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【奥鹏】东师大学英语(一)高起专21春在线作业1-0004试卷总分:100 得分:100一、单选题 (共 40 道试题,共 100 分)1.I completely forgot _ the front door last night and feel fortunate that nothing is stolen.A.to lockB.to have lockedC.lockingD.being locked答案:A2.It is one thing to enjoy listening to good music, but it is quite _ to perform skillfully yourself.A.someB.otherC.anyD.another答案:D3.The students asked whether he _ take the books out of the reading-room.A.wouldB.shouldC.mightD.could答案:D4._ that they may eventually reduce the amount of labor needed on construction sites by 90 percent.A.Such construction robots are cleverB.Such clever construction robots areC.So clever the construction robots areD.So clever are the construction robots答案:D5.Tom _ mathematics throughout his college life.A.was bored withB.was boredC.bored withD.bored答案:A6.The doctor assured the patient that there was _ with her, but she could not help worrying.A.serious nothing wrongB.seriously wrong nothingC.nothing serious wrongD.nothing seriously wrong答案:D7.The harder the shrub is to grow, _.A.the more higher price itB.the higher the price isC.the higher price it isD.the higher is the price答案:B8.If you hadnt gone with Tom to the party last night,_.A.you would meet John alreadyB.you would have met JohnC.you wont have missed JohnD.you will have met John答案:B9.One of the requirements for a fire is that the material _ to its burning temperature.A.would be heatedB.to heatC.is heatedD.be heated答案:D10.“Do you want to give a talk on that subject?” “I prefer _ .”A.to not givingB.not wantingC.not wantD.not to答案:D11.Since taxi fare in the city may run _ twenty dollars, I suggest that you take a bus.A.so high thatB.so expensive asC.as high asD.as expensive as答案:C12.There are _ that I cant finish them.A.such long assignmentsB.so very long assignmentsC.so long assignmentsD.long assignments答案:A13.I regret _ you that your application has been refused.A.to informB.to be informedC.informingD.being informed答案:A14.he can play tennis better than _ in the class.A.any other boyB.any otherC.any boysD.any boy答案:A15.I am listening. But you _.A.should be listeningB.ought be listeningC.need have been listeningD.need be listening答案:A16.A pretty face may win friends but it takes character and personality to hold _.A.themB.thatC.oneD.it答案:A17.The _ about nuclear energy revolves around the waste problem.A.publics chief concernB.public chief concernC.chief public concernD.chief concern of publics答案:A18.Frank admired his friends Tom and David. He imitated _.A.theirs every actionB.every of their actionC.every action of theirsD.every action of their one答案:C19.She wore a dress to the party that was far more attractive than _.A.those of other girlsB.the other girlsC.that of other girlsD.other girls答案:A20.Some of my students study a lot,_ just dont care.A.the otherB.some otherC.othersD.anothers答案:C21.Like his sister, David needed _ from some generous person in order to get home.A.the rideB.some rideC.rideD.a ride答案:D22.Earth-like planets are extremely common in the Universe, _ the latest computer simulation of the formation of the Solar System.A.thanks toB.in regard toC.in addition toD.according to答案:D23.Once he was given a chance to improve his position in the firm, he seized it _ both hands and is now on his way to the top.A.withB.onC.inD.at答案:A24.Anns habit of riding a motorcycle up and down the road early in the morning annoyed the neighbors and _ they took her to the court.A.in the endB.at the endC.in an endD.in end答案:A25.There isnt anything wrong with the radio, _?A.is thereB.is itC.does thereD.does it答案:A26.My English teacher _ my test.A.has not yet gradedB.has not yet been gradedC.is not yet to be gradedD.is not yet graded答案:A27.In order to save time, I _ my shopping to once a week.A.cut upB.cut outC.cut offD.cut down答案:D28.Three-fourths of the buildings _.A.were destroyedB.was destroyedC.is destroyedD.has been destroyed答案:A29.The Philippines _ to the south-east of China.A.liesB.lieC.layD.lays答案:A30.The company will send a representative to _ their business in that region.A.attend toB.attempt atC.associate withD.approve of答案:A31._ she gave the postcards to?A.Who was it thatB.Whom it was thatC.Who it was thatD.It was who that答案:A32.Hardly _ he got out of the court _ the reporters raised a lot of questions to him.A.had whenB.hadthanC.didwhenD.hasthan答案:A33.A new shopping center on the north si
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