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高级口译补充翻译练习答案一、 中翻英1. The return of Taiwan to the embrace of the Motherland and the accomplishment of national renunification is the great and glorious historical mission of us this generation.The reunification of China and her prosperity and power not only represent the vital interests of the people of different nationalities on the mainland and those of the compatriots of various nationalities in Taiwan,but also favor the peace in the Far East and the world.2. Over the last two decades,no country in the world has expanded its foreign trade as fast as China.Japan took more than 20 years to double its foreign trade,while China,for the same length of time,has quadrupled its.Already the third largest producer of electric appliances,China is now playing a major role in the global market of the electric wares.China has also become a major producer of labor-intensive manufactured goods in the world.3Many people think most of the present Internet companies in China are only”Bubble Networks”.They will not live very long due to weak infrastructure and meager investment.Actually Chinas Internet is just in its infancy.The situation is the same as that in the U.S. several years ago.Its natural that the Internet market is unstable/shaky.But I am confident about the future of Chinas Internet development.4.By now the worst form of competition in schools is the disproportionate emphasis on examinations.It is a rare school that allows pupils to concentrate on those things they do well.The merits of competition by examinations are somewhat questionable,but competition in the certain knowledge of failure is positive harmful.School have an important duty to try to fit a childs personality to his possible future employment.Its is top management.5.Cultural exchange,through the medium of holding of cultural festivals between local people of different countries,is the best means to promote better regional understanding throughout the world.Through such spectacles many cities in China have raised their reputation in the world.Such events as has been shown have not been confined to culture alone,but extended to increased trade and other fields of commercial endeavor.6.We should tighten and improve financial control,lift control on the loan ceilings in exclusively state-owned commercial banks,gradually shift to granting loans in accordance with the assets-liabilities ratio and improve the pattern of lending.We should continue to carry out an appropriately stringent monetary policy and make timely and proper slight readjustment. While maintaining the current level of bank savings deposits of residents and inderect financing as the main form of financing,we should develop direct financing such as the issurance of stocks and bonds,and strengthen supervision and control of the securities market.7.The environmentalists say it is vital to protect the wildlife so that mankind can still survive on the earth.According to these specialists,we have to realize the crucial relationship between us and wild animals and plants within this ecological system.They also point out that nobody knows surely which of animals or plants would be useful for us in the future.8.Breathing other peoples cigatette smoke can do real harm to your lungs.The American Lung Association estimates that about 3000 people killed by lung cancer each year are involuntary smokers.According to a survey,a woman who doesnt smoke will have double the chance of suffering from lung cancer if she was exposed to a smoking family environment for 40 years or more of household tobacco smoke.9.Actually the last fifty years may not have been the golden age of invention and innovation.From 1900 to 1950,human life was transformed by such inventions as cars,aeroplances,telephones ,radios and television sets,not to mention nuclear weapons and the computer of course.In the recent 50 years since then only a few inventions have been made.Was the well-spring of invention drying up?Not likely.Indeed,a new age of inventions is just beginning.10.Haier Inc. is a leading household elctrical appliance manufacturer in China.Its products enjoy a good reputation in its home market.But 20 years ago,this company didnt even exist.Zhang Ruimin,its current CEO,was asked to rescue a refrigerator plant that was on the brink of bankruptcy in Qindao.He succeeded.Today,Haier has 30,000 employees(more than 10% of them in research and development,and 13 foreign factories,including one in the United States,managed by Americans).Its export business is thriving.11.I found the custom of arranged marriage unbearable/oppressive.How could any intelligent young person agree to such a marriage without a word of complaint/great reluctance?It was contrary to everything I believed about the importance of romantic love as the only basis of a happy marriage.It aslo clashed with my consistent/strongly held notions that the choice of such an intimate and permanent relationship c
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