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college and life演讲稿三分钟篇一:My college life演讲稿My college lifeGood afternoon, everyone.My name is _ujiguang.At first ,I got very nervous when I have to give my opinion and make a presentation here ,because I had not had such e_periences before.However ,I think it is the valuable e_perience to get accustomed to e_press my own opinions and feelings.Now today my topic is my college life.I wish I could share my happiness and annoyance I have e_perienced with you all .Time flies without giving a warning .Recalling about the past several months , so many thoughts are flooding in my mind .I just can not tell my real idea.The memory is just like so fresh, and all the things happened yesterday.After entering college, we found, to our surprise, that differences between high school life and college life are great.In high school, we always depended on our parents and teachers to solve all kinds of problems.At college, however, we have to rely e_clusively on ourselves.What is more, we have to learn how to get along with others, learn how to study independently, learn to love.There are so many things we have to learn.When you say college life is dull, others make it interesting.So, why? Just hold in mind, at college, there are not so many people to watch you and guide you how to dosomething any more, neither are there so many students who share with you one dream.So where is your dream?As we all know, the train life is impressive on everybody.We had a lot of activities, for e_le, giving a speech on a stage or playing basketball.At that time, I felt myself so little among them.All of them have a special talent, but not me.Why do not I have this kind of talent? Am I stupid? I always said to myself.No, consider, you in all time before now and in all time to e, there has never been and will never be anyone just like you.You are unique in the entire history and future of the universe.Wow, stop and think about that.You are better than one in a million, or a billion, or a gazillion.You are the only like you in a sea of infinity.God gives every bird its food, but he does not throw it into its nest.Wherever you want to go, whatever you want to do, it is truly up to you.My life in university is like allegro.It is painstaking but worthwhile; bitter but sweet; tiring but e_citing.The rainbow appeared in my first day of university life promised me a colorful life.Over the rainbow, there is the high sky above, the way ahead is long.I see no ending, yet high or low, I will searchmy will unbending.That is all, thank you!工商管理1004班徐继广2021_1286篇二:中学生演讲稿范文college life?D?Y?2?college life?good evening everone?my name is _ .this evening i want to talk something about college life .it include four aspects study,relative ,friendship and love .the first thing i want to say is study.we all have dreams before we enter university,we dream that we can have much more free time and we can improve us according to our advantages ,so we studied hard at junior school and senior school .now we are here in linyi normal university but many of us have no smails on their faces because here is not the place we have been dreaming for.what i want to say is that you can enter a better university to start your heigher education if you studied hard here.so you must calm down and start to study.study is the first thing you must do at university because study can help you achieve you dream.?now,i want to ask some of you a question: where you get your money from? who can answer my question? -yes we get our money from our parents.this is the second thing i want to say : the relative .our parents paied us here , they give all the things they have so we must respect them and get on well with them ,they also need us just like we need them.apart from our parents we have many other relatives ,they also give us supports, we should respect them and get on well with them too.if we have no relatives we will have no power to study here.?when we start to study we meet many new faces which will live with us for four years we must make friends with them .just like the saying says friends play an important role in our life,if you have many fiends you will have less troublts in your life ,if you have no friends you will have troublts everwhere in your life,so do you want to have many friends? of course the answer is ?yes?.this is the third thing i want to say :the friendship.?love is the last thing i want to say.as far as i can see love is the last thing you do at uiversity.if you fall into the river you will never get out,this does greet harm to your body and your study.besides many people say that love will not give you the sense of sweetness during schoollife.so i do not support on-cus students start their love at university.?my deer students,our college life will be richfull if we have planes in our minds.to tell the truth we have
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