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小学英语90学时培训赛课教学设计单位桐乡凤鸣同福小学姓名 钱丹萍教学年级六年级教学内容教材:PEP小学英语六年级下册章节标题:Recycle 2 day7 Mike s surprise .贞他:第48页教材图片教学目标1. 通过对本课的学习,学生对一般将来时能更好地运用;2. 学生能理解本邀请函的内容,并能回答相关问题;3. 能就“是否参加晚会”两种不同情况对邀请函作出相应的书面回应;4. 能掌握邀请函的基本格式,并能自己制作简单的邀请函;5. 通过本课的学习,培养学生对老师、母校的感恩之情,让学生懂得珍惜同学之间的友谊。教学过程教学步 骤教学过程设计设计理念、意图说明I.1. Greeting.2. Revision:1) T: Where is Mike these days?S answer2)T: What did he do at the farm?S answer通过展示照片,背上背景 首乐,复习过去式句型(课文中肩过去式的句 子),同时为本节课的情 感教学目标作好铺垫,体 现了人文性。II.2. Presentation:T: The postman is coming. Wow, a surprise! He has a letter.What s in it? It is a invitation.Mike s school will have a farewell party.T: Yes, and today he s got a surprise.Look, whatis it? Let s open it and see. Oh, it s an invitation(learnto say the word “invitation ” ,then show 4 invitations and let the students try to say).出示Mike在农场的图片, surprise引出本义的核心词 farewell party ,也是让学生先自己试读,跟 读。这一问题,让学生先自己 输出一般将来时的句子, 为本课时态复习作铺垫。III.3)Is Mike going to the party? Who is going to the party too? Listen and tick.4)Give the students 4 words,let them try to ask questions about the invitation first: Who will go to the party?When is the party?Where is the party?What are they going to do at the party?5)students read the invitation on the papaer and answer the above questions, stick the answers on the blackboard at the same time.6)Explain the phrase “give prizes ” , let the students read it for several times.7)The students drew the best pictures will get prizes ,who can get prizes too? Listen and tick.8)Can you say more student who can get prizes? ran fast/sang well/dance well.devide the invitaion into 3 parts :Part1: listen and repeat, read together.Part2: choose students to read, then read together.Part3: read it in groups, choose 2 groups to read.实现整个recycle情景的 整体性。本划、节采用了思维导图 的形式,对课文内容进行 整体梳理,引导学生先自 己尝试用四个特殊疑问 词进行提问,即who, when,where, what ,阅读下发材料上的 invitation ,进行回答, 并将答案以板贴的形式 展现,以备后面的环节 用。下发材料上的 invitation 跟课文中内 容相比,己经在句子顺序 上作了相应调整。一些跟 玩相关的活动全部调整 至U前圜,而 give prizes 放到后面,这样感觉条理 比较清晰。而跟give prizes to our good students 相关的几句话 是通过仿说例句的方式 呈现的,在形式上有所变 化,也能适当地插入过去 式的句子,而“让学生自 己说说还后哪些学生可 以得奖”,则能发散学生 的思维,变被动输入为主 动输出,也能融入人文性 的教育。本邀请函篇幅较长,如果 全部采用跟读或齐读的 方式,形式太过单一枯 燥,所以我把文章分成三 块,第一块听音跟读,第 二块抽学生分句读,第三 块四人小组练习读,形式 变化了,学生兴致也高rMake a big invitation on the blackboard with the students together: put the sticks on another side of the board, form them into an invitation.把前面通过思维导图展 现的板贴词卡移动一下, 同时补齐必要的邀请函 格式,和学生r完成 invitation的黑板制作,有二个好处:一,学生对这种模式更感兴趣;二, 学生对本课内容进行了 巩固;三,学生对邀请函 的基本格式肩了更深的 印象,为自己制作打基 础。IV.T:Mike will go to the party. The school sent him an invitation, so he writes a reply to the school. Let s have a look.Talk about Mike s reply together, then read it.Can you help Zhang Peng and WuYifan write a reply? Choose one person and help him to write.通过Mike s reply 的示 范广,让学生自己选择一 人帮助回复,训练学生自 己写V.T: John can t go to the party. But he should write a reply too. How should John write?Students talk about John s repl y and the teacher type it out on the PPT利用信息差,将教材中邀 请函的一种回复改为两 种,即能去参to的和不能 参加的,这样更符合生活 中真实的情境。VI.It s May now. One month later it will be June.We will.look! ( present the picture and phrase“leave our school on PPT,let the students try to read the word “leave ” , after it,present the picture and phrase“go to middle schools ” onPPT,let the students try to read the phrase“middle school ” .)2) Before you leave your school, what will you do? Ss: We will.T: And we will have a party. Which party, do you know?Present 4 parties on PPT, let the student choose, then lead to say the phrase “ farewell party ” (let the students try to read first, then let them repeat after the teacher)Ask the students: What will you do at the farewell party?Enjoy some pictures :Students look at the PPT, and talk about the pictures like this: In the past 6 years, we played/ran/had classes.together.Read the little poem: Goodbye.小诗的朗读,培养学生对 老师、母校的感恩之情, 让学生懂得珍惜同学之 间的友谊VII.Homework: Make your own invitation for birthday party/Halloween party/New Year s party.自己设计邀请函,对所学 内容进行复习巩固,也能 培养学生的动手能力。其他说 明和教 学反思
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