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小学一年级下册英语教案:Unit 1 Classroom Lesson522.通过计算机键盘学习字母A, S, D, F, G,能够听字母音并按照指法做出正确反映。3.能够对英语学习产生初步的兴趣并积极参与课堂上的各种活动。教学重难点:1.能够听懂并熟练运用in, on, under表达物品的所在位置。.2.通过计算机键盘学习字母A, S, D, F, G,能够听字母音并按照指法做出正确反映。教学准备:1教学录音磁带。2教学挂图 3.录音机教学过程:一、Warm- upT: Greetings.“How are you?Ss: Review the sentence“How are you?”“Fine, Thank you.二、Presentation T: Showing the pictures the then give the students an e_ample: “I put the pencil in the pencil case.”Ss:Look at the pictures and learn to say the sentence “I put the pencil in the pencil case.”三、Practise T: Ask the students “Where do I put the ?” Ss:Answer the questionAnd try to practise the sentences “Put the in the .”四、Pair- work T:Open the book and showing the pictureTell the students how to stick the stickers on the book then say the sentences “Put the the .” Ss: Open the book then listen to the teacher and stick the stickers on the book.Learn the letters “A, S, D, F, G.” Showing a keyboard and teaches the letters “A, S, D, F, G.” Play the tape.Unit 1 Classroom Lesson 52-53教学目标:1.能够在本课涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出与教室有关的单词。能够在本课涉及的情景条件下初步使用本课所学的句型。2.能够听懂并熟练运用in, on, under表达物品的所在位置。教学重难点:1.能够在本课涉及的情景条件下听懂并说出与教室有关的单词。.2.能够在本课涉及的情景条件下初步使用本课所学的句型。教学准备:1教学录音磁带。2教学挂图 3.录音机教学过程: A.Greetings.B.指导学生了解故事整体内容 a.先出示教学挂图,让学生猜大意。也可指导学生独立看图阅读。b.指导学生一边看挂图一边听录音,还可以引导学生根据录音指出相应的图 c.学生一边听录音,一边做动作,一边模仿录音说对话 C.指导学生反复看图听录音,并反复录音中的对话。同时做动作。D.看挂图,学生复述挂图中的故事。听录音,看看复述的内容正确与否 E.在学生熟练掌握课文之后,以Group work形式进行角色扮演。根据剧情的发展,学生说相应的对话,做相应的动作。鼓励所有的学生参与活动,鼓励学生用本单元所学的单词,句型和课堂用语做事(如收拾学具,擦教室内的其他设施)。第 3 页 共 3 页
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