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September 20021 第十二讲 横向战略的战略分析 1.The Growing Importance of Horizontal Strategy 2.Intrrelationships Among Business Units 3.The Steps of Formulating Horizontal Strategy 4.Interrelationships and Diversification Strategy 5.Organizational Mechanisms for Achieving Interrelationships 6.How to Manage Horizontal Organization? September 20022 Horizontal strategy is a coordinated set of goals and policies across distinct but interrelated business units. It is required at the group, sector, and corporate levels of a diversified firm. It does not replace or eliminate the need for separate business and/or business unit strategies. Rather, horizontal strategy provides for explicit coordination among business units that makes corporate or group strategy more than the sum of the individual business unit strategies. September 20023 1.The Growing Importance of Horizontal Strategy Diversification philosophy is changing Emphasis is shifting from growth to performance Technological change is proliferating interrelationships and making them more achievable Multipoint competition is increasing September 20024 2.Intrrelationships Among Business Units Tangible Interrelationships Procurement Interrelationships. Source: common purchased inputs; Possible forms of sharing: joint procurement. Technological Interrelationships. Source: common product(or process) technology, common technology in other value activities, one product incorporated into another, interface among products; Possible forms of sharing: joint technology development, joint interface design. September 20025 Infrastructure Interrelationships. Source: common firm infrastructure needs, common capital; Possible forms of sharing: shared raising of capital, shared cash utilization, shared accounting, shared legal department, shared government relations, shared hiring and training, etc. Production Interrelationships. Source: common location of raw materials, identical or similar fabrication(or assembly) process, identical or similar testing/quality control procedures, common factory support needs; Possible forms of sharing: shared inbound logistics, shared component fabrication, shared assembly facilities, shared testing/quality control facilities, shared factory indirect activities, shared site infrastructure. September 20026 Market Interrelationships. Source: common buyer, common channel, common geographic market; Possible forms of sharing: shared brand name, cross selling of products, bundled or packaged selling, cross subsidization of complementary products, shared marketing department, shared sales force, shared service/repair network, shared order processing system, shared physical distribution system, shared buyer or distributor financing organization. September 20027 Intangible Interrelationships Sources: same generic strategy, same type of buyer(though not the same buyer), similar configuration of the value chain(e.g., many dispersed sites of mineral extraction and processing), similar important value activities(e.g., relations with government). Although value activities cannot be shared, these similarities among business units mean that know- how gained in one business unit is valuable and transferable to another. Testing: How similar are the value activities in the business units? How important are the value activities involved to competition? How significant is the know- how that would be transferred to competitive advantage in the relevant activities? September 20028 Competitor Interrelationships They stem from the existence of rivals that actually or potentially compete with a firm in more than one industry. These multipoint competitors necessarily link industries together because actions toward them in one industry may have implications in another. September 20029 3.The Steps of Formulating Horizontal Strategy Identify all tangible interrelationships.(see Figure2 A&B) The first step in doing so is to examine value chains of each business unit for actual and possible opportunities for sharing. In a diversified firm with many business units, to simplify the analytical task of identifying interrelationships, it may be possible to break up a diversified firm into a number of clusters of business units that have many interrelationships among themselves, but relatively few with other clusters. September 200210 September 200211 Trace tangible interrelationships outside the boundaries of the firm. A firm will rarely compete in all the industries that are related to its current business units. Thus, it is necessary to identify interrelationships between a firms existing business units and other industries not currently in its portfolio. Identify possible intangible interrelationships. Signals of potential intangible interrelationships include similarities in generic strategy, buyer type, or value chain configuration. Many potential intangible interrelationships are usually present, which makes screening them to access their importance to competitive advantage an essentia
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