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摘 要改革开放以来,随着中国快速的发展,我国在国际上的大国形象得到越来越多国家的认可。如今,在“一带一路”新时期背景下,我国有意向跨国并购的企业面临着千载难逢的机遇。但与此同时,许多挑战也是接踵而至。尤其近几年,我国企业在国际上跨国并购的数量逐渐增多,但最终并购成功的企业却为数不多。影响并购成功的因素非常多,但其中哪些才是目前我国企业在并购中所最需要关注的,是现在许多学者所要研究探讨的重点。而集资本与技术为一体的汽车行业,是当下国家所重点关注的产业之一。毫不夸张的说,汽车企业跨国并购的成功与否极大地影响了我国汽车产业发展的自主化,国际化。吉利,一家民营汽车企业,全资收购了沃尔沃百分百股权,完成了被称为“以小博大”的跨国并购,震惊了整个汽车行业。而且,吉利在后续整合过程的表现,也是十分出色,这值得中国汽车企业去学习与借鉴。而作为国营的上汽,“走向国际化”一直是它的战略构想。因此,上汽在2004年完成了对韩国双龙车企的收购,这成为了国内汽车企业跨国并购的首例。但是,由于上汽在整个并购过程中处理问题的方式不当,导致了最终并购的失败,这也给中国的汽车企业带来了警示。本文通过对同一行业(汽车行业)的两个跨国并购企业的并购背景、并购对象、并购动因、并购过程以及整合过程进行对比分析,然后得出影响汽车企业跨国并购成功的主要因素,提出一些基于这些因素的可行性建议或意见。关键词:吉利 上汽 跨国并购 成功因素AbstractSince the reform and opening up, with the rapid development of China, Chinas image of a big country in the world has been recognized by more and more countries. Today, in the context of the new era of the “One Belt and One Road,” Chinas enterprises that are interested in transnational mergers and acquisitions are facing a golden opportunity. But at the same time, many challenges have followed. In recent years, the number of Chinese enterprises in international cross-border mergers and acquisitions has gradually increased, but there are few companies that have succeeded in final mergers and acquisitions. There are many factors that affect the success of mergers and acquisitions, but which of them is the most important concern for Chinese companies in mergers and acquisitions is the focus of many scholars to study. The automotive industry, which integrates capital and technology, is one of the industries that the country is currently focusing on. It is no exaggeration to say that the success of cross-border mergers and acquisitions by auto companies has greatly affected the autonomy and internationalization of Chinas auto industry.Geely, a privately-owned automotive company, wholly acquired 100% of Volvos equity and completed a cross-border merger and acquisition known as “Little Boda”, shocking the entire automotive industry. Moreover, Geelys performance in the subsequent integration process is also very good, which is worth learning and learning from Chinese auto companies. As the state-owned SAIC Motor, towards internationalization has always been its strategic concept. Therefore, SAIC completed the acquisition of Ssangyong Motors in South Korea in 2004, which became the first case of cross-border mergers and acquisitions by domestic auto companies. However, due to the improper manner in which SAIC handled problems during the entire M&A process, it led to the failure of the final M&A, which also brought warnings to Chinese auto companies.This article compares and analyzes the backgrounds of mergers and acquisitions, mergers and acquisitions, merger and acquisition motives, mergers and acquisitions, and integration processes of two cross-border M&A companies in the same industry (automotive industry), and then concludes that the main factors affecting the success of auto companies cross-border mergers and acquisitions are based on some suggestions. Feasibility advice or advice on these factors.Keywords: Geely SAIC transnational merger and acquisition success factors目录1 绪论11.1 研究背景11.2 研究目的11.3 研究方法与框架21.3.1 研究方法21.3.2 研究框架22 文献述评32.1 汽车企业跨国并购的文献综述32.2 跨国并购动因的文献综述32.3 影响跨国并购成败因素的文献综述43 吉利与上汽并购案概述53.1 吉利并购案概述53.1.1 吉利与沃尔沃的概况53.1.2 吉利并购的动因分析63.1.3 吉利并购的过程与结果73.1.4 吉利后期的整合83.2 上汽并购案概述 93.2.1 上汽与双龙的概况 93.2.2 上汽并购的动因分析103.2.3 上汽并购的过程与结果 113.2.4 上汽后期的整合114 吉利与上汽跨国并购对比分析 124.1 并购背景对比 124.1.1 并购背景概括 124.1.2 并购背景对比分析124.2 并购对象对比134.2.1 并购对象概括134.2.2 并购对象对比分析134.3 并购动因对比 144.3.1 并购动因概括144.3.2 并购动因对比分析154.4 并购过程对比154.4.1 并购过程概括154.4.2 并购过程对比分析164.5 并购整合对比174.5.1 并购整合概括174.5.2 并购整合对比分析174.6 汽车企业跨国并购成功因素分析184.6.1 正确的自我认识184.6.2 合适的并购对象184.6.3 全方位的调研准备194.6.4 专业的并购团队194.6.5 并购后人力资源整合204.6.6 并购后文化整合205 研究结论与展望215.1 研究结论215.1.1 立足企业发展战略,做好并购准备215.1.2 抓住整合重心,确保整合过程顺利进行225.2 研究不足与未来展望235.2.1 研究的不足之处235.2.2 未来展望23参考文献24致谢25华侨大学2018届本科毕业论文 吉利与上汽跨国并购案例对比分析1 绪论1.1 研究背景如今我国经济进入中高速增长和向中高端转型的新时期,我国经济能否平稳地由需求侧向供给侧转变,关键在于我国的企业能不能跟紧国家的改革战略,在经营企业的思想上进行质的改变。当下,市场经济的竞争愈来愈激烈,企业自身只有通过不断地创新发展,创造出属于自己独一无二的核心竞争力,才能继续存活于猛烈的市场浪潮中。然而,存在一个不争的事实,目前中国企业在技术创新和研发能力等诸多方面和西方发达国家相比,差距较大。而跨国并购,恰恰能够帮助我们企业快速成长起来,通过并购国外知名企业,能够快速获得其核心技术、市场渠道、品牌知名度以及创新发展模式等等。不仅如此,跨国并购还可使企业绕过贸易壁垒和技术壁垒,将市场扩大到全球。因此,为了实现实力的扩张,跨国并购已然成为我国企业在进行战略变革时的重要方式。但是纵观国内各行各业,企业的跨国并购都不是顺利进行的,反而是困难重重,问题多多。根据美国麦肯锡公司做的一项调查统计,结果显示在过去的20多年间,中国企业的跨国并购有67%是以失败告终的。那么如何有效地提高中国本土企业进行跨国并购的成功率,成为了当下各行各业所关注的重点。正因为此,目前我国众多学者投身到国内企业跨国并购的研究当中去。近几年,各行各业发展迅猛,尤其是汽车行业,依托着国内广大的市场与外来资本投入,中国的汽车行业在生产与销售方面已发展成为世界第一。但是,中国距离真正的汽车强国还有很长一段路要走,在技术研发与品牌营销等方面仍然与西方发达国家存在较大的差距。跨国并购的出现,使得我国汽车企业能够快速地获得国外汽车企业的核心技术,并学习到先进的管理理念。上汽收购韩国双龙成为了我国汽车企业进行跨国并购的先例。而后在2010年,民营汽车企业吉利收购沃尔沃百分百的股权,更是轰动了整个汽车行业。1.2 研究目的23
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