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一、单项选择牛津译林版 9B Unit3-4 易错题1. I will send the clothes to you by.A. letterB.phoneC.airD.post2. Youd better stay at homethey.A. during; leaveB.while; leaveC.during; are awayD.while; are away3. Your answerher so much that she was verywith you. A.satisfying; satisfyingB.satisfying; satisfiedC.satisfied;satisfiedD.satisfied; satisfying4. You mustme the reason why you came so late this time.A. excuseB.explainC.explain toD.pardon5. I think its great to have a robotall the work for us.A. doB.doesC.doneD.to do6. Scientific research show that if proper exercise isregularly(有规律地), it can improve our health. A.carried awayB.carried outC.carried; onD.carried; off7. -Its said that the actor will celebrate his 28th birthday next week. His fans.-. that cant be true. I am pretty sure he was born in 1985.A. Never mindB. Sure he willC. Wait a minuteD. No kidding9. When my daughter saw some money on the ground, sheand. A.picked it up; gave it to meB.picked up it ; gave me itC.picked it up; gave me itD.picked up it ; gave it to me10. Dont worry. These notes will remind you.A. of what to sayB.of saying whatC.to say whatD.what to say二、词汇运用1. Sorry, I must open the door, can you(不挂断)?2. I have got to know everyone better so that our communication will be much(smooth).3. After the activity, we also improved our(custom) satisfaction levels.三、动词填空1. -You havent said a word about my new coat, Brenda. Do you like it?-Im sorry I(not say) anything about it sooner. I certainly think it pretty on you.2. She isnt sure whether what she has done(cheer) them up.3. (consider)the busy traffic, we left home earlier to get there on time.4. Can you tell us how many advantages of the robot(mention) ?5. If you want the answer, dont miss Jack Mas speech. Im sure you(satisfy).6. -I hear you can speak French and German for basic communication.- When I was at college I could, but I(forget) everything but a few words.7. Its a rule that he(get) home before 6 oclock, but today he hasnt yet.8. In the park yesterday evening, Robinson found something strange(fall) off the tall tree.9. Understanding yourself is very important to(build) self- confidence.10. In the word “surprise”, the underlined part(pronounce) as /a/.四、完成句子1. 我不确定要不要尝试这台新洗衣机。Im unsure.2. 你期望这台机器人以什么方式发给你?In which wayto you? 3. 那个篮球队员加入我们队伍之后,我觉得他成了一大助力。After the basketball player joined our team, I considered.4. 读完说明书,我才知道应该多久换一次电池。Iuntil I finished reading the instruction book.5. 机器人出错时,请马上和客服联系。When the robot, pleaseat once.6. 从事高楼作业的人应该得到重酬。People.7. 饭后服药三片,每日三次。Take.8. 我认为家政机器人在我的日常生活中有很大帮助。I considerin my daily life.9. 这款华为手机的电池预计比其他手机的电池持续得久。The Huawei mobile phones battery.10. 孩子们应该做任何家长们要求的事情吗?Should children doby their parents?11. 快停下来!你这样做,你的机器人会彻底罢工的。Stop! Your robotif this.12. 无锡大部分名胜景点现在都对 70 岁以上的老人免费。Now, most places of interest in Wuxi.13. 弄清楚事情是什么时候开始不对劲的,这很重要。你说是吗?It is important to find out. Do you agree?14. 事实上,没有人能总是随心所欲。In fact, nobody is alwaysthey like.15. 据说经理在第一批去执行这个任务的人中。The manager is saidthe task. 16. 一些青少年热衷于网络游戏的一个原因在于他们觉得身临其境。One reason why some teenagers are crazy about online games is that they.17. 他们中没人意识到他们赢这场比赛的困难。None of them werethe game.18. 氧气罐可以帮助人类在比地球空气稀薄的星球上呼吸。Air tanks can help humans breatheon the Earth.19. 你认为为了避开高考是否值得冒险出国留学?Do you thinkto hide from the college entrance examination?20. 这所私立学校的环境和我们学校大不相同。The private school hasours.21. 五分之三的乘客毫不怀疑旅行的费用是否偏高。 if the cost of the trip was a little high.22. 3D 电影让我们感觉身临其境。3Dfilms make usthem.23. 越来越多的汽车厂正在生产无空气污染的电子汽车,真是太好了!It is really good that more and more car factories are.24. 这些贫困的农民有望重新开始他们的生活。Its hoped that the poor farmers.25. 这艘船上不欢迎没有礼貌的乘客。 in the ship.26. 我们一致同意那个穿黄色连衣裙的女孩被选为“最佳歌手”。We are.27. 你曾想过承担风险的可能性吗?Have you ever thought of?28. 与你们的城市相比,我们的城市污染没有那么严重。 your city, our city.29. 火星是一个有着与地球相似环境的行星。Mars is a planetof the Earth.30. 在未来,所以的金钱都将以电子货币的形式存储在银行。All the moneymoney in the bank in the future. 31. 当心点,吃太多冰冷的东西会让你生病的。Be careful! You mayicy food.32. 由于低重力的原因,每个人都能轻而易举地跳得很高,这真有趣。Its interesting that everyone could jump hihg easily.33. 人口的激增已经导致了很多环境问题。 has caused a lot of environmental problems.
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