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数控技术专业毕业论文-多边形凸台零件铣削加工 摘 要随着科学技术飞速发展和经济竞争的日趋激烈,机械产品的更新速度越来越快,数控加工技术作为先进生产力的代表,在机械及相关行业领域发挥着重要的作用,机械制造的竞争,其实质是数控技术的竞争。数控编程技术是数控技术重要的组成部分。从数控机床诞生之日起,数控编程技术就受到了广泛关注,成为CAD/CAM系统的重要组成部分。以数控编程中的加工工艺分析及设计为出发点,着力分析零件图,从数控加工的实际角度出发,以数控加工的实际生产为基础,以掌握数控加工工艺为目标,在了解数控加工铣削基础、数控铣床刀具的选用、数控加工工件的定位与装夹、拟定加工方案、确定加工路线和加工内容以及对一些特殊的工艺问题处理的基础上,控制数控编程过程中的误差,从而大大缩短了加工时间,提高了效率,降低了成本。关键词:多边形凸台零件;铣削加工;工艺分析 AbstractWith the rapid development of science and technology and increasingly fierce economic competition, mechanical products, updates faster and faster, CNC machining technology as a representative of the advanced productive forces, in the machinery and related industries play an important role in the field of mechanical manufacturing competition, and its?CNC technology is essentially the competition.CNC programming technology is an important part of numerical control technology.?From the date of the birth of CNC machine tools, CNC programming technology to be widespread attention, a CAD / CAM system is an important component.?To NC programming process analysis and design as the starting point and focus of part drawings, from CNC machining practical point of view, the CNC machining of the actual production as the basis to master the digital processing technology as the goal, the understanding of NC milling based on?CNC milling machine tool selection, CNC machining workpiece positioning and clamping, the development processing program to determine the processing route and the processing of content as well as some special deal with the problem on the basis of process control in the process of NC programming error, thus greatly reducing the processing?time and improve efficiency and reduce costs.?The main graduation Convex polygon machining technology, fixture design and automation programming for analysis.?In the design, through parts of the graphical analysis, material analysis, selecting the processing of rough size, in addition to the processing procedure, process analysis, which according to the processing part of the whole process, process parameters used for milling programming.Convex polygon design process of parts to ensure the polygon boss machining quality, to improve the productivity of great significance.?It is the key to ensuring product quality.?Convex polygon part by the design process, the design of a product can be found in all processes need to be successful with good.?Complete the design work I have done the following:?1. Polygon boss parts parts diagram analysis and digital modeling.?This part is a symmetric graph, the part is forged, with a small, part of complex features.?According to part drawing, a reasonable idea of the processing order, and digital modeling, using PRO / E software to draw part of the three-dimensional map, and select the blank material and size.?2. Polygon into convex parts spare parts processing technology of Taiwan.Processing components are symmetrical graphics, easy to process because specific pore surface, when in the development of technical rules to be processed surface to surface as the base and then to process the other.In which the processes are to adopt a common fixture jig, there are polygonal boss part blank map, mapping parts; how to ensure the boss with a polygon is a part of the technical conditions for processing the most important issue, so to play a reasonable process to crucial role, and finally according to the requirements of the tool and parts calculate the cutting parameters 3. Polygon into convex parts of the programming station parts.?Using the PRO / E automatically write programs to achieve the requirements of the card technology has rough finish, respectively.?Using the PRO / E has the advantage of automatic programming is not only reducing programming time, but also reduce errors, make programming simple, so as to enhance the production efficiency of parts?Keywords Convex polygon parts?Milling? Process Analysis目 录第一章 绪论1第二章 零件分析22.1零件的结构特点2.3零件图纸的工艺分析22.4加工内容以及相关要求32.5加工要点分析32.6零件图纸上的尺寸标注32.7分析变形情况32.8零件的精度要求4第三章 机械加工工艺规程43.1毛坯的选择4坯的加工余量4坯形状及余量的确定3.2零件加工定位基准的选择装夹5基准的选择准的选择3.3选择并确定工艺装备寸的选择料的选择料性能具材料使用表量的确定速的确定度的确定量的确定3.3切削液的选择123.4工艺方案的制订12案的制订12片的制订13程卡1416线图27第四章 程序编制31第五章 加工零件395.1建立工件坐标系395.2对刀及刀补设定395.3加工零件过程39总结41致谢42参考文献43附录44第一章 绪 论随着科学技术的飞速发展和经济竞争的日趋激烈,产品更新速度越来越快,复杂形状的零件越来越多,精度要求越来越高,多品种、小批量生产的比重明显增加,激烈的市场竞争使产品研制生产周期越来越短,传统的加工设备和制造方法已难以适应这种多样化、柔性化与复杂形状零件的高速高质量加工要求。在数字化制造技术中,计算机数控技术和数控编程技术是最重要的技术之一,本文主要对模具加工所使用的动模板进行CNC加工,采用西门子系统对动模板进行数控编程加工。首先是对工件进行加工工序的确定,并且进行工艺分析,装夹方式的选择,切削用量的确定。再对刀具进行了选择。然后就工艺路线进行编程加工。当前加工的重点发展方向是无图化生产、单件高精度并行加工、少人化无人化加工,这就要求数控机床能满足高速、高动态精度、高刚性、热稳定性、高可靠性、网络化以及与之配套的控制系统,最重要的是模具三维型面加工特别注重机床的动态性能1908年,穿孔的金属薄片互换式数据载体问世;19世纪末,以纸为数据载体并具有辅助功能的控制系统被发明;1938年,香农在美国麻省理工学院进行了数据快速运算和传输,奠定了现代计算机,包括计算机数字控制系统的基础。数控技术是与机床控制密切结合发展起来的。1952年,第一台数控机床问世,成为世界机械工业
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