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人教版选择性必修第二册unit3同步练习+专项训练.单词拼写1New goals are not always _(一致的) with the existing policies.2After the operation you may find it difficult to _(嚼) and swallow.3The two office buildings are _(有点) alike in appearance.4Its not just a little _(诀窍) that you can pick up in half an hour.5_(理想的)study times are after dinner or right after school before dinner.6They firmly believe that color is _(基本的) in home design.7Literature can be divided into two main _(种类 ):fiction and nonfiction.8Organic meat and _(奶制的) products usually cost more than other products.9Although Xiaoshenyang is famous all over the country,he is still quite _(谦虚的).10They welcomed this move but said that_(总体上) the changes didnt go far enough.1.consistent 2 chew 3 somewhat 4 trick 5 Ideal 6 fundamental 7 categories 8 dairy 9 modest 10 overall.单句语法填空11We are working in_(associate) with a number of local companies to raise money for the homeless.12Ive limited myself _ 1,000 calories a day to lose weight.13The community college has to cut down _ staff to save money.14If you work out bright and early in the morning,you will be more likely _(stick) to healthy food choices throughout the day.15So many plastic bags end _ in tree branches or along highways that a growing number of cities do not allow them at checkouts(收银台)16Li recommends the traditional Chinese dress _ Su prefers the school uniform.17The question,however,is whether this is _the developing countries need the most.18Scientists have obtained more evidence _plastic is finding its way into the human body.19As a result of destroying the forests,large_(quantity) of desert have covered the land.20Chinese women are not just _(consume) of fashionthey are central to its movement.11. association 12 to 13 on 14 to stick 15 up 16 while 17 what 18 that 19 quantities 20 consumers.单句写作21从年轻人到老年人,我们将会遇到很多的人。(quantity;vary)_22有人说古典音乐只和老年人相关。(in association with)_23一旦制定,计划就必须实施,无论有什么困难。(regardless of)_24尽管我愿意帮忙,但是我没有太多时间。(while)_25耐心是做好这份工作的诀窍。(trick)_21We will meet with quantities of people,varying from the old to the young.22Some people say that classical music is only in association with old people.23Once made out,the plan must be carried out regardless of any difficulty.24While I am willing to help,I dont have much time available.25Patience is the trick of doing this job well.语法填空Do you ever wonder whether you should write a thankyou note?If so,you 45._(probable) should.After all, its better to write one that isnt necessary than not write one when the occasion calls 46._ it.The purpose of a thankyou note is to show your 47._(appreciate) for a gift or service that someone has provided for you.If someone 48._(do) you a favor (帮忙),its nice to acknowledge him or her with some heartfelt written words.Its also nice to send a thankyou note to someone 49._ goes beyond the call of duty.These people often go unnoticed,and theyll be pleasantly surprised to see the note.Almost any gift or good deed deserves at least a brief thankyou note.50._ worst thing that will happen is that youll 51._(consider) “too polite”,and thats not a bad thing.Theres one time when you dont need to send a thankyou note:If a person sends flowers 52._(thank) you for something you have done for him or her,just pick up the phone and let him or her know how much you appreciate the 53._(thought) gesture.Otherwise,you may find yourself 54._ (send) thankyou notes back and forth for a very long time,to the point of being ridiculous.45probably46for47appreciation48has done49who50.The51be considered52.to thank53thoughtful54sending板块二-专项训练.阅读理解French is extremely diverse,with only the Chinese having similar variety in their food.This variety is supported by the French passion for good food in all its forms,Frances extraordinary range of different geographical conditions and climates that support the local production of many types of (原料),and Frances long and varied history.In many ways,an understanding of the culture of French food is an understanding of France itself.Meals range from the very basic,such as the traditional loaf,cheese and inexpensive wine,to very elaborate meals that can include a dozen dishes and different wines over several hours.Obviously,the latter type of dining is hardly used by most people.However,it is this dining that is typically found in “French restaurants” outside France,giving many foreigners the mistaken impression that French food is heavy and compli
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