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针药结合对恶性肿瘤引起的胸腔积液的临床研究 【摘要】目的:探讨针药结合对恶性肿瘤引起的胸腔积液的临床控制效果。方法:择选我院2016年1 月2019年12月期间收治的94 例肺腺癌晚期恶性胸腔积液患者作为实验对象,按照数字表法随机将其划分为对照组和实验组,每组分别为47 例。对照组给予引流胸水,并且给予白介素-2灌注于胸腔内。实验组则在对照组的治疗基础上接受中药+针刺治疗,统计两组患者临床效果,检查测试癌胚抗原( CEA) 、机体内缺氧的诱导因子1( HIF1) 和血管中内皮生长因子( VEGF)情况,在拔管后半月进行复查,采用超声检查的方法在治疗前及治疗后进行测量,积液的深度测量是以超声检查在液性暗区的最深处进行标记测量。在治疗前后采用常用的KPS评分进行对比分析,主要观察患者的耐受情况及健康表现。评分越高说明效果越好,对治疗的耐受力越好。结果:治疗之后,实验组总有效率85.11%显著高于对照组的61.7%( P0.05) 。治疗之后,2组患者胸水中的CEA、VEGF、HIF1情况均明显降低(P均0.05) 并且实验组显著比对照组低(P均0.05) 。两组患者经过治疗后,KPS均显著提高,实验组治疗后KPS评分显著高于对照组患者,有统计学差异(P0.05),两组患者经过治疗后,胸腔积液深度均显著降低,实验组治疗后胸腔积液深度显著低于对照组患者,有统计学差异(P0.05)。结论:利用针药结合的方法辅助治疗能够抑制胸水中的CEA、HIF1、VEGF表达,提高临床治疗效果,改善患者生活质量,临床上值得推广。【关键词】 益气温阳利水; 肺腺癌晚期; 恶性胸腔积液;临床研究;中药;针灸The clinical study of combination of acupuncture and medicine on pleural effusion caused by malignant tumorAbstract Objective: To investigate the clinical control effect of acupuncture combined with medicine on pleural effusion caused by malignant tumor. Methods: 94 patients with advanced malignant pleural effusion of lung adenocarcinoma in our hospital from January 2016 to December 2019 were selected as experimental objects, and they were randomly pided into control group and experimental group according to the number method, with 47 cases in each group. The control group was given drainage of pleural effusion, and given interleukin-2 perfusion in the chest. The experimental group was treated with traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture on the basis of the treatment of the control group. The clinical effects of the two groups were statistically analyzed. Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1 ) and skin growth factor in blood vessels were examined and tested( VEGF) was reexamined half a month after extubation. Ultrasound was used to measure the depth of effusion before and after treatment. The depth of effusion was measured by ultrasound in the deepest part of the liquid dark area. Before and after treatment, the commonly used KPS score was used for comparative analysis, mainly to observe the patients tolerance and health performance. The higher the score, the better the effect and the better tolerance to treatment. Results: after treatment, the total effective rate of the experimental group (85.11%) was significantly higher than that of the control group (61.7%) (P 0.05). After treatment, the levels of CEA, VEGF and HIF-1 in pleural effusion of two groups were significantly decreased (P 0.05), and the experimental group was significantly lower than the control group (P 0.05). After treatment, KPS of the two groups were significantly improved, KPS score of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the control group, with statistical difference (P 0.05). After treatment, the depth of pleural effusion in the two groups was significantly reduced, and the depth of pleural effusion in the experimental group was significantly lower than that in the control group, with statistical difference (P 0.05). Conclusion: the method of acupuncture combined with medicine can inhibit the expression of CEA, HIF-1 and VEGF in pleural effusion, improve the clinical treatment effect and improve the quality of life of patients, which is worthy of clinical promotion.Key words Yiqi Wenyang Lishui; advanced lung adenocarcinoma; malignant pleural effusion; clinical research ; traditional Chinese medicine; acupuncture近年来,恶性肿瘤的发病率呈上升趋势,其特点以恶性程度相对较高,生存期较短,常易致转移而危及生命,治疗效果尚不理想1。其中较为常见一种的并发症为恶性胸腔积液,病因主要是肿瘤侵犯胸膜细胞,致胸膜转移而引起胸腔积液。病理的类型多数主要为肺腺癌。当肺癌晚期患者产生恶性胸腔积液的现象时,预示者患者预后不佳,患者的总体大约有8个月生存期,若不及时有效治疗仅有大约4个月生存期时长2。肺腺癌晚期的恶性胸腔积液患者病情发展十分快,中等量大小的胸腔积液可在短时间内致患者出现胸闷、胸痛、喘促、咳嗽、张口抬肩、呼吸困难等表现,大量的恶性胸腔积液压迫到纵隔、心脏、肺,造成循环与呼吸功能的衰竭,晚期患者存活时间和生存质量受到严重威胁3。目前肺腺癌晚期恶性胸腔积液患者的治疗主要是全身化疗、局部放疗、胸腔内药品灌注为主,但以上几种治疗方案毒副作用较大且病情容易反复,多数患者不易接受。近年来我们采用中药结合针灸对恶性肿瘤以及并发症上研究逐渐引起关注。肺腺癌晚期恶性胸腔积液的出现主要由于患者正气亏虚,邪毒内袭,伤及脾、肺、肾,导致肺失宣肃,脾失运化,肾失封藏,水液代谢失常,三焦通调不利,水湿内停,聚而成痰,痰阻于肺,日久成积而致本病。积而日久,肺气不利,脾气虚弱,肾阳不足,水气不化,停于胸中,又致本病。因此治疗采取补气健脾、温阳化饮是其治疗大法,现将我院2016年1 月2019年12月期间收治的部分肺腺癌晚期恶性胸腔积液患者采用中药+针刺联用胸腔进行穿刺引流之后行灌注白介素-2法治疗进行研究,现报告如下。1材料与方法1. 一般材料择选我院2016年1 月2019年12月期间收治的94 例肺腺癌晚期恶性胸腔积液患者座为实验对象,按照数字表法随机将其划分为对照组和实验组,每组分别为47 例。其中实验组男20例,女27例; 年龄为5174(647 46) 岁; 中等量大小的胸腔积液有24 例,大量的恶性胸腔积液有23例; 临床分期: 期 22例,期25例。对照组男21例,女26 例; 年龄为5275; 期27例,期20 例。对比2组年龄、性别、病程差异,无统计学意义( P0.05) ,有可比性。1. 2 治疗方法对照组 1)引流胸水: 经B超进行定位好穿刺点,对穿刺部位进行常规消毒,利多卡因麻醉,留置引流管,接防止回吸的一次性引流袋,引流直至无胸水流出结束。2)白介素-2灌注于胸腔内: 经过B超检查,结果确定没有或者仅有少许积液之后,根据患者的身高体重,灌注溶液为20-40mL的氯化钠进胸腔里 + 5-200mg万IU的白介素-2,进行治疗期间,需提醒患者不断翻身,促进胸膜与药液充分接触,以3 周作为1个疗程,每35天1次,35次为1疗程。进行止呕、水化、利尿等常规治疗。引流胸水或者胸腔里灌注 d1、d8及d15,分别采取 1 次。实验组则在对照组的治疗基础上接受中药+针刺治疗,药方具体为:生黄芪 30g,党参20g,葶苈子15g,薏苡仁30g,白花蛇舌草20g、茯苓20g,全瓜蒌18g,炒白术15g,桂枝10g,柴胡15g,黄芩10g,姜半夏15g,桑白皮20g,莪术10g,大枣15g,炙甘草6g 。将上述药品交给我院中医专门煎药室进行煎制,每剂煎药3袋,每袋200ml,共600ml,每日1剂,分别在三餐后温服。针灸治疗穴位治疗穴位分2组,仰卧位组:膻中、期门、日月、三阴交、丰隆等穴位加减;俯卧位组:风门、肺俞、膏肓、膈俞、脾俞、肾俞穴。浅针斜刺,留针30分钟,每周5天,2周作为1个疗程,总的治疗时间为2个疗程。
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