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2021年江苏省泰州市中考英语二模试卷一、单选题(本大题共10小题,共10.0分)1. -Do you think this T-shirt in a suitable_? -Yes. It just comes in medium.()A. sizeB. colourC. materialD. shape2. Which of the following words is formed in the same way as snowball?A. dailyB. actorC. pancakeD. discussion3. Im afraid the physics problem is completely_me and I have to ask you for help.()A. beyondB. overC. againstD. off4. Youll never guess what happened to Sherry! A couple of weeks ago, she decided to practising yoga.()A. takeoutB. takeupC. takeoffD. takeaway5. -John,_can you get your design ready? - Im not sure. Im still working on it.()A. howlongB. howsoonC. howoftenD. howfar6. In winter, we make snowmen and use carrots for their noses. Moreover, I enjoy the Ice Festival each year. The underlined word in the sentence is to_.A. showtimeB. showsequenceC. giveanexampleD. addmoreinformation7. -Could you tell me when the virus will disappear, Mrs Wang? -Im afraid its still_to talk about that. It takes time and well wait and see.()A. lateenoughB. earlyenoughC. toolateD. tooearly8. -Im afraid Mr. Friend cant see you until 4 oclock. -Oh,_, I wont wait.()A. nodoubtB. afterallC. inthatcaseD. intheway9. Why cant you trust me? Not everything you heard is true. Maybe not. But .()A. outofsight,outofmindB. actionsspeaklouderthanwordsC. thereisnosmokewithoutfireD. thegrassisalwaysgreenerontheotherside10. The novel Gullivers Travels is very nice. So it is. Could you tell me ?()A. howlongIcanborrowitB. ifIcankeepitforanotherweekC. whenImightreturnitD. thatIcanborrowit二、完形填空(本大题共15小题,共15.0分)Well today it happened. A tornado(龙卷风)touched down near the school. I wasnt even in the(1) _ when it happened. I had taken a student with me to the workroom to help get(2) _ for a test. When the sirens(警报)started making loud noise, I(3) _ caught my students hand and ran as fast as I could back to the classroom. I never imagined needing to put our tornado practice into use. I never(4) _ actually needing to line my students up on the wall and have them crouch down with their knees and heads(5) _ the ground, hands on the backs of their heads. Their hearts beat(6) _ fast that they couldnt catch their breath. Their fear-filled eyes looked up at me as they asked if their moms, dads and friends were going to be(7) _ . Never did I imagine that the silence would come over the whole school, with hundreds of(8) _ lining up against the walls of one building. We tried our best to make our students feel(9) _ , assure them of their safety, and promise them everything would be alright when we truly didnt(10) _ what the outcome would be. Today has done something bad to me, as I am sure it has done(11) _ to the hundreds and thousands of teachers in the local areas and surrounding areas. But at the same time, I am very(12) _ , surprised, and pleased with how my students deal with themselves today. In a very scary and dangerous situation, my students(13) _ very well. In my life, I have never seen my students follow directions so quickly. (14) _ some tears came out, and some hearts were beating fast, my students were brave. They had such strong(15) _ in me that they were able to be 100% calm and collected the whole time. They were brave beyond their age today and for that, I were greatly thankful.11. A. bedroomB. dining hallC. classroomD. sitting room12. A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing13. A. suddenlyB. carefullyC. loudlyD. shortly14. A. imaginedB. missedC. rememberedD. minded15. A. hittingB. movingC. fixingD. touching16. A. andB. butC. orD. so17. A. richB. fineC. sickD. smart18. A. teachersB. studentsC. doctorsD. nurses19. A. excitedB. relaxedC. shockedD. worried20. A. missB. believeC. knowD. wonder21. A. harmB. businessC. helpD. sadness22. A. luckyB. proudC. sorryD. kind23. A. didB. thoughtC. learnedD. tested24. A. IfB. UntilC. UnlessD. Although25. A. surpriseB. trustC. dangerD. difficulty三、阅读理解(本大题共17小题,共36.0分)AIf youre looking forward to getting lost in another world, here are some book series for you. Greenglass House series by Kate MilfordGreenglass House takes place at a hotel full of strange guests, in the town of Nagspeake. Milo, the son of the hotel keepers, must find out old truths about these guests and the place he calls home. There are four books in the series.Love Sugar Magic series by Anna MerianoLeonora Logrono wants to join the family business, a much-loved Mexican bakery in Rose Hill, Texas. But she soon learns her mom, aunt, and sisters are all witches(女巫). When her family tell her she is too young to use her powers, Leo takes magic into her own hand
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