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Unit 3 Celebration 同步测试4.介、副词填空1The children blew _ their balloons and threw them _ the air.答案up; into2_ that moment two girls passed _ front of us.答案At; in3The teacher made a list _ the names _ all the students in the class.答案of; of4Some notes are usually found _ the bottom _ the page.答案at; of5They said they would carry _ the fight _ freedom.答案on; for.单项填空1A new theatre _ where there used to be a temple.A. has put up B. has been put upC. put up D. has been putting up答案与解析B句意:一座新的剧院在曾经是一座寺庙的地方建起来了。put up“建造;搭建”, put up a new theatre构成动宾关系,故此题应用被动语态,只有B项表被动。2The best reporters have been sent to Malasia to _ the MH370 incident, so we can get informed of the situation there very quickly.A. support B. rescueC. cover D. prevent答案与解析Ccover “报道;采访”,符合句意。3All the skilled workers have gone off to cities in search of higher pay, leaving only women to _ the work.A. go on with B. carry on withC. continue D. all above答案与解析D句意:所有的技术工都去城里寻求更高的工资,只剩下那些女性们继续上班。carry on(with)sth.go on with sth.continue(with)sth. “继续做某事”。4We had expected him to discuss the new project in his speech, but he hardly even _ it.A. told B. mentionedC. said D. talked答案与解析B句意:我们原指望他会在讲话中讨论到新的项目,但他根本提都没提。mention“谈及;提到”,与tell about (of), talk of近义。5He is a student at Oxford University, _ for a degree in computer science.A. studied B. studyingC. to have studied D. to be studying答案与解析B现在分词作状语常表示主动,即表示句子的主语所做的事。根据句意可判断“他攻读计算机科学学位”,所以要用现在分词作状语。过去分词作状语常表示被动。不定式作状语常常表示目的或结果。在本题中,现在分词作状语表示伴随状况。6At the foot of the mountain _.A. a village lies B. lies a villageC. does a village lie D. lying a village答案与解析B句意:山脚下有一个村庄。当介词短语作地点状语放在句首,且句子的主语为名词时,句子须用完全倒装形式。7The little boy came riding full speed down the motorway on his bicycle. _ it was!A. What a dangerous sceneB. What dangerous a sceneC. How a dangerous sceneD. How dangerous the scene答案与解析A感叹句通常由what, how引导,表示赞美、惊叹、喜悦等感情。what后接名词,how后接形容词或副词构成感叹句。scene是名词,所以What a dangerous scene it was!是正确的形式。
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