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Unit 3 Festivals and customsReading (II)教学设计I. Learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students will be able to:1. understand the usage of the following words and expressions: not all, make a deep impression on, anything but, hit, in the air, carry, line, be caught up in;2. understand the text thoroughly;3. know some country names and related adjectives;4. describe scenes using contrast.II. Key competence focusUnderstand words and expressions in different situations.III. Predicted area of difficultyUse words and expressions in new situations.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 RevisionT shows Ss two pictures of the Indian wedding and the Rio Carnival and asks them to describe the experience. T: Hello, everyone, last period we read Alexs two travel journals. Can you retell the two travel journals using the given vocabulary?【设计意图:利用主题图片,通过给出关键提示词,鼓励学生用故事复述的方式,复习课文。】 Step 2 Language appreciationT asks Ss to read the travel journals and take notes. T: In Alexs travel journal, he uses vivid language to describe his experiences in India and Brazil. Now, lets reread the travel journals and appreciate the language used in it. Take a closer look at the two journals and find the words and phrases to describe the customs and festivals. 【设计意图:深度理解文本,指导学生分类找出游记常用词汇和表达,关注游记中的语言表达特点。】Step 3 Language comprehension First, T gives Ss some time to discuss their language problems after reading.T: If you meet with any difficulties in the travel journals, including words, phrases and sentences, please take notes. You can raise your problems, work in groups to discuss them and share the learning notes. Then T invites two groups of students to present their group work to the class, gives feedback and invites other students to voice their opinions. T: Now lets welcome some students to share their learning notes by studying individually and cooperatively. And we are looking forward to different opinions. 1. I did not understand all of the traditional customs, but a few made a deep impression on me. (lines 78)(1) T explains the usage of not all and offers Ss an example. (2) T asks Ss to think of more words in the word family of impression. (3) T asks Ss to fill in the blanks using the given words. 2. The customs that followed were anything but ordinary. (line 12)T explains the meaning of anything but and asks Ss to translate some sentences. 3. Now I know I have two left feet . and both of them hurt! (lines 1920)(1) T asks Ss to paraphrase the sentence. (2) T explains the meaning of have two left feet. (3) T shows Ss two sentences and asks them to guess the meaning of the idioms in them. 4. The summer heat hit me as soon as I got off the flight. (line 22)T asks Ss to find the right meanings of hit. 5. The Carnival was in the air! (line 23)T asks Ss to find the right meanings of air. 6. The Carnival current carried us through the ever-growing sea of people, dancing all the way. (lines 3233) (1) T explains the meaning of current and offers an example. (2) T asks Ss to find the right meanings of carry. 7. Iceboxes of soft drinks and beer lined the narrow streets, and the smell of roasted meat filled the air as we passed wave after wave of street stands. (lines 3335)T asks Ss to find the sentence in which line has the closest meaning to the one in the text. 8. I was so caught up in the party fever that I hardly noticed five hours fly by! (line 35)(1) T asks Ss to paraphrase the sentence.(2) T explains the meaning of be caught up in and offers an example. (3) T explains the meaning of fever and offers an example. 9. Even as I lay in bed that evening, the bright colours and lively music were still swimming all around me. (lines 3637)T asks Ss to find the sentence in which swim has the closest meaning to the one in the text. Step 4 Language application1. Learn the words and phrases in a new context. T: Thank some students for sharing their useful learning notes related to the vocabulary and sentence structures in the travel journals. If possible, try to review as often as possible. Now, lets practise the vocabulary in a new context. Please turn to page 33 of your textbook and finish exercise B1.2. Learn the country names and related adjectives. T: The travel journal uses some country names and related adjectives. Look at the examples and complete the table below. Then think of more words of this type.3. Learn to use the writing technique of contrast. (1) T explains what is contrast and why we use contrast. What is contrast?Contrast is a method of organization with which a writer highlights the differences between two people, places, things or ideas. Why do we use contrast?Using contrast often draws the readers attention and makes the description more vivid and interesting to read.(2) T asks Ss to find the contrast in the text.T: The travel journal about Alexs experience at the Rio Carniv
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