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Unit3 Lesson3-4同步测试第一部分 阅读理解(共两节, 满分40分)第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)A Once, a rabbit built a fantastic house where he lived very happily. He had designed it so well that, when a great rainstorm arrived which flooded nearly the whole woods and the homes of many animals, his remained untouched.Soon, one after another, the homeless animals came to his door, asking if they could spend the winter with him in his house. He invited each visitor in, and gradually the house filled up until there was no room left. This discomfort didnt bother the rabbit, because he felt he was being generous. One day in spring, when all the animals had returned to their old homes, the rabbit was jumping about so absent-mindedly that he didnt realize that a lynx (山猫) was lying in wait for him. One of the animals who had spent the winter in the rabbits house saw this, and warned the rabbit just in time, shouting an invitation to the rabbit to quickly take shelter in his home.The lynx destroyed the rabbits home, but the rabbit managed to escape and run to hide in the home of another friend. For a whole day, the lynx followed the rabbit from burrow (地洞) to burrow, from cave to cave, but the rabbit always managed to save his life, helped all the time by the friends he had offered shelter to in the winter.He felt very happy, not only for having escaped the lynx, but also at having made so many friends in the forest, thanks to his own generosity. 1.What was the rabbit in the story like? A. Selfish. B. Warm-hearted.C. Careless. D. Hard-working. 2.Many animals came to the rabbits house in order to .A. show thanks to himB. protect him from harmC. survive the cold winterD. warn him about the coming danger 3.The rabbit was able to save his own life thanks to .A. the help from his friends B. the lynxs change of mind C. the burrows and caves D. his courage and tricks BMy friend Brett had just gotten a bike. A lot of kids in my neighborhood knew how to ride. I wanted to also. All the boys told me I couldnt do it because I was a girl. I was determined to prove them wrong, so Brett let me try his bike. I wasnt on for one minute before I fell off. He came over to see if I was OK, but then started laughing. That night I told my dad the whole story about how I wanted to be as good as boys. A few days later my dad told me he had found a nice bike. He brought it home and that was when I became the laughing stock of the neighborhood. All the boys thought it was a joke that I actually wanted to learn how to ride.My dad spent four long weeks teaching me everything I needed to know about the bike and the basics of riding. Day after day and night after night he worked with me, and I began to progress. Each ride on my dirt bike, I got a little better, and finally I was ready for my first time on the trails. At first I couldnt keep up and the boys had to wait for me. My bike constantly got stuck in the muddy creeks. Every time I came back, I would cry, and every time I cried my dad was there to put his arms around me. He would tell me not to listen to them and that with more practice, I would be as good as others or better than them. Things eventually got easier, as if I could ride with my eyes closed. I still am made fun of, not because Im an amateur (技术不熟练的人) or not good, but because they felt threatened that a girl can do what they did.4.Why did the writer try Bretts bike?A. To see whether it was comfortable.B. To see how fast she could ride.C. To prove she could ride like boys.D. To know if she had the courage to ride. 5.The underlined sentence in the passage may mean .A. I laughed a lot riding in the neighborhood B. I became the happiest girl in the neighborhood C. everyone in the neighborhood enjoyed themselvesD. I was laughed at by everyone in the neighborhood 6.What did the writer learn from riding a bike?A. Others may put you down in anything.B. You can do anything with enough practice.C. You cant depend on others to succeed.D. You wont achieve your dream without your dad. 7.This is a story about a father who .A. loved his family very much B. gave his daughter everything C. believed his daughter would succeedD. would like to try something new CAlmost every kid in this country has eaten a Hershey chocolate bar. Hershey chocolate has become famous around the world. Milton Hershey grew up in the rolling farm country of Pennsylvania. Milton Hershey first trained to become a printer. He worked for a small newspaper at first, and then decided that printing was not the right job for him. Then he got a job at a candy factory in Pennsylvania. After working a few years, he decided to open his own candy business. His first business had to close down because it was not making money. After closing down his first business, he traveled to Denver, Colorado to learn how to make caram
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