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My favourite animal 横县民族中学 朱柳1、 教材分析。本模块以动物为话题,通过对动物园之行以及介绍世界各地的动物,使学生开阔眼界,增长见识,增强爱护动物、保护自然环境的意识;学生要学会如何运用英语介绍自己喜欢的动物,并形成一篇小短文。2、 教学目标。1、知识目标:复习本模块重点单词、短语和有关介绍我最喜爱的动物的句子;2、能力目标:能围绕“My favourite animal”这个话题介绍自己最喜爱的动物,能够用学到的英语写作技巧快速写一篇关于我最喜爱的动物的书面表达。3、情感目标:学会用科学的方法去学习,培养热爱动物的情感,增强保护动物的意识。3、 教学重难点。重点:复习介绍动物的相关词汇和句型;学习写作技巧。难点:运用学到的写作技巧,完成模块话题作文。4、 教学过程。教师活动学生活动设计意图Step1 Lead in 1. Look and sayAsk Ss to look at the pictures and say what animals are they.2.Revision 1) Translate the words into English.2) Match the phrases1.Look at the pictures say out the words of animals;2. Translate the words into English.3. Match the phrases.1. 导入话题,激发学生兴趣;2. 复习本模块的重点词汇、短语。Step 2: Presentation1. Show a map of the world and revive some words.2.Think and say.Q: Where does the.live?3.Look and sayLook at some pictures and talk about them.4.Pair work ask and answer in pairs5.lets talk 6.Group work7.Conclude and list the rules of the composition.1. Look at a map of the world and revive some words.2. Think and say: Where does the.live?3. Look at some pictures and talk about the animals.4. ask and answer in pairs5. lets talkTalk about the rabbit.6.Group workTalk about my favourite animal 7. Conclude and list the rules of the composition.1. 复习六大洲的单词;2. 通过不同的方式进行大量的口头输入,巩固和强化写作要点,为写作做铺垫;3. 让学生掌握写作方法和技巧Step 3 Writing1.Write a short composition about my favourite animal.(8 minutes)2. Show some compositions and correct the compositions.1. 让学生在实践中运用中所学知识与方法完成任务。2. 帮助学生了解评分规则,提高学生的写作修改能力。Step 4 summary & homework1.Moral teaching2. Summary& homework1.回顾总结, 进一步加深印象2. 课后巩固,延伸板书设计:looksfoodfeelingsActivityanimalagenameMy favourite animal
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