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七年级英语专题讲解-名词,一、名词的数 可数名词都有单数和复数之分; 不可数名词没有复数形式。 1. 可数名词。 (1)规则的可数名词的复数变化规则:,(2)不规则的可数名词的变化规则: 有些可数名词的复数形式没有规则, 不能在其后加-s或-es。不规则复数形式主要有如下几种情况: 变内部元音字母: manmenwomanwomen toothteethfootfeet mousemicegoosegeese,词尾加-(r)en: childchildrenoxoxen 单复数同形: sheepdeerChineseJapanese man, woman修饰复数名词, 将man, woman和名词中心词都变为复数: a woman doctorwomen doctors a man teachermen teachers,【易错提醒】 fish表示鱼的种类时复数形式是fishes, 表示条数而不强调种类时, 单复数同形用fish。 There are many kinds of fishes in this river. 这条河中有很多不同种类的鱼。 I caught five fish today. 我今天捉了5条鱼。 有一些名词是成双、成对出现的, 这些名词常用pair来修饰。 a pair of glasses一副眼镜a pair of trousers一条裤子 a pair of shoes一双鞋a pair of gloves一副手套 a pair of pants一条裤子a pair of shorts一条短裤,2. 不可数名词。 一般情况下可数名词没有复数形式, 如果想表示数量时, 我们可以用名词单位词来表示, 常用的单位词有: piece, bit, bottle, cup, glass等。 a piece of advice一条建议a bit of bread一点面包 a bottle of water一瓶水a cup of coffee一杯咖啡 a glass of milk一杯牛奶,【即学活用】 1. Would you like some _ (tomato) for dinner? 2. We should do something to stop people from killing animals for fur, _(tooth) and meat. 3. How many teachers are there in your school? Ninety-eight, and fifty among them are_(woman)teachers. 4. I bought some pencils and_(knife)for the pupils this morning. 5. My brother had some bread and two_(bag) of_ (milk) for breakfast this morning. 答案: 1. tomatoes2. teeth3. women4. knives 5. bags; milk,二、名词的所有格 1. s所有格。,2. of所有格。 of所有格一般用于表示无生命的东西的名词中。 a map of the world一张世界地图 the windows of the room房间的窗户 表示有生命的东西, 有时也可以用of所有格。 the children of that family那家的孩子们,3. 双重所有格。 s所有格和of所有格两种所有格形式结合在一起, 构成了双重所有格。 a good friend of mine我的一个好朋友 a friend of Henrys亨利的一个朋友,【易错提醒】不定冠词、数词、某些不定代词(some, any, many, no, few等)以及which等限定词, 一般不与形容词性物主代词或s所有格等一起放在名词前修饰名词, 而采用of所有格或双重所有格形式。 I have read some books of his. 我读过他的一些书。 Which book of Qiong Yaos have you read? 你读过琼瑶的哪一本书?,【巧学妙记】名词所有格的用法 名词所有格, 意思表示“的”, 一般要把s加, 复数词尾有s, 只加“”就可以, 名词若为物无生命, 常把of所有格来应用, 一物若被两者所共有, 只在最后一个加“s”, 时间、地点和距离, 所有格也可用s。,【即学活用】 1. I live near the station. Its only about ten_(minute)walk. 2. Miss Black is a friend_my mothers. She often looks after my sister. 3. In China, we celebrate_(teacher)Day on September 10. 4. The room is_(Lucy)and_(Lily). It is small but tidy and nice. 5. PP Bear is one of_(child)favorite toys. 答案: 1. minutes2. of3. Teachers4. Lucy; Lilys 5. childrens,三、名词的功能 1. 作主语。 My father teaches them English. 我爸爸教他们英语。,【易错提醒】特殊名词, 如表示度量、时间、距离、金额等复数名词作主语时, 谓语动词往往用单数。 Two hours is enough for me to finish the work. 对我来说完成这项工作两个小时足够了。,2. 作定语。 There are many banana trees in Hainan. 海南有许多香蕉树。,【易错提醒】 名词作定语时, 一般用单数形式。 a shoe factorytomato and egg noodles 有些名词需要用复数形式作定语。 a clothes shopa sports meet,【即学活用】 1. Three years_passed since I came to this city. 2. Its harvest time, the apples on the_(apple)trees are big and red now. 3. The number of the doctors in the hospital is about 200 and two thirds are_(man)doctors. 4. Where are the_(boy)students? They are playing football against a team from another school. 5. There is a_(stone)house on the top of the hill. 答案: 1. has2. apple3. men4. boy5. stone,四、名词构词法派生法,【即学活用】 1. My sister is a nice_(dance). She dances well. 2. The_(music)has written many good pieces of music for people. We all love his songs. 3. Thank you so much for your_(kind). I can do it by myself. 4. My brother works in a big company and his office is in a tall_(build). 5. The young lady over there is our English_(teach). Her lessons are very interesting. 答案: 1. dancer2. musician3. kindness4. building 5. teacher,
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