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英语(必修第一册)Unit 3 Getting along with othersIntegrated skills (I)教学设计I. Learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students will be able to:1. listen for the key information;2. know the structure of a diary entry;3. know some words and expressions about friendship and good qualities of a good friend.II. Key competence focusLearn how to analyse the structure of a passage.III. Predicted area of difficulty1. Know the structure of a diary entry.2. Accumulate some useful words and expressions about friendship and qualities of a good friend.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Free talkT asks Ss to talk about the following two questions: Did you ever have difficulty in balancing your hobby and your schoolwork? How did you deal with it? Did your friends ever turn to you for help when they had this kind of problems? What advice did you give them?【设计意图:让学生自由表达生活中的问题及解决方法,引出下一环节的内容,并对听力材料内容的预测做铺垫。】Step 2 Listen and tick 1. T asks Ss to listen to part A on page 36 and finish A1.2. T asks Ss to give their answers and asks the following questions: Is Tim not sure what he wants to be in the future? Is Tim unhappy because he has no friends who can help him?T: Here Tim is sure what he wants to be in the future. Tim is unhappy but he has friends who can help him.【设计意图:让学生自主完成听力练习并核对答案,同时将错误选项进行更正,引导学生听懂全文。】Step 3 Listen and complete1. T asks Ss to listen to the conversation again and complete the notes Part A2 on page 36.2. T checks the answers and listens to the difficult points with the students again.【设计意图:再次听听力材料,并完成A2,训练学生抓取关键信息的能力。】Step 4 Read and find out the structureT asks the Ss to get the key information in each paragraph and try to figure out the structure of the whole passage.T: After listening to the conversation, we know that Patrick is very helpful when Tim is in trouble. Now lets read Patricks diary entry on page 37 and try to understand his idea of what makes a good friend.T: There are altogether four paragraphs in this passage. As we have mentioned before, there arekey words in each paragraph to tell the main idea of that paragraph. Please circle the key wordsand then share them with us. Para. 1 Introduction: qualities forming the basis of a friendshipPara. 2 Quality 1: be supportivePara. 3 Quality 2: be selflessPara. 4 Quality 3: be able to bring out the best in a person 【设计意图:读取关键信息,自主分析文章的结构,引导学生在之后的阅读中运用该方法分析文章结构,抓取文章主旨。】Step 5 Read and answerT asks the Ss to read the passage on page 37 and answer the following question: How did the author introduce the topic?By offering a personal experience. What are the topic sentences of each paragraph?A good friend needs to be supportive. (Para. 2)A good friend also needs to be selfless. (Para. 3)To me, a good friend brings out the best in a person. (Para. 4) How did the author support his topic sentences in the passage?By giving facts and examples. What is the purpose of writing the passage?The purpose is to show Patricks view about the basic qualities of a good friend. What is the genre of the passage? It is a diary entry. In your diary, you can describe what you have observed and sound your thoughts about things that happened in life. You can be totally honest with yourself and speak with ease. You can simply note down anything you want with words.Step 6 Think and say 1. T leads the students to go over the structure of the diary entry again. 2. T asks Ss the following question:What else makes a good friend? 3. T presents more words about qualities of a good friend, such as considerate, forgiving, kind-hearted, generous, optimistic, helpful. Then T asks Ss to think up of more words.【设计意图:通过问题引导学生思考好朋友的其他品质,并掌握更多有关品质的词汇。】Step 7 Find and share1. T divides Ss into several groups (four students a group) and asks them to circle some useful expressions on page 36 and page 37. Meanwhile, Ss can refer to the dictionary for more expressions.2. T asks Ss to share the expressions with other groups.3. T offers some expressions for students reference. Expressions from the text: In my opinion, the following qualities form the basis of afriendship. A good friend needs to be supportive. To me, a good friend brings out the best in a person. Itll take up some of my spare time, but this friendship is worth my extra time and effort. Im sure that Tim would do the same for me. Ill always value these qualities of a good friend and try to measure myself by these standards as our friendship develops.Other expressions: True friendship is like sound health, the value of it is seldom known until it be lost. A friend in need is a friend indeed. A friend is a second self. Your friend is the man who knows all about you and still likes you. A friend without fault will never be found. Fire is the test of gold, adversity of friendship. Friendship is one soul in two bodies.【设计意图:让学生自己寻找有关
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