Keyword: Integrative marketing spread;business brand;consumer;M-Zone 沈阳理工大学学士学位论文 III 目 录 引 言.1 1整合营销传播理论概述2 1.1 整合营销传播理论的内涵.2 1.2 整合营销传播理论在我国运用的背景.3 1.2.1市场权力重心的变化4 1.2.2信息技术的发展导致信息的多元化4 1.3 整合营销传播的层次.5 1.4 IMC 理论的发展阶段6 1.4.1 孕育阶段(20 世纪 80 年代以前).6 1.4.2 产生阶段(80 年代).7 1.4.3 发展阶段(20 世纪 90 年代).8 1.4.4 成熟阶段(21 世纪).9 2 “动感地带”的现状分析.10 2.1 “动感地带”的品牌介绍.10 2.2 “动感地带”的服务内容和特点.10 2.2.1 “动感地带”套装10 2.2.2 “动感地带”提供的服务11 2.2.3 “动感地带”的特点 .11 2.3 “动感地带”整合营销传播策略的表现性.11 2.3.1 营销传播协调一致12 2.3.2 全国性的促销活动13 2.3.3 让客户亲身体验13 2.3.4 产业链纵横联袂13 2.3.5 分兵布阵,组合工具14 3“动感地带”运用整合营销传播策略的必要性16 3.1 营销时代的变革.16 沈阳理工大学学士学位论文 IV 3.2 整合营销策略要素和“动感地带”品牌的对合.17 3.3竞争市场的激烈.20 3.3.1 “动感地带”与“UP 新势力”的竞争 23 3.3.2 “动感地带”与“神州行”的竞争 24 3.3.3 “动感地带”与“小灵通”的竞争 24 4 “动感地带”整合营销传播策略的效果分析.26 4.1 品牌效果分析.26 4.2 消费者市场定位分析.28 4.3 同消费者沟通效果分析.29 4.4 消费者满意度分析.30 4.4.1 “动感地带”总体直观满意度31 4.4.2 主要竞争满意度分析31 4.4.3 价格满意度对比32 4.4.4 促销宣传活动满意度分析33 4.4.5 话费透明度的满意度分析34 5 “动感地带”整合营销传播策略的不足和建议.35 5.1 “动感地
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