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成人高考英语作文例文2021成人高考英语作文范文2021 最新参考作文:A jobinterviewisindispensableinthe processof job hunting.If a job seeker can make the best useof the interview and leave a good impression on theinterviewers mind, he may be lucky enough to get thejob competed for by many applicants.If, on the otherhand, the job hunter gives a poor performance duringthe interview, he is unlikely to stand a chance tosucceed.To be successful in a job interview, the jobhuntershoulddemonstratecertainpersonalandprofessional qualities.First,theapplicantoughtto attachmuchimportance to his appearance and manner of speaking.Second,heissupposedtodisplayhisability,especiallyhisgraspofprofessionalknowledgerequiredbythepositionforwhich he isapplying.Finally, a really impressive job seeker must convey asense of self-confidence in and a practical attitudetoward the cause concerned.Iftheintervieweesucceedsindisplayingthese characteristicsand presentshismost attractivequalities during an interview, the interviewer might make an on-the-spot decision to take him on.参考译文:面试在求职的过程中是必不可少的。如果求职者可以充分利用面试, 在面试官的心中留下一个美好的印象, 他可能幸运地得到那份工作竞争的许多申请者。另一方面 , 如果求职者在面试过程中表现不佳 , 他不太可能成功的机会。成功在工作面试时, 求职者应该展示某些个人和专业素质。首先 , 申请人应该更重视自己的外表和说话的口气。第二 , 他应该显示他的能力 , 尤其是他的职位所需的专业知识的掌握运用。最后 , 一个非常令人印象深刻的求职者必须传达一种自信和一个实际的态度引起关注。如果你成功展示这些特点并提出他最吸引人的品质在面试的时候 , 面试官可能会使一个现场决定带他。第 4 页 共 4 页
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