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Unit 1 Nature in the balance Project教学设计I. Learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students will be able to:1. be fully aware of the environmental problems;2. write a short passage about an environmental problem;3. cooperate with group members, present their parts to the class and make a booklet.II. Key competence focus1. Research the causes, consequences and control of environmental problems.2. Cooperate with others and make a booklet.III. Predicted areas of difficultyWrite a short passage about an environmental problem.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Lead-inT asks Ss to read a quote of Friedrich Engels and answer some questions.“Let us not, however, flatter ourselves overmuch on account of our human victories over nature. For each such victory nature takes its revenge on us.”T: What are our human victories over nature? Please give some examples.S: Breakthroughs in agriculture and industry, such as pesticides, chemicals, plastic products, etc. (T writes “Causes” on the blackboard.)T: How does nature take its revenge on us?S: Now we are faced with a lot of environmental problems. (T writes “Consequences” on the blackboard.)T: How can we solve the problems?S: Reduce, reuse and recycle. (T writes “Control” on the blackboard.)T: Quite right. To deal with the environmental problems, it is necessary to let people know the causes, consequences and control of each problem. Lets make a booklet on environmental problems today. (T writes “Making a booklet on environmental problems” on the blackboard.)【设计意图:让学生读Engels的名言,回顾前面几个板块所学内容,导出任务,明确本课目标。】Step 2 Planning 1. As a class, Ss are required to think of different environmental problems. Then in groups, they choose one problem to research.2. In groups, Ss discuss how to divide the following tasks among themselves. Write the name(s) of group member(s) beside the tasks. (Remember: two or three people can work on the same task.)Research information: _Write the passage: _Design the booklet page: _Present the booklet: _【设计意图:通过头脑风暴式的讨论罗列尽可能多的环境问题,让学生意识到环境问题的严重性,同时也给每个小组提供一个较大的话题选择范围。小组成员填写任务分配表,激发潜能,分工合作,培养团队精神。】Step 3 Preparing 1. T guides Ss how to research their chosen topic. (1) Ss may research their chosen environmental problem according to the diagram below. (2) Ss can research for information from the following sources: Books and magazines The Internet Experts2. T asks Ss to read the sample in part C of the textbook. T may ask the following questions to help them appreciate the features of the booklet page. What is the structure of the booklet page?TitleHeadingsTopic sentencesSupporting sentences How does the author convince readers?By giving examples. Does the author use the same verbs or sentence patterns? Why or why not? Please give some examples.No. The author uses various verbs, phrases and sentence patterns to give an accurate description and avoid repetition, such as poison and pollute, do harm to and have a long-lasting effect on, cause and give rise to, etc. Besides, sentences with passive voice can be found in the article. For example, “Water pollution is also caused by .” and “More strict laws should be passed .” This kind of sentence structure highlights the topic. How can you make your ideas clear and impressive according to the sample?By using linking words such as first, second, third, moreover, also, etc. How can you make your booklet page attractive?When we design the booklet page, we need to pay attention to the art work, handwriting and coordination. 【设计意图:引导学生做好充分的信息采集工作,确保信息来源客观全面,并按照所给示意图清晰分类。通过阅读例文和回答教师的一系列问题,学生可以掌握一些基本写作技巧,如“总分”结构、丰富的动词和词组、被动语态、连接词等等。另外,学生可利用醒目的设计、图片或图表提高作品的吸引力。】Step 4 Producing1. Ss write a passage about their chosen problem by using information theyve got, and polish up their writing. 2. Ss design the booklet page. 3. The whole group polish the draft and produce the final version. 【设计意图:小组成员分别完成自己的任务,再一起整合所有的资源,形成作品初稿,接着经过小组讨论,改进作品。学生通过该活动,可以提高合作能力。】Step 5 Presenting1. Ss present their part of the booklet in front of the class. 2. Other students give scores according to a scoring table and they can also make some comments and give some suggestions. A scoring table for a booklet pageContentDesignClarityCorrectnessCoherenceArt workHandwritingCoordinationAbout the content: Is the structure of the passage clear and orderly? Are there any spelling or grammar mistakes in the passage? Is the passage written in a logical and consistent way?About the layout: Can the art work (photos, pictures, graphs, etc.) help explain the information in the passage? Is the handwriting satisfying? Is there a good combination of colors, pictures and words?3. S
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